What’s going on inside Reform UK? Should Europe expel Hungary from the EU? Is there anything socialist left about Labour?
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Thought I'd see how the bubble was doing – Question: AC and RS make prediction after prediction and get it wrong time and time again – is the appeal that maybe they'll get their next prediction right? is it like some elaborate drinking game? or betting syndicate?
Barrage of attack:
The trouble is Rachel Reeves has upset people much with tax rises and benefit cuts at the same time has alienated people so much that there will be little cohesion and support for supporting Europe and Ukraine .
At a time when we all need to be together, domestic policy is forcing us apart.
Farage has to go. He is a liability to the Reform party now.
Social media has always been terrible. I once asked (when I still used it, years ago) "what's a cishet?" as I'd never seen the word before.
I instantly had about 20 accounts pile on me having a go. "Ooh, look! There's even a guitar! What a [insert insults]."
The media ecosystem is now the same as social media.
Yeah there's a guitar, I've played since age 7 thank you very much, what of it
I'm not sure what excuse certain people of means and privilege will have
I was young and impressionable once. I'd realised my mistake before brexit hit the mainstream. It'll take many people much longer than it did me.
29:45 – 30:33. Perfectly put Alistair.
The hate they have here on this channel is not helping anyone.
Please don't ask Paul Marshall on to the show, he is likely to send Mumford and sons in his stead to music you into submission
Woke Rory
Far left apologist
I sometimes check in with these to take the pulse of the auditorium so to speak. There are a lot of approving comments on here which is indicative of the fact that the UK is in big big trouble. The fact that these people disapprove of "climate change deniers" and there's a load of people applauding like lobotomized seals is heartbreaking.
Let's analyze, like adults, what the "climate change approvers" got you thus far, shall we?
1. Expensive energy – in some cases removing some people's ability to heat their homes
2. Insane deadlines – see the 2030 electric car mandate
3. Mandates on innovation – as if that's how technological progress works
4. More taxes on the poor (see ULEZ)
5. Increasingly restrictive regulation – this country was a hotbed of innovation at one point. Now you need a license to have a license to think about starting something worthwhile
I am sure you are all well intentioned and I know you are all doing your best, but adulthood means getting to understand the fact that nothing comes without disadvantages and "climate change approvers" as well as the enthusiastic support for a third world corrupt country in eastern Europe shows that many are far removed from reality and find comfort in repeating what they are told.
I am not pro Farage or pro Starmer, in truth I think an average janitor provides a lot more value to society than both of them put together, but civilisations need energy and without a reliable source, you are basically signing up for collective self destruction.
I think in answer to Alistair’s line of inquiry re Trump’s technical ability to communicate so well, it seems the left generally lack and have been lacking (both in the UK and across the pond) the candidness and down-to-earth sense of humour that seems to attract so many of Farage’s and Trump’s fans, and arguably even Boris’s at the time.
Big lessons to be learnt there from the left, given how underrated/underplayed humour is as a political device; it is a reminder/display that this politician is “just another human”that you may like to go for a pint with (even if they might start a fight with the barman after 4 Guinness…).
Denounce the Salafist in Syria
Rory, why aren't you running the country instead of talking on a podcast? Part of running the country involves being able to form alliances, make friends and influence people I guess. Perhaps these are not your skills?
Rory a lot of people (including me) think you are a complete buffoon
Germany here: thank you for all the insights, as always! I do actually use your podcast in my English classes and I feel like my students do appreciate this valuable source of information. Also, I just listened to Deutschlandfunk's Interview der Woche, Alistair, hats off to you, well done!!
Yes the Democrats – and democrats – do have to communicate way better. And have a coherent strategy, all that. But the idea that they should communicate ‘like Trump/MAGA’ or that Trump is a ‘genius political communicator’ is as misleading as the ideas that ignoring or mocking him or being constantly shocked by him will defeat him. He isn’t a political communicator at all, he’s not even a demagogue, because he doesn’t believe anything beyond atavistic self-promotion and preservation. Yes he sounds great at rallies with his base because he responds to being bathed in adoration, and because he has the school bully’s instinct for how to hound and humiliate others, which triggers the worst herd instincts in people who end up voting for him and against their own self-interest because they think he’s funny and shares their bitterness and hatred of ‘them’ (the elites, women, minorities, whatever). But there’s nothing to learn from him or copy, anti-Maga forces can’t use his way of communicating to argue for any actual policy. What, are they going to think up hurtful nicknames to resist Elon Musk's dismantling of the government? Trump's an anti-politician in fact as well as perception, he can't be copied, not even by other Maga figures.
