Summary Via SPD: “As The Seattle Police Department continues its commitment to transparency, and in accordance with …
0:53 tactical reload
why does he start smoking after?
cop on the left shooting like a YN
Dead nonce ?
Is he ok?
Did that 1st officer shoot him with his own gun?
Somebody send this to jidion
Music to my ears
Went right for the wang😂
Do you think they got him?
I think they got him.
What the hell smoked after the gun shots ended?
Seen this already but needed to watch it again a few more times.
These guys were probably so psyched he pulled a gun and they got to do this!
Was that mist rising at the end of the 3rd cam clip his soul leaving? That was friggin creepy af!
Raw but blurred
Rating: 5 stars. Never seen a better cleaning job at a hotel.
Better call Ghostbusters
Assuming each officer fired 10 rounds a piece and the price of ammo at the time for one 9mm JHP round was $0.50, That whole shoot costed the taxpayers $15. Versus not only court costs, but also giving this guy 3 jail/prison meals a day, room and board at said jail/prison amongst other things, I think its safe to say that the Taxpayers prefer this method of saving money, especially when it comes to saving kid's lives.
Yup. Hes ded
He got dedded real fast!
He literally got smoked
I approve of this message.
0:53 his body started smoking wtf 😂
“Shots fired” more like 100 shots fired! Got him!!
What do ya got .
Reporter: "Why was the suspect shot 68 times?"
Officer: "That's all the bullets we had."
“Shots fired” more like 40 shots fired
Gives a whole new meaning to getting smoked.
where can i was these without blurs.
He took his weapons away… Both of them.
Looks like the one officer shot the guy with his own gun.
I hope the floor is okay.
I was promised raw footage, remove the blur