Actor Ron Perlman on the film “Don’t Look Up” and the California wildfires. » Subscribe to MSNBC: …
You’re right, Ron politicians and policy have nothing to do with anything😂🤣 as long as a politician has a nice smile and good hair people like Ron will think you’re a good politician lol
Incompetence by ca’s leadership is what lead to that catastrophe.
How about No Water
Moved from the Bolognese Appennino where the winters were winter and snow could be counted on, to Chianti. I've been here for 10 years. The speed with which climate change has affected us is stunning. My first couple of years here the grape leaves in Autumn turned to red, russets, yellow and orange. Little by little there were more brown leaves than vivid colors . For the past 4 years the dry, stunningly hot summers the vineyatrds have created a landscape of shriveled brown leaves that crackle to pieces when you touch the. The grape harvest is smaller every year, as is the olive harvest. The economy of Tuscany consists of wine, olive oil and tourism.
My apartment faces due south; the sun beats relentless on the 3 foot deep walls made if stone and plaster. By the end of June my apartment feels like an oven. I live in the dark, my interior shutters closed. By noon, if you touch the shutters uou could almost burn your hand. My once beautiful roses garden has been fried. If you step outside the heat is unbearable, and if the African wind, the Sirocco, is blowing, the air feels like convection oven. Every day the humidity grows worse. Italy has always neen humid; now, in the summer, you could easily think you'd been transported to the jungles of Guatemala..
It rarely, if ever rains, and when it does, the rain doesn't reach the ground. It dries in midair from the heat.😢
Lots of posts everywhere are likening the cause of the nightmare fires in LA to the attitude of special interests in the film, Don't Look Up.
Oil and gas must be criminally charged for knowingly causing death and destruction.
Finally a celebrity with a brain and spine 🫡
With tRump In office all this will be swept under the rug and diaper don will blame the democrats, when Florida is under 4 foot of water, they will blame the democrats, My solution ….well better not say the trump squad will come after me….FDJT and his minions
Ummm 2023 and 2024 were two of the biggest rain years in LA history, back to back.
It's okay to say human caused global warming versus the politically correct climate change.
Hollywood actress Elizabeth Chambers argues not enough was being done by the government during the LA fires. "I think it was a disaster," she remarked. "I don't think
Mayor Karen Bass and Gov. Gavin Newsom were ready.
Mr . Pearlman is speaking actual
Ridiculous ! These fires happened because too many homes were built on too little real estate, without simultaneously installing a hydrant system to protect it. And even then, in an extreme condition such as the 2025 LA fires, it's perfectly reasonable to imagine a forest fire, in extremely high wind conditions, taking over any and every effort to contain that fire ! These are the risks involved. The insurance companies are the real deviants here, to the extent that they took people's money for decades and then left owners unprotected when it suited the company coffers. Kudos to the FFs who have been laboring long and hard to help the citizens of this troubled locale. America has billions of acres of land. Why do we insist upon building so damnably close to one another, and so terribly close to the extravagances of Nature ?
Just because there's drought doesn't mean you can't mitigate ( prevent,stop) uncontrollable forest fires. I for one believe man is smart enough to do that.
Yep, we told them so. They choose to constantly look down
Very poor planning urban development coupled with horrific climate conditions
I knew this movie would come true faster than I thought.
Ron is a hot man ❤
Insane greed. Malice with forethought. Smart cities. 🌆 😢
Hello Ari how are you doing
Except for 2 years ago in April when it rained for 3 weeks straight in Los Angeles, in 75 years that's never happened. So all that vegetation dried out, in the meantime and now we have all that fuel and it's burning.