When identity politics comes up against power – power wins” In a frank conversation with Middle East Eye, political scientist …
Palestinian they have Allah behind them
It's exploited by the dem party as well. Bernie also warned about this, now he is toeing the line, incredible disappointment but I suspect he was pressured to do so in one form or another.
I really respect this man's rationality and courage to speak up.
Free U.S from supremacist Aip4c peo…ple?
So thats how the pro palestinian student protests were silenced😮😢
The same lies are spread here in India too saying that the just 20% of the Muslims are going to finish the 80% of the Hindus. As you say Sir in the same way Hindu supermacist with lot of money and unlimited power are spreading these lies saying their life is in danger and taking advantage of the poor and are exploited.
Norman Finkelstein is one of the foremost intellects in the arena of political science.
True … but i still 🇵🇸❤️🇵🇸❤️ no mater what
They got rid of 3 presidents of 3 respected universities, I wasn't used to believing in conspiracy BS, but this one is really mind-blowing
You are deeply insane. So insane that you can't see truth in history, you can't understand that your own words condemn you, and you think that evil is good. Being black or female doesn't mean you can't be fallible or corrupted by Marxism.
They have Allah behind them
All women, I might add
Nothing new. See Germany in the early 1900s
This gentleman speaks with authority. God mightily uses him to spread the truth.
Dr Norman Finkelstein long may he live . I was with the man ever since he called out for the Crocodile tears . Hats off to you sir .
What mattered the most to me was Norman followed this up up by saying, that even if they hadnt done that, the universities would still have collapsed but it might been a bit harder
Free Palestine🇵🇸🇵🇸 from Zion!St
You are one of the most impressive people I have listened to. One of a kind.
Mr Norman, human power is very limited. God is more powerful. Keep struggle/fighting for the truth, God will help you win in the end. Even for 75 years, 85 years, doesn't matter
He’s a real Jew on the right side of history
What a good man. Speaking the truth ❤❤❤
I never seen a man who hates his Jewishness more than this guy
A man of morals and dignity, much respect to him.
You get more insane and evil as you age! Shame on you being a jew! Gates of hell are ready for you!
Free Palestine groups are NOT funded??? 😂