48 Hours” reports on cases involving deaths abroad. Watch the YouTube mini-marathon, which includes “Out of Reach,” “Jasmine …
Would like to know if the "bribed the judge" issue was ever looked into.
"A future with a capital F"? What's the next letter, I wonder?
They were doing cocaine. Wow! I was right. I guessed it just before they revealed it. Total guess
If I rented a hotel for $1,000 a night I wouldn't go to sleep for a week 😅
Free to live her life in this life, on earth but she will answer to her creator and pay for eternity if she and anyone else involved is indeed guilty.
Hand guns and and shot guns are very different…
Poor kids and condolences to the family of tube officer.
Amazing research and coverage
Yes! 18:19 agreed 💯
The very first time l saw Kathy’s picture l got a bad vibe!😮 What you got to hide Sandra?
7:29 l have so much respect for Peter and the other 48 HOUR JOURNALISTS ❤ SO respectful 😊
1:56 she dead sitting upright? RIP Ms ABEL 🕊💔🕊
How come only you looking what about the others? 2:41
So, who wants to take a trip to Costa Rica? 😜
I loathe people who make judgements based on part truths.. were you there? Did you know them personally? Stop believing big 100 when you aren’t GOD! There are so many who have been wrongfully convicted for crimes they didn’t commit… just STOP… jeeze
I have been in a gun fight… it’s all bad and it happens so quickly….don’t assume that you know everything
So sad
Here you have the killer(s), but not the punishment. God will say His word when they go with Him.
I love Peter. A murderer working at a school? Yikes!
one day soon both Kathy Patrick and Sandra Ames will pay with their souls.
"Even now you're still tearing up about it right? Right? Could you please cry a little more? We really want you to cry on camera here."
"I didn't know the gun was loaded, and I'm so sorry my friend. I didn't know the gun was loaded, and I'll never never do it again." –old song.
In the second story, it’s interesting that Jasmine refers to herself as a billionairess. I would call her a murderess. I think the motive was really simple. I think she is a psychopath and a sociopath and that she was excited at the thought of killing someone and probably saw Henry as an easy target because of their class disparity. The way she recalls that evening with absolutely no emotion, or rather exactly the emotions she thinks a normal human being should have. She just can’t work up any actual tears.
Seen it
Sandra is a good and brave woman. If she hidden the truth, we never knew that who is the real killer. Thank Sandra as a Korean.
2nd girl lyin straight through her teeth
I am so sorry for Caroline… She had such a good life and just ruined. I hope Tomuyuki found another love, he seems to have such a kind soul and heart…
All I see is folks getting away with a crime. Couldn’t finish the episode!
1:03:20 "Magazine clip" wtf… clearly not a journalist. and then she says "clip clip clip…" IT'S A MAGAZINE!!! JUST SAY MAGAZINE!
After the first acquittal, I’d have left the country and dealt with the financial affairs from abroad.
You really need to set some limits to how you work. You are not the court and to sideline someone at work as that, +30 years later, is disgusting.
Life can be so unfair! How come someone kills with that brutality and lives her life like nothing happened?
look as americans if u slash a fellow american abroad dont worry about it we wont care cos we americans only care about our law not what is morally correct or not. yup hence america has fallen today america is a third world shtole
she slept with every nationality. i respect that. rip
this is proof pakistan, japan, france etc safer than korea
korea is amazing, i went there 20 years ago, and i was gay back then and lots of koreans gave it to me and i didnt feel any pain. love it. unlike other asian nations they very accepting
the one that admits to slicing her throat is the guilty one. and they let her go after 6 months, and because someone bribed a judge? what a joke…
I will say I know how to handle rifles, and shot guns. I am excellent shot with those. I have no idea how to load any hand gun & the one time I’ve shot one at a range that someone else loaded, I never hit the target because of the recoil and my weak wrist
Jasmine ur a lier …. U too was doing something or better yet waiting on something
She has definitely hurt other women for not being gay…..
It seems highly unlikely that she would be guilty. The Lucy Letby case should be a warning of how women can be railroaded through the justice system.
After this film, Kathy is done.
Kathy is a serial killer she has the natural tell-tale teardrops of a murderer all over her face! Who knows if the other murders happened before, or, after, or, BOTH? ¿
Even more crazy is the murderers we don't hear about in the United States! When my father-in-law talked my husband into a job in El Paso, Texas, 30 years ago or so, we had no idea that someone came up missing every day and that nobody was ever found.
Good thing I watched this Marathon because the first episode was brand new to me. The first episode = unfairness, every finger points at Kathy, so unfair to see her living her life for the past 30 years… And 6-month sentence to Sandra was way too short.
Second story: This broadcast spent so much time sharing the life of a murderer. Her victim was an afterthought. Disgusting