In this episode of Buzz by the Bay, Mumbai’s OG comedian Cyrus Broacha shares his unfiltered take on India’s comedy scene.
In this episode of Buzz by the Bay, Mumbai’s OG comedian Cyrus Broacha shares his unfiltered take on India’s comedy scene.
7:05 in india if we dont want to accept roast culture and dark humour ……….then why we accepting fashion , food, culture of west………its all ok that there should be limit on what you speak about other…good ethic
I carry my aadhar card to show her. Lol.
Guys just read comments .. is it just me who found the host trying to get headlines , not understanding what Cyrus is saying and not having organic talk ..
Guys just read comments .. is it just me who found the host trying to get headlines , not understanding what Cyrus is saying and not having organic talk ..
Cyrus why ?? Just why ! She isn’t the person to get your interview
Maybe an unpopular opinion but i feel Cyrus is at his wittiest best when he is the guest rather than the interviewer….
Great podcast so organic, Cyrus is hilarious.
Yes host can elicit and cyrus will talk to his hearts content
Cyrus is the best, period.
This person needs a Red Bull or some strong Coffee or maybe just a healthy lifestyle… i fell asleep in the first 5 mins, woke up at 30 mins and typing this comment.
Excellent chat…the anchor has an infectious laugh…
OG ♥️
It will take another big bang to change Cyrus. Broacha Janta Party FTW.
A person with so much positive vibes
makes depression run away from the room
The real bromance isn’t Kunrus, it’s Cynit. Cyrus be plugging Punit, rightfully so, wherever he goes.
Love the episode!! What a laughter riot! Well done Anushka and Cyrus!!

Great interview!
I never found anything Cyrus said offense. Maybe its just the way he says it.or one knows he means nothing bad. All in good humour.
I am glad you interviewed Cyrus. Wit is the sword of his mind. Cyrus' attitude aptly sums up the famous line from 'As You Like It': "The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool."
Can’t beat 2 Bg podcasters … too good you both cheers

So so entertaining, Cy needs nobody. Literally laughed out loud a few times
This is one of the bestest podcasts I have seen off late. This guy is soooooooooo gud with words. So cool
attitude. I wish more in the world would become like @cyrus
You're incredible!
Cyrus, love you man!
Cyrus will Divorce soon.
Hope not. But the signs are there.
Sad, how our so called Icons can't even understand basic relationships.