A gritty and unflinching descent into the shadowy world of black-market organ trafficking: the street-level brokers, the rogue …
Only to hop back into the poverty. No chnages
Imagine the kind of shit that goes on underground, cannibalism of infants and adrenochrome harvesting, this is the tip of the iceberg!
Oh and it doesn't surprise me how jews are behind this!
He had a presence……yea slimy evil coward conned everyone to believe he was important. Criminals…cons..underhanded cunning
Seriously world !! Wtf…..when people gorge on fast food and get so fat they can't move these sell organs just to eat !!😢😢
Yea we are getting married tomorrow as im out of debt for the 1 car that you add smashed up then the seconed then the 3rd arron give her him 1 thousand for micheals roller coaster
The banks like (1 a 3) because all your spending on borrowed money now i be cause eye on at me NOW want my dad (in). Me tho out gos like all organ donations
I would have an honest woman if 2 cum up with me 🫣🙄
They drive vans with blue lights at the metre going to the whole earth signed on
I don't know what's more heartbreaking. The fact that these people are getting ripped off for their organs, the receivers are paying hundreds of thousands of dollars, and the doctor's charge much more.
These third world countries really need help with their contraception programs or beliefs. If you don't have the means to support yourself, you have no right bringing other lives into the mix.
A friend passed away last november in the same hospital that my mom died.My friend was on life suport and brain dead, 2 of us walked into the room and the nurse was monitoring my friends heart i asked why nurse replied , we want to make sure her heart is ok.Why the hell she wants to make sure her heart is ok if that same day the life suport system was been turned off? Cause i was not family they refused to talk to me.3 weeks later my friend's daughter went to talk to the doctors but guess what there was no paper work about my friend ever been at that hospital.They told the daughter that once a person is deceased everything is destroyed. My friend let it go but i still think something was very wrong with this case.Why were they making sure the heart was good if she was brain dead and we coul not save her? Be very alert when taking a family member to a hospital .My mom and my friend died at same hospital but the circumtances dont ad up.
In 1997 my mom passed away in a very famous hospital in Toronto, Canada. A doctor came up to me with donation forms for me to sign i did but made sure that the eyes or any part to do with the eyes were not to be touched. Doctor wrotte wit a pencil , eye area not be touched.3 months later i received letter from hospital thanking me on behalf of 2 patients that thanks to my moms eye corneas were able to see again.The donation form i signed had disappeared and cause i was facing a horrible crisis in my life at that time it didnt click in what the hospital did.3 years later someone told me what i should have done but the time limitation had ran out.Careful when signing forms and make sure you always get a copy. And dont trust hospitals.
I think that its 100 per cent stupid that one is allowed to donate a organ for FREE but its illegal to sell it. Many people die cause of organ shortage and others also die due to poor medical condintions when removing a organ.So why not make it legal? Cause its all a money making business for the hospitals.Hospitals charge large for organ operation but the organ is free cause its donated.If they have to pay for organs than business wont be so profitable for hospitals. This is only my opinion.
Hectors story is the horror of it all. He's dying & his kidney is out there & it's bad 😞 that's pitiful.
The problem is NO money is going into improving dialysis it ALL goes to the transplant research. Dialysis could at least benefit from improvement.
They believe superstition to top it off
It's like American culture.
@@gmanews @@KMJS
Texas loves yall
hate the way these people in these countries who cant look after their kids properly continue to have them known how they will suffer
selfish rich people
family literally pushing her to give a kidney
so many sick twisted people
It's all about the government not getting their share!
What a shame that people know that they could get a kidney in other country's, when they're dying. 😢😢 it absolutely should be their choice. It's their body!
And that's the thing with money; having a lot of it doesn't mean you'll have everything you need.
And the sad part about it is not having money for your needs will make you do the unthinkable.
To sell your kidney for a better life only to be in the same position baffles me