Hannah Dreier, Investigative Reporter for The New York Times, shares her investigation into migrant child labor across the U.S. …
I don't care where they are from. These are children! I thought it was just the agricultural industry. These poor kids, we need to be better than this, We need to better and provide them with better lives
Welcome to the foster care system in America! It happens everywhere, but this is the epitome of it, cause so many immigrant kids now that dont easily find homes. And their own country is so dangerous for them. 😢
I learned that HS is only required to check on the kids fostered by *1 phone call a month later 😮. Talk about laxx. 😢
Good for them. What should they be doing playing video games watching tiktok all day getting fat and stupid
Prayers for all the children.. ♥️🙏🏻
Joe Biden admin. is responsible for this evil, lawlessness schemes this is pure demonic
Why are we allowing anyone to cross the border illegally! No sane person should promote this evil, you should understand we have laws on the book and they are being broken by these people! this shouldn't happen to anyone, how many of these people are you sponsoring i know that number is 0
Who is doing it? You did a report name names .. Jesus
They don't do anything because immigrants have no rights
American greed
Under a democratic administration….. I'd expect nothing less . We know the administration is losing kids at a record rate .But guess you won't hear it from liberal democratic arm of biden/harris administration.
Wake up! This is the democrat ran country we live in. These kids are read their rights and then shipped off by our government to work and live in camps. Some kids are just dropped off at strangers homes who most likely abuse them in all ways. You can watch congress (republican) go after the women in charge of most of the child labor deliveries going on
All these years of framing Trump as a racist when he was talking about defending the border.
He was talking about saving the lives of these poor kids who were tricked and kidnapped into America and smoe were even sold away by their own families!!!
And I'm gonna say it because it is quite obvious now. This is all biden and co fault!
They all have blood on their hands.
Funny how these jobs are likely listed amongst the booming jobs report and purported economic upturn. Funny how most of these kids are smuggled across the border by cartel carriers. But lets not talk about that… lets massage the story to the extreme left perspective. Taxpayers….you are subsidizing this, and you can thank the open border folks in DC. And you know who they are
So Americas government stole the migrant kids and sold them into slavery!!!!immigrants coming to America don’t even know they are putting their kids in danger. the child welfare system are the traffickers!!!
Wow so these big companies hired children migrants and american citizens can't get work?
God have mercy on us all if we let this go another day without saying something enough is enough. This is no compassionate immagration policy. Call your reps tell them enough is enough.
Send them back.
Y'all voted this administration in.
They let them in, pay them nothing, and charge us inflated prices.
Keep in mind because this isn't culture war nonsense this will become a pet issue.
AMERICA the land of crony capitalism and bigotry ! Final faze of free trade and open border’s ,tactically planning Of exploiting illegal immigration of modern day slavery for the RICHEST. This is what your government and media portrays in the name of humanity. It’s very disturbing that this is the power of government lobbyists creating a tactical eye of illusion for the power of corporations. Clippers owner Donald Sterling was banned from the NBA for racial comments ,a game an entertainment company , but you have corporations exploiting illegal immigrant children as slaves and only fined pennies on a dollar ? This my fellow Americans isn’t by accident or humane. GOD HELP AMERICA !!!!!