Amid a backdrop of rising nationalism, police violence, and social tensions in France, some young French people of African …
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🗞Read about this investigation here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c774lpge8eko
🎥 Watch this film in FRENCH here: https://youtu.be/JPBrsqYvUeE and in SWAHILI here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fo4U8ojVZrw
C’est une très bonnes idées , suis très curieux mais quant à moi je chercherai plus de solutions avant de pouvoir me lancer. Je te souhaite le meilleur c’est le plus important.
And …….. why should I care??????
I'm happy to see young people returning to live and build the land that gave us all life. Yet while watching this a bitter feeling arose in me based on the fact that most of the youth knew where they were from. For a person born in the UK from Caribbean parents feels completely cut off inside when we think about it. Where do we go? Where are we accepted? Where is home? Deep in my heart I will NEVER EVER forgive European countries involved in this severing of my historical umbilical cord with that part of who I am.
I am planning my own france is not a welcoming country
So long as the European communities are designed to remind you everyday that you are a foreigner even for those born and raised in those respective European countries like Germany, France, England, you will never get the feeling that you are part of them, unfortunately the longer you stay in these countries, the stronger the feeling and urge to seek a place where your are simply accepted no matter who you are, and that place is the place of your origin! And as long as we have 2 different races, racism will never leave our communities. God Bless!!
Excellent reporting
This is great. I applaud the desire to return back home. There are so many of as talented Africans living abroad if our governments had the will to give good governance the continent would benefit with all the professional assets that the diaspora could bring back. We could make Africa great!!
Your parents sold your soul for easy gains. You grow up and realise that your African soul matters and you want it back! Go back where it went wong and build slowly your own nation.
Nour Abida you are a brave woman for your move.
Is this the same French black “men”
that call black women all kinds of names online an bash them on social media platforms, especially twitter?
I pray my kids dont EVER MAKE THIS MISTAKE!!! I DID EVERYTHING TO MAKE SURE THEY WERE BORN IN A SECURE, CLEAN PLACE, A BETTER PLACE; I didnt want my kids to grow up the way I did. Good luck young man, hope you dont regret your choice!
Its happening all over Europe. My Africans friends in Sweden are building houses in Gambia, Kenya, Uganda and more preparing to return to Africa. Europe is not for us.
The negative portrayal of Africa in Western media costs us billions in tourism and investment.
The reason France 🇫🇷 is France today is because of the Africans people their blood and sweat is what make France what is it today, France has nothing all they got was stolen from Africa during the 2nd world war Africans liberated France from the Germans look at their soccer team is full of Africans so France is nothing without Africans.
Anywhere you go as a black person living in this planet you’ll face racism and white supremacy. Except for probably small pockets where black people are clustered, everywhere else the attitude is, “You don’t belong here! Go back to Africa!”
And with that in mind, I encourage my fellow Black Brothers and Sisters, be it you’re from the Motherland or living outside of Africa this includes also Black Americans, Caribbean Blacks, And anybody who considers themselves Black, your home is Africa.
And She’s calling us home.
I pray one day this will be realized and we can safely return to where we came from as Black people of this planet.
I am emigrating back as well. I have had it with Europe. It disgusts me in so many ways. I don’t want to see any European in Africa
@20:32,💞I knew by her surname “D’Almeida” that she is a Kriola💞👌🏾
Racism is so cruel and monstrous that it punishes you for not not being in your own country to make it prosper and respected wherever you go because you can't be questioned , Anywhere else it's poisonous because you'll be always an outcast, In France it's disgraceful not worh to try it.
Racism is
As an african disapora who decided to uproot a young family to return back to the continent 16 years aho, i have not regretted my decision. I have raised my family in dignity and with our african values. We have lived in 6 countries and in every country we reconfirm and validate our decision. Adjust your expectation, embrace the society, and jump on the journey of transformation that Africa has embarked on. This is the time, not in five years. Now!
As a United States American I have enjoyed visiting several countries (8 so far) on the African continent but, I never felt an emotional connection because my ancestors were captured and sold by Africans.
As these African diaspora move to the continent, African governments will a revenue source. To maintain that revenue stream, African governments will be forced to improve things like infrastructure, waste management, healthcare, etc. This is the case with for example Accra, Ghana. Accra has changed significantly since with increased in tourism from diaspora.
What an amazing journey we are all on, sadly I am not Senegalese….Here in the states we're experiencing that same SOUR feeling of NOT being accepted because of the skin I am BLESSED to have been Gifted at Birth! I loved watching this story, because it is such a familiar story, my cousin passed in April 2024! He was a beautiful Soul, and my Underground Railroad there in Paris, France. He was my Home there whenever I visited. And he was very privy to exactly what these lovely people are voicing and experiencing. It's everywhere it seems, such an uncomfortable unrest. I would love to be able to learn all about Menka's Dating App., and stay abreast with the goings on with the other participants. Thank you, for this honest informative presentation.
Now, I wonder if the Europeans in places like North and South America, Australia etc. also going to start going home.
The French introduced assimilation and created blackfrenchmen…but those blacks still experience an " inferiority complex" due to the culture dynamics over the years. They ought to return to Africa to rediscover their true identity.
274 Bopp Rue
Nationalism has taken over the world. Parts of Africa like Ghana, South Africa, and the Ivory Coast are also very nationalistic. What a shame!
I'm having this exact feeling currently. I'm coming back to Africa in the next 5 years. I recently went to my original country Guinea and was quite surprised about how everything has changed positively and talking to my friends there made me realize how much wealth I could make there. There is this sentiment you feel in Europe where no matter how much time you spend there, you'll never feel home there. You'll feel different and only in Africa you won't feel disrespected or degraded for who you are. My country Guinea is improving fast, like the income per person has risen by almost 1000 $ and the gross revenue of the country has doubled in less than 10 years.
the title…French Africans
Its good Africans coming back home may your plans come to pass
Worth the watch.
It's very sad to hear an African basically implying that Africa means nothing to them yet it's their motherland! 🙄
I enjoyed this. I think it’s about time that Africa and Africans work on becoming more United. I always feel that if a group of islands like Japan can develop as much as it has since the end of the 2nd world war – so can Africa with all its resources
This is the problem in the states…no identity!!!!
Oh look, another anti-French BBC "documentary"… I work in the Paris suburbs. This "Homecoming" is a very marginal phenomenon mostly from French people with identity issues. Most will come back to France when they realize the harsh conditions in Africa, and the fact that they are not culturally African.
The main reason behind their ungrateful behavior is not "racism" or discrimination. It's education: when you have immigrant parents telling you that you are Muslim/African/Moroccan/Malian/Congolese first, well… it can create mental issues later. Example: the mother talking ignorantly about secularism and spreading victimization..
The second reason is opportunism and greed. Same reason why many French go to work in finance in London or NYT. For the €€€€. But it looks better to play the victim, like the liar telling he is called "nègre" everyday. A shameful lie.
Ah yes but many will be back for any medical stuff they need to sort and some will have figured out how to get their benefits still while not being in France! It is true that European countries are finished and while there will be a number of successes of higher standards of living there will still be corrupted GOV officials and companies taking advantage….
This are intelligent people. The west has turned into one stressful experience and that’s not even taking ignorant racists into account. I am planning to return to west Africa after spending 53 years in UK. Arrived here age 8 years. Just plan ahead, try to secure your place of living first then everything else will be at your own pace.