From 2015, Lesley Stahl’s investigation into whether there is a danger posed by Chinese control of the rare earth element mining …
This woman is making it look like the Chinese has stolen from the U.S., ,, please do some real investigation.
Republicans… 😣 Get it together.
This will be very destructive to the complex ecosystem at the bottom of the ocean to our peril. Business doesn’t care when money is to be made.
LCD … Liquid Crystal Display that's not just an abrieviation….
You snooze you lose lol
So this is what "budget" cut looks like….a ten year old rerun.
What a depressing video 😅
How much money he spent to get license from sea bed authority?
We want to mine nodules from the deep to make the planet green…. What about all the species of marine life that will be affected? Aaaah….who cares! We want $$$$. Green planet!!!!!
Amazing 👏
they traded environment
MTM Critical Metals can extract rare earths from e-waste in a flash. Amazing technology out of Rice University, Flash Joule Heating. We have enough e-waste to meet our needs and compete with China if investment in urban mining ramps up.
Honestly I used to watch three major TV channels, 60 minutes was one of my favorite. When I clicked the video and saw the face of the e host, turned me off right away. These TV news channels really lost all the credibility in recent years.
That's why UFOs 🛸 always going into the deep seas…
They equipped with hi-tech and they need rare earth…
nonsens talking , world neet more CO2
Lmfao it won’t allow me to block or show me less like the other news outslets. This lady is such a walked up hack. I don’t buy what she is selling. YouTube, where the hell are the three dots to moderate what I see?
we're all fck up by Panda😅
there they go again. the u.n. they are nuisance.
indonesia has mining operations and want to process them. why not help them? let them compete against the Chinese.
Ten years on and I'm wondering if the US has managed to get a seat at the rare earth table. We need some smart, savvy people in Washington, not the clown show that's wrecking our country as we speak.
The comments are objective evidence how America’s deplorable 45th & 47th POTUS was elected and then re-elected to national shame and international embarrassment by a majority of Americans.
A convicted felon (34 counts), convicted sexual abuser the judge said “rapist”, repeatedly convicted business fraudster, state and federal quadruply indicted (91 counts) of some of the most serious crimes in a democratic republic, Vietnam War criminally fraudulent draft-dodger, infamously dishonest, Republican, Christian supported adulterer with all three wives, unfit for command Donald Trump who referred to WW1 American Veterans that gave their life for their country as “loser & suckers” according to one of four of Trump’s Chief-of-Staff’s General Kelly and three other witnesses present.
So there it is… China is the worst culprit in the destruction of our planet, yet our government kisses the Chinese 🫏 ? Why?
60 minute used to be a great documentary. Now is 100% Democrat left socialist material.
Why am I reminded of the movie Cocoon in the second story?
Im sorry why blame them for being forward thinking while we were asleep at the job? Same way Europe was asleep during this whole Russian/ukraine situation, while China was prepping for Trump's eventual teturn.
deep sea miners are actually super anti environmental activists, even if they say otherwise its been proven damages could be catastrophic. also their machines literally kills large animals like whales and all.
So American incompetence is the blame not china.
i love 60 minutes but reporting on rare earths without reporting on Kivu is just shoddy journalism