HENDERSONVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) – The search for evidence related to the disappearance of Sebastian Rogers at a Kentucky …
☕️ # 559
Le messed up the investigation in the beginning of the case by letting everyone walk in Sebastian's room and not doing lumional
I believe the divorce between seth and Katie and the cps cases are key
Why is there a sex ring in tn government is working with cartel imo
🆘 Can't we ALL just get along!! Sebastian Wayne Drake Rogers 💚🪖💪🆘
I really enjoyed this video Betty, I’m so happy that you didn’t get involved with this horrible situation amongst creators. It’s lovely to see your soft side. Keep up the good work. Much love
Lets keep it about that beautiful smile. Sebastian Wayne Drake Rogers 💚
Keeping the hope alive 🙏 🕯💚
I think part of the issue is that she had mods who were messing with her.. she got sucked into some drama. She came from TikTok and was in experienced with on this platform. Some of her work was very detailed as far as researching.
Sebastian didn't walk out of that wicked, evil, ABUSIVE house…He was carried out by Chris proudfoot…He's the one who had bite marks/scratches on his inner arms….Chris Proudfoot, said many things that to me indicates he's who rid of Sebastian. …
When Chris Proudfoot, said that "DOG" The bounty hunter will not never ever find SEBASTIAN…That speaks volumes…. 'CLEARLY '
chris Proudfoot KNOWS 'WHERE'
Thank you for your persistence.
Missed your live sweetheart Betty, went to sleep listening too Justin’s live .. Sundays is a busy church/family day and we went shopping in between church …
We as myself & fam loves you Betty❤❤❤
Added comment:
My brother/also my Pastor .. teaches AA/addictions classes in surrounding counties also, he always tells his class, “if you don’t own it, DON’T ENGAGE”
Good Morning Betty!
Those 2 lives then stirred up the haters which caused more hate. She had the right to get on their panels SOLELY to defend herself! This has opened my eyes to several creators – unacceptable.
Then, they held a live & allowed if not incite more hate which took away from Sebastian.
Watching replay. Good morning to everyone. BHB I admire your position on this matter.
FYI, let me be clear here. After 2 people blindsided her in her live…she hadn't said anything about them.
I agree 💯. Creators might need to consider taking a break from this case if they find themselves entering someone's live to start an argument& threaten violence. 💔💔💔
Betty, I adore baby Delilah! ❤
I hate putting this on here because ppl read comments, however, has anyone considered barrels? One has to break bones to fit in those types of containers 😩😔⚖️💚
If Seth files a civil suit against the proudfoots and bowersox his lawyer can question every person in the lawsuit and they cannot plead the fifth in a civil suit and must swear in under oath they can be deposed asked anything under oath that also could be used later in a criminal case against them. That’s why people want Seth to file a civil suit against all of them they would have to all answer some very hard questions and answer them under oath plus they seem to be all about reputation and money so it may encourage some in the outer ring of it to come forward and tell the truth to avoid the law suit. Seth could say if you tel me what happened to my son and where he is I’ll drop the lawsuit he may have success that way. I can see them being more concerns with their money and reputation
Someone told Julie Tony used a second YouTube name tonight fire thats where the confusion came in with Tony he was in her lives he had said but was blocked and unable to comment. The other stuff was about Michelle Leigh posting a video to stick it to bbq but another girl on her panel was the girlfriend to scso officer working the Sebastian case and said on bbq panel she was going to tel her boyfriend sheriff not to ever give Seth information ever again and then Seth was shut out by law enforcement thats what Julie was fired up about and wanted to report it. Michelle Leigh just kept telling her not to go real life on people she never once mentioned like Tony did last night that they were already aware of that situation and it had been dealt with at the sheriffs dept then michelle Leigh made a threat on X (saying you asked for it)when Julie refused to back down about that Then the next day Justin smiley everyone was involved and none of them were told the truth I’m sure of what had happened the day before if Michelle Leigh like Tony did say that everyone was already aware and it had been taken care of at the sheriffs dept then it wouldn’t have escalated so far I don’t think then she threatened her on X. Julie believed Seth was in the dark of what had been said on those recordings posted by Michelle Leigh on X and it was her friend on the recordings with the sheriff bf
I listen to very few creators on youtube and none on any other platform… I have seen Julie a few times but not really following her daily activity or watching her lives in there entirety but I noticed early on she was gonna get herself into a mess… she’s a lamb that placed herself amongst wolves… you can’t come on here and show your weak side… and now she’s made herself look like a cry baby flip flopper… I think she’s sweet and seemingly genuine but now has made herself look terrible… I’ll be praying for her… I think she’s sweet needs to take a break and very, much reevaluate
Betty any thing new with Sebastian Wayne Drake Rogers 💚💚🙏🙏💚 case?
God bless you betty.hope your not getting sick
100% betty
the 3 hour phone call. Absolutely crisis correction.
3am visit. Exactly from hang up at midnight. Hot foot to Hendersonville.
6Am HOTFOOT back at the jobsite. (REDICULOUSLY EARLY….)
I don't think Sebastian is far from the road. There just wasn't time. And I dont think either of them would be BRAVE enough to go back and do it better.
He will be found. Im so sorry to project all that. 😞
Absolutely love your commentary tonight. ❤️
What a out bite marks on Chris arms
Great one, Betty! Looks like we're a bunch of insomniacs 😊
Hi Betty & Delilah ! I haven’t been to bed til now at 4:40am NY ! Saw you & wanted to say Hey!!!!🌹❤️🐾🐾
Please no drama! Let’s focus on 💚💚💚💚💚Sebastian 💚💚💚💚
Sometimes having a platform and an audience goes to peoples head.
Their sense of importance inflated, a pinch of stress….. a taste of humility and quietly going away to eat humble pie is the best medicine.
Well said, Betty. Much respect. I’m gone from there forever. I’ve watched creators lied about this weekend.
🙏💚 Sebastian Wayne Drake Rogers Strong 💚🙏
Awake at 2.
Good morning, glad to know I’m not the only one that can’t sleep. Thanks for keeping Sebastian’s name out there.
Love you from West Virginia
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