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Welcome the biggest PM in history,his lies,evilness to OAPS,he couldn't care bout anyone,only his labour bum chums,union chums,and everyone else can do one
There is nothing to respect Starmer about. To put forward to cut elderly people's heating makes him an abomination.
Sunak is getting his own back
Its a big club they are all in no matter which party they are from and you and me aintin it !! Wakey wakey sheeple !!!
Mr. Sunak gas layed his part in destroying the Conservative Party.
Get Starmer out !!!!!
Liar ! Meets liar !
Sunak gentleman, Akshatha Moorty gentle lady.
I don't think he cares nearly enough.
Surely they can make synthetic blood for rishi
You are very wise even if are quite young as a good as a states man!!!!❤❤❤💚💚💚💚👍👍👍👍👌👌👌👌 Therefore ,Conservative Party doesn't need to take another Leader Mr Sunak can keep continuously as a Tory leader…..😅😅😅😅😊😊😊
He’s still annoying
Bring Sunak back
Congratulations 🐦🔥🐦🔥🐦🔥🐦🔥🐦🔥🐦🔥
Keir starmer must resign 😂😂😂
here's the big difference between uk politicians and American ones
Congratulations to the party that blocked everything the Tories tried to do purely for political reasons and not because it was the best for the country. Well enjoy your honeymoon because it’s not going to last very long.
God bless u R S n today he is paying the KARMA…
He dont have a ego
You treasonous, corrupt, dirty politicians who should be in jail.
Rishi is now thankful he is not in charge because of riots all over the country lol
When did we vote out the guy from Flushed Away?
You can congratulate him and then fk off out!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
내용 이해 잘 안가지만…새로운경험
Thank you
Of course they get along they’re all loving life now, got the plebs fighting the immigrants while they sit back n laugh.
Ofc u support him another puppet owned and controlled by Israel the far right should really beg going after Israel as there basically controlling everything behind the scenes
They are both sides of the same coin working to the same ends, the enrichment of themselves and their friends. If you think otherwise you’re beyond naive. Nothing will get better, nothing will change.
This is a big joke the these pricks
Dont matter which 1 of these sellouts had the job ….what a joke
Rishi Sunak Go to india !!
Zero respect for both.
Seems out of spite and making his own ego rise
I’m genuinely surprised. Not sure if this is some kind of play by rishi but he actually sounds very genuine! Nice switchup
Rishi is an embarrassment lol
Coloured mps gone😂😂
Lets get him back in for the forseeable, better than labour atleast
Ive never liked or agreed with Sunak i still cannot stand him but i thought he played a blinder and was very humble and gracious in his congratulations to kier starmer Sunak has my admiration and deepest respect over how he handled defeat i also wish him and his family well
You may respect each other, but the country respects neither of you.
Worst leader for England
OMG FINALLY!!! Really hope this will be great prime minister of Great Britain. British always first! Legal, good people second. All other out
Neither of them were voted for, that's 3 prime ministers, not voted for, democracy is dead in the UK