Terre Haute’s singing janitor wins America’s Got Talent.
Terre Haute’s singing janitor wins America’s Got Talent.
Loved this and Simon was right America loved you Richard
Hey Richard, How's Business? Picking UP?
So proud of you Richard .
Indiana is so proud of you Mr. Goodall.
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I recommend Immersive translate for subtitles. I definitely advocate for it too since it allows you to switch translation tools
I recommend Immersive translate for subtitles. I definitely advocate for it too since it allows you to switch translation tools
Richard deserved it, he looks sweet and a simple man. I got vote for him. Congratulations
I was thrilled when he won!!! You represent your state of Terra Haute …. if people are humble & kind like you, I may have to check out T.H. Indiana one day! Congratulations as you deserved it!!!
Congrats Richard! Same age, same music 🎵 and “JOURNEY” fan 51 years!
Very deserved! Bravo 👏 ❤
Hes so cool so heart touching thats why everyday i look for his song God blessings
Along with millions of other people, I’m so happy for Richard. He spent many years as a janitor, keeping things, orderly and clean for others, and God repaid him with a blessing. 🙏❤️
🎉🎉🎉 Well Deserved Winner Ruchard you Rock😮😮😊😊😊🎉🎉🎉
🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 me there Deep down in my village home in Africa 🌍 uganda dancing and praising God for Richard's win..am more than 😁😁😁 happy ..Omg
Congratulations Richard!!!!
Richard is my favorite of all time!! I'm thrilled that won because he deserved to win!! So talented, humble, & loved by all!!!
I prayed he would win and he did God Bless Richard now take it easy and enjoy your new bride
Thank you Richard
Just think how this will change his life Richard is someone brother someone son and someone dad the school that he works will salute him in the halls forever 🙏👍
Congratulations Richard, you deserve it. I knew it frm your first song you were the winner. And congrats 🍾 on your marriage. Go on a wonderful honeymoon . Enjoy your new life.
Yea Richard, a dream come true. Best new life ever.
What's up with the dog?
Happy for him!
I hope he’s had good financial advice to protect him from grifters and unknown 4th cousins looking for a hand out, but also for financial advice for taxes, etc. I’m so glad he won! America loves him ❤. I was cheering him on the whole way 🎉
i mean nothing bad by this but ok you won the million dollars but if you buy a mansion for you and your wife let a BUTLER do the cleaning
So happy for him 🎉🎉🎉❤
I was pulling for Richard, but couldn't help but feel bad for the young lady and her dog. Too bad there can't be two winner's.
Richard Richard
He really is this season's Susan Boyle. I would love to see them perform together. Well deserved win.🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Congratulations richard. I was praying for this outcome for you. Amazing ❤️
🎉🎉🎉 love you Richard way to go!!!🎉🎉🎉
Congrats!! Richard, and your wife! You deserve it. God bless!
In the voice turned him down
Congratulations . I know not what your next steps will be but whatever, your initisl dream has come to be. Whatever you do my heartfelt congratulations to you and Angie. I hardly ever FOLLOW AGT tnru. I did for you. God be with you both.
Lol 😂yummy, congrats to Richard.
A singer with a sob story….hope his life gets better now good for him. After all his town has done for him he's going to leave them and move to Florida……wow
So pleased for him ❤
he has a good voice but would of expected him to be on American Idol–I believe the Drone people should of won this hands down–best of luck
How he stays humble. Je got to sing with Journey wow🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