BBCAfricaEye’s documentary, “Our Land, Our Life” is a powerful, personal journey which reveals the story of Kenya’s armed …
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🎥 Watch this film in SWAHILI here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAjzMD2Uavo&t=2033s and in HAUSA here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfXjeEyeddw and in FRENCH here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0dJpLZZBnc
As a descendant of a Kenya Land Freedom fighter, who was detained in Manyani for 6 years, it still breaks me to see that we never fully attained uhuru. The loyalists benefited, while the land and freedom fighters and their descendants got absolutely nothing for their blood. As Oginga Odinga said – NOT YET UHURU!
What a sad story 🇺🇸
This is so heartbreaking seeing the people who fought for freedom suffering and the government is doing nothing. 😢😢😢 Aki Wanjugu may God see you through. Thank you BBC for this documentary, it is an eye opener.
Where is he???
My grandfather who was an orphan was lured into the Nigerian army after the second world War he came home a drunkard and completely disappeared the last time I saw him was 2012 I don't know where he is now I am sure he committed suicide 😢😢😢 I will never forgive the Europeans they will suffer they're our enemies believe me today they're not good people
Sarcastically, the lands are now being grabbed by our own, so sad
.. Am
I’m feeling very bad seeing this documentary even if i knew their struggles before, the pain and hardships these fighters went through to force the colonizers to grant independence to Kenya is unimaginable.
The stories of the white settlers turning the owners of the land into slaves and raping and impregnating them on their own land is never talked about that's what they should teach in schools
Kuwani must just speak Kikuyu language
😢so sad to watch, RIP 🪦 All Our Freedom Fighters
Then you hear the large tracks of land that the white settlers ‘own’ in Liakipia. In the name of ‘wildlife conservancy’. We are not yet Uhuru.
It’s amazing how Mrs Dedan kimathi lived until her daughter started settling the Mau Mau fighters a promise kept alive and handed over to the next generation until it come to pass. Those with blood in their hands are surprised it’s happening.
Africa is still fighting for land till today. It’s what we have.
My grandfather from nyandarua has 2bullet scars he told me he lied on a river stream and pretended to be dead so as to survive. British gulang book tells the horrors the maumau ensured.
Area imaging would be helpful
You should sue the British government for wrongful death of freedom fighter Kimathi.
and the Collaborators and their KIN live like kings.. Long Live Dedan Kimathi
Our colonisers don't give a damn about the owner's or let's say colored people's opinions about anything including their lives leave alone land, resources, rights….they did and will continue to do as they please as long it's fatten their pockets
This is how it always is. Some foreign army of every ethnicity comes and takes over land that isn’t theirs, plundering the resources and subduing the natives to death. Humans are a cruel species that devour their own.
But for us we payed for it and never received any other information
My grandfather was raised in a detention camp. His brother was hanged by the British invaders for being Mau Mau and his sister, who was also Mau Mau, died after getting tetanus in a concentration camp. Mau Mau were heroes. Never forget the crimes of the White man in Kenya and Africa.
My grandpa was shot on the leg by British soldiers during mau mau war in central kenya. He died 2013 after struggling with his leg first several decades.
Good job wanjugu❤
Eeeeih the tears I have cried 😢😢
I’m from Ethiopia living in United States to be honest,very sad story and touching I hope they will get answers ASAP and get compensation from British government and build the area what they did very awkward
It's a wound to God himself. God calls it "The wound of my people. As we are the True bibilical Israelites. He will avenge the blood of his people
My shosh used to take food to mau mau fighters in the forest she was 15years then she died narrating maumau stories to me at 87yrs she rested r i p shosh..
What happened to the ksh 2B(a paltry amount to be honest) that the british government gave the Mau Mau sometimes back in around 2004/2006,did it reach these people featured?,how many people were compensated?,who were they?
Coming from Mugo wa kibiru lineage 😢😢 this pains my heart probably the old man died in pain😢😢😢may all their souls rest well…. peace ✌️ to our hearts and heroes 😢
For me this story affirms my belief that it is yet independent for KENYANS
Have followed this documentary from the beggining,my dad was a maumau too ad he died fighting for his right and all was invain,,,very interesting have learnt alot
Kenyan history 😢❤
Surely Mr president does he have to always give false promises. Its such a dissapointment to our state heroes
Everything to collaborators and Nothing to Mau Mau. From Kikuyu, Waiyaki wa Hinga who was buried alive by wazungu said someone will come to fight for him, i believe it was Kimathi and his comrades. NOT YET UHURU. GOD INFRONT
The person who took all the Land wasn't in the forest but enjoying life in the UK married has a son there