The average sale prices of used Teslas has dropped, along with Tesla stock this year. NBC News’ David Noriega takes a look at …
Democrats are crazy. They're why we have the 2nd amendment.
Elon musk needs more money from DC 💰🤑💰🤑 to Mar.
I noticed one thing about these protesters they have a significant amount of time to waste…. which tells me they are either living off the government for free or still bumming off their parents. These are the same people who wantvremote jobs to stay at home watch TV all day and turn on their computers to say their working hard for their money.
Poor Nikola Tesla, he has nothing to do with this!
Boycott musk, boycott tesla swastikar
I was huge of Elon, only recently finished his autobiography…but his step into governance has made me think twice.
a lot of democrats in this comment. ew
Like he knew the cybertruck will be attacked in the future
Rioting, damaging public property and now damaging private property. These are the values of the democrat party. When in doubt, break things.
Now would be a great ideal to buy a Tesla because it’s dirt cheap and keep it as a collective item.
Elon is a racist and what he is doing to South Africa Is wrong
Democrats angry about a successful African-American. This is news?
They have no idea what they're protesting for and you guys shouldn't support this.
Those ppl destroying the cars are just idiots bcz its their own money means they bought it with their hard earned money and now they r destroying it 🤌ppl if u need to do the protest properly just sell those cars to second hand car companies and buy new car except tesla😒in that way u can get profit and revenge 😪
Please I want to buy please please please DM me
Zeelon Zeelon your fatherland is calling
❤️SAY YES TO DEMOCRACY ❤🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙🇺🇸💯👍
Boycott all American products. Everybody wins except America. Perfect
You people think Steve Jobs had empathy are ignorant.I guess what you do not know will not hurt you.
I thought the democrats were a people of peace! I was wrong! 😢
Musk will leave White house after 1 year. Now is the lowest price, buy it and you will make profit later.
President Elon and First Lady Trump just need to F”k already! Clearly they love each other.
Fiscal revision or DOGE should happen every 8-10 years, not every 40.
I'm embarrassed. Former Democrat here.
How can we educate the far left on finance?
No good future not byu elon corruput
All those suits in the White House listening to Musk having to sit in silence and listen to his BS. But scared to speak up in case they get FIRED. 😮🇬🇧
fyi. Tesla = brutal.
Tesla's are UGLY!!! Never liked them but really dont now!
Only the dead weight are being laid off. They need to take responsibility and do better in life!
Charge for damaging the citizen’s properties that have owned by 87% stockholders. Thanks Elon for exposing these thousands billions FRAUD in Americans’s taxes spending. We are working people have appreciate it.
Lets make America poor again
Congressional Budget Talks:
Dims – "XYZ is a good program. Let's increase funding by 20%"
GOP – "XYZ is a good program, but let's only increase funding by 10%"
Dims go on TV news – "GOP wants to cut funding to XYZ"
Si Elon, si Tesla!
Trump buys a Tesla he can’t drive, meanwhile Americans struggle to afford grocery prices as our 401K’s tank. Well played MAGA. Well played indeed. 😂😂😂😂😂
what does trump care if he bankrupts america his stinking rich do you really believe he cares about the working class no his friends are all rich friends.
Interesting they won’t drive a Tesla but have these same ppl that drive bmws or Mercedes brush up on their history ???
Fight fascism!!
This is why I love my American 🇺🇸 people 🥺they stand against what’s wrong ! Boycott Tesla please 🙏🏼 ♥️♥️♥️
If you have a Tesla and get rid of it, sell it to the scrapyard
Boycott Tesla and other Musk's companies.
Tesla Massacre
Dropped 75% keep giving them cars back 💯💯💯
They prob prefer a truck headinto the crowds. Ffs
Tesla stock price lost more than 50% this year. That's gonna hurt 🤣🤣🤣 Boycotting campaigns are very dangerous to a company as they are very sticky
actblue sponsored terrorism….