T-shirt store – https://teespring.com/stores/wearechange The Great Reset: Pope Joins Rothschild Coalition To Redefine Capitalism …
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i have also developed these symptoms, but i did not take and have not taken the vaccine. I swear on my life im not a disinfo agent either. IT WAS HOWEVER doctors that did it to me. They are insane. Sorry, not sorry.
Wgat show is this? Why is Jeremy here?
Daniel 2:34-45 in the days of these* kings shall the God of Heaven set up a Kingdom, which shall never be destroyed, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these James 5:1; Zephaniah 1:17,18; Revelation 18:1-9 kingdoms.
Hopefully this view will generate some revenue to assist the work you do.
The great re-set is going to be everybody's nightmare, BRACE YOURSELVES PEOPLE 😥
puff & his skin suit Jorge are abominations
The pictures of the people with supposed Bell Palsy look so fake, like they are trying to pull their cheeks to one side. My Dad had it and he looked nothing like these people.
The "Great Reset" is nothing but rampant corruption and communist style control of the population.
GREAT JOB !!! THANKS 4 THAT !!! * WWG1WGA * Want to see more about Switzerland and corruption ? Please check out my MOVIE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFMkcGSxaDI
they all answer to pope francis's dragon
Knighted by the queen as a commander in 2006 too…
We can put these messages out there to everybody we know, but the people that are watching this and things like it are the only ones that care. And we are too few and no one knows what it is that we should do.people can get us all hopped up with this information but nobody can give us an answer on what to do about it.
Umbrella Corp.
Yo, that fool fa-sho do look like a super villain! Man, he sounds like one and has a name to match! 2021 is gonna be spicy!
Here's the direct link to the info on Cornell's website
0:21 why, because they're all pedos. Don't ask stupid questions.
Check out a drug called Ivermectin, watch videos on cspan
Luke is awesome!
I "happened upon" leaked pictures and videos of H.B. One shows him flashing his crotch in front of a mirror as he took a selfie. Have you seen that pic? Of course Joe is proud of him. And I guess that's what really matters in the Biden family. Their D!ks and $. If only Patriots could look past their junkie, pedophile, incestuous, traitorous, villainous deeds!!! Then they'd make a great first family!
"This Jab…" and "A mandatory jab of this." I think you can say the word, "INFLUENZA." All the same, this is a shocking revelation of blatant racism which is actually intended to be racist! Tax dollars should be cut for this university!
it was so hard to find anything about Edward Heath. nothing new here though, just protecting "childlovers" like usual.
Accountability from pharmaceutical companies? LOL. Good joke.
cola got c o v id.
I declare this debunked. Those uneducated deplorables prolly made all this up.
The police ( and i mean senior officers )used to call Ted Heaths yacht, Morning Cloud, by a different appellation,
MORNING SICKNESS, and that was forty years ago. I kid you not.
God help us all
Buy ammo or buy reloading gear and make your own. the day is rapidly approaching where it will be time to put up or shut up.
the people are weak in their stupidity…If they dont find a HERO and fast ,they are doomed
The same folks that cant figure out the bug is harmless to most,and is part of a scam..if they cant see that they wont get what schwab or gates or any of them are up to
there should be MOBS of people outside of Christiane amanpours house and all the rest cooper…Dona LeMon,freydo,etc etc etc etc etc etc
those folks volunteered
Volunteer for nothing
These old wealthy fools have NO IDEA what they are on the precipice of experiencing. Pro-tip, they'd prefer to live the rest of their lives making $20k /yr in Detroit compared to their pending reality.
40% will not take the jab. So…. Let's make it mandatory
This pope is not the best pope he is a socialist always been one
The final goal of the elite is no personal property.. I watched a lecture by Walter Veith ages ago… man he was spot on.
The papacy financed Hitler.. so why would this be a surprise.
What an idiot Schwab is. Physical and biological are the same thing! And redefining capitalism might be a good thing. What capitalism has done so far, continuous wars, chemtrails, lockdowns, multi billionaires, carbon tax, riots, homeless people, forced vaccinations and creating the WEF. Schwab is talking digital but the pope doesn't even believe in abortion or gay marriage and like most people doesn't know about the digital or 5 G agenda.
This is sickening! The pope is one of the most evil people on earth… “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist.”
I wrote/recorded an anti-Big Tech censorship song called Crazy By Design, check it out and let me know what you think: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlW439bLIqs – you can listen on our channel too
That turd needs to be flushed
I consider myself religious in a way but.. F***uck thepope, always knew he was a 🐍
This Pope is a mole
Looks like dr evil
When I see this ugly fart devil- Karlstein / Frankestien dead ghost !!! I soo seriously wanna vom!!!!