Russia is on the verge of financial disaster. Interest rates are at record highs, inflation is soaring, and businesses are collapsing.
P M I =…..PUTINs
I'll bet anyone who can steal using computers to hack targeted businesses and banks in the free world will find jobs supported by the government.
Well, better than the US with -2.6 :')
That everywhere in the world ool
how do we know that Russia's is imploding?
Who really cares about the Russian economy? Better that it doesn't recover from a safety standpoint!! I am sure Europe and the rest of the West would like to see it not recover at least until the leadership changes!!! I am also positive that the whole world would like to see Peace in Europe and Asia after 80 Years of Russian Aggression and Wars!!!
What a cope channel 😂
Russia is screwed. They are staying afloat now because they are in a war economy, but when the war ends they will have to move back to a civilian economy. Their only hope now is to conquer Ukraine and loot it for all it is worth, but even that might not be enough, especially if they have to spend years or decades fighting Ukrainian resistance movements in guerilla wars
Goes to show, when a terribly incompetent government tries to revive one of the most terribly incompetent empires in history, things don't go well
Things are bad for Russia. Feel sorry for them. Putin did this a lot due to the war. Is continuing to do so.
Retiring this year. Making $82k biweekly. This video reminds me of my life in 2023. You have really inspired me in so many ways!!
Quit feeding us BULLCRAP! I want honesty and truth brought back to news reporting!
To all of the ⌨️ warriors. It might be your last chance to join the Ukraine army. Join up now.
To be fair, this is all a wet dream. I have watched literally 50 videos in 2024-2025 which claim "Russian economy on collapse", does anyone realize how much resources they even have?! get real
Peace Plan: 1. Russia gets nothing. 2. Russia has to give back all the land it took from Ukraine, including Crimea. 3. Ukraine joins NATO and can station NATO troops in its country. 4. Ukraine joins the European Union. 5. Russia, or its oligarchs, must pay war reparations.
Oligarchs in trouble everywhere!
Vlad has about a trillion dollars in offshore accounts he could pump into Russia's economy, but people may start asking where he got it.
The only hope for Russia is throw Putin out
Mr Trump needs to stop and go to the old people's home they are waiting for him
Resign putin
Russia's economy is tanking. No one wants to have anything to do with this Second World backwater.
Too bad Trump is coming to the rescue
It's happening in only american's mind. Russia is fighting alone since 3 years. It can fight for 100 of years without anyone. 😅
Putin is the richest man on the planet who has amassed trillions of dollars from his petrol company Gazprom. Putin has fleeced his own country for wealth and Russian citizens are just now realizing that fact.
Russian economy and Geopolitical Is still very strong
Trump tries to restore all relationships, including trade relationships with Russia after so long America and west has worked to economically collapse Russia, which would end the war. This causes india and china to restore trade relationships with Russia too. What a damn shame. and Russia is pretty close to economic collapse too. What a joke.
We're going to get an ice hockey match though
Why don't you make some real news like how Russia has regained Kursk like Joseph Stalin kicked out the Nazis
This channel is just about puttin and his russia and its view of world
All because Evil Putin Hitler started bullying a smaller country and stealing land
Recovery is an illusion. If the economy survives the many years needed to recover, their demografics kick in. The losse of able men in Ukraine add up to more than 1 % of the men of working age in the country, with a huge amount of elderly in the population. That means they just won't have the workers necessary to build up their society again, even without the crippling cost of repair payments. That was one of Putins reasons for starting the war in the first place. He needed the extra territory with the much younger and viable population besides the added rare earth metals.
One could argue that higher gdp makes russian economy even weaker. Doesn’t matter how much you create when it’s destroyed in weeks on the front. Using more money= losing more money there is 0 return on investment
Putin won't cave to sanctions because he knows the West will drop them once the conflict is over. Economic pressure will only work if it is consistent, and incentive based. Sanctions only encourage defiance because of men's frail egos. Conversely, everyone loves competition and prizes. Put a 500% tariff on all dictatorships, and start free trade between all countries with free and fair elections. Then let dictatorships compete for tariff reductions through democratic improvements. A competition for the status of freest country in the world would be irresistible just like pro-sports.
Once oppression is no longer profitable, it will slowly die on its own. Then democratic countries can use the competition method to encourage each other to be more free. Because let's face it; even countries with free elections could use serious improvement.
"We're invading Ukraine at ALL costs!"
How is government spending money it doesn't have "growth"? Print lots more money, spend lots more money and, voila, growth. FFS.
does everyone prefer this voice? ill watch regardless but not sure what it is, just doesnt come across as credible, it sounds like like a tabloid voice for some reason. what accent from britain would this be considered?
I think there is still things that Putin can do to keep from having a total collapse but he probably wouldn't want to do them.
I think what we know as Russia would be better for everyone to be broken up into smaller but big enough, countries of there own. It's not a new idea but I think as the way things are going, Mr. Putin might be running out of options. ❤😂❤
Not anymore since Trump is doing his best to help Putin.
The Ruble is up and now Ruzzias financial situation will improve, especially since there is a ceasefire with striking Ruzzia's oil production.
So this video is very much outdated, already!
Then how Russia is still making Tanks, drones, proper weapons and body armor and missiles?
You don't need lycanthropic hearing to understand that this is a country having an economic death rattle…
Many young Russians fled the regime before conscription got them.
Bring on financial collapse.
😂😂😂 🎉🎉🎉
Russkis, why are you not standing up???
Is this a different voice doing this channel?
Why did Trump surrender to a defeated enemy?
Russia has proven itself a minor power at best with an economy that is not sufficiently diverse. The best things Putin could do is surrender and withdraw permanently to his mansion on the Black Sea.