Track (penned by Bryan Ferry) from the 1982 Roxy Music album release ‘Avalon’. I could show you in a word If I wanted to A …
Amazing song the most romantic album I ever have hear
Memories of a lover
Became my favorite song on Avalon…after all these years it still rings true. For an 80’s girl in NYC this says it all.
the song is too good to be true. i define it a miracle of some divine entity. but the solo? it sounds so perfectly GOld to my ears
My god
Their best song. Production sounds so layered and mint. Sublime ending. Those piano chords…
"Is it raining in New York?"
Simple, evocative, perfect.
Gorgeous song.🔥
Being in love,being in NYC,In the 80s,was exactly like the song If you were lucky enough ….❤
I'm willing to bet that when this was played live back in the day, record-breaking quantities of panties were thrown at the stage.
Absolutely timeless.
Writen by Bryan after a conversation with Yoko Ono , the song is about a dream Yoko had about John Lennon ……
A discovery, one more, yes the voice is superb and the guitar chords at the end… And the touching photos.
Just 40 years ago. We’re getting old 🫣I cannot believe that a band makes the perfect album and then they decide to separate their ways. Here Manzanera is heavenly : Nobody other could play it so good ! Great band . Perhaps my favorite.
When you climb up there that high and feel that low you'll fast yourself to do something..and feel how I feel teeching you
Can’t believe it’s 40 years since I first heard and fell in love with this song. It’s a perfect match of musical production and lyrics. I overplayed the album back in 1982 and it got a bit stale for me, but revisiting it now has been so lovely as it is a really fine LP.
Roxy music at it's finest 💎
Cambia su vos de tono, segun se requiera es magnifico
Most romantic album ever
I felt the strength of Your ignore..& the beauty got invisible…but there was something we couldn't say..with no words…like the pray..Touchy at all..like the flame on the wall…Just like You…
I love and still play my vinyl version of the 'Avalon' album. 🥰
Quite a mix of characters
Bryon and Kate bush so wonderful
Énorme morceau qui me rappelle une belle période….
Roxy Music – To Turn You On
Well he doesn’t have to do much achieve that.
His fans most certainly would agree too.
Bryan knows exactly what his audience like to hear and he does it so well !!!! Mmm 😋🥰😍 ….. What’s not to like Aghhh
To Turn You On. – Roxy Music
He’s doing that Magic 🪄 again.
Being very soulful !!! He’s doing exactly what his fans want him to do ….. very agreeable it is too !!!! Mmm 😋😛😍🥰🥰 that will do nicely, Thank You
Bryan Arghh …. 😍
Most romantic song ever?
I have always loved this song as u wish Bryan Ferry is singing this song to me. Betcha a lot of babies were made when Roxy music made this album. 👌CLASSIC
Apparently 18 of BF's former flames voted this down… great song anyway.
The arrangement on this is Ridiculously good, it’s like pure velvet being poured in your ears. Ferry is not on Piano, Carrack is… his voice is unbelievable, … great performance and recording.
This song is incredible.
Perfect song to stay!
Love the bass …great song …. bring back memories
Roxy Music. – Bryan certainly does his fans justice here with this song. You can’t help but love 💕 this song. It gives his audience what they want to hear a classic song. Well done Bryan.
Outstanding, even more than that…
My god he is so gorgeous and so sexy ❤️💖💋💋♥️💕👌🇬🇧🌹😘
Ferry's voice and music simply falls in such a graceful pace! Defining moment in music!!!