Another labour man talking down the farm when they’re going up
10:54 It's CHAMPING not chomping, for goodness sake!
Every leader of every party in every democracy found in the G20 can each at the moment afford to shave quite a few points from the 'deliverables' bucket right now and dump them into the 'ïnspirational, leadership, grand vision' bucket (except the fashies, which is just another advantage we have and should be leveraging over those sellout pricks). I know this is not what polls nor what professionals long in the game will tell you… which itself ought be enough to get your ear.
Polling's absolute cratering has exposed just how flaccid the democratic muscles, of the parties and voters both, truly became. Which is of course just what you'd expect. Let's just accept that it's run its course and demonstrate that at the moment the tool for the job is communication in economical, iterative and authentic ways. It's good for goose and gander both, by which I mean internally and internationally, yet for it to make the strongmen worry it has to first inspire on the home front. The rise of polling was highly economical for the parties, but I suspect it really did us a lot of damage with respect to the quality of our international arguments, especially to the struggling masses within the antiliberal nations which is where we should always be looking for points of leverage in those countries. I mean, they dont even worry about information flows in that way anymore in the Kremlin or Bejing. They can see we dont have any game, and we're not worth the spend at present.
What domestic 'democratic' masses, (who btw dont know they exist until they do, ask me I'm a Canadian) require at this moment is some inspiration. They want to see someone with just a bit more to lose than them walk out on a stage and risk it by doing no more than calling a spade, a spade. Not a big ask. There is what I call a "pent-up terror' in the hearts of the middle class and everyone in spitting difference to either side. They need to see parties and governments that understand that the point of courage isn't for the direct maintanence of one's interests, it is to inspire the men and women on either side of you to work with you to protect the interests all three of you share. This is understood instinctively by wage-earners yet quickly forgotten by comms staffers, in fact it appears to be a job prerequisite. I guarantee the fear exists, so let's not waste a good crisis, eh?
As for comms and bean counting both, let's see some competition over which ministry can best cut down on air travel mileage y.o.y.. Only rich people people consider literal 'face time' with leaders important, the rest of us are still quite charmed by the digital version. Leverage new media by targeting how many days in a year your minister's face is going to pop up on a Zoom youtube/podcast. Be sure to thank the interviewer for being understanding, and all the savings in public public purse air travel while boosting govt productivity. Obviously they're just thrilled to bits your talking to them. Everyone knows this stuff, they're just afraid to leap. aWe need to stop this trend of campaign media looking cheaper than the in-office govt media, it sends a terrible subconscious message. You want to make new media work for you? Stop making your media play tactical and go all in strategically. It's not about keeping the donors on board, its about competing to cut them out of the game.
At present governing a democratic nation isnt about minding the shop's books. Everyone can see that the shop is involved in a full conflagration, it'll be a week before we can even go pick through the cinders. We need someone willing to say it aloud, then focusing on the fact our house is attached to the shop and that if we're going to be broke in the short term, we'd best not also be homeless. The first ones who aren't afraid to actually go hat in hand with a call for truly pitching in together, will have the advantage. Two words, War Economy.
Lord knows there are enough stories in the histories of each of the democracies to remind us that when the shit hits the fan we've always got at least one massive advantage the strongmen dont, the capacity for trusting your neighbours. Hey, I said ''the capacity''. Yeah, the Americans are out of the game at present, God help them. Unlike them, Canadians arent too dumb or too proud to both ask for help and offer it simultaneously. Sure, we just got burned. We're staring the "D" word in the face. But it was a long-time coming and now we're all in, calling Trump's bluff and ready to take him deep. Yes, how well Canada comes through this will ultimately be determined outside of Canada, but that's the game a multilateralist plays. You can't swap strategies the moment you start taking some losses, that just speeds you to your grave. But neither does it prevent you from soaking up every last plaudit in a win for the ages.. In proper multilateralist maths, 1 +1 equals 4 as often as it does 2.
I supported candidate Freeland, so let's hope Carney doesnt shit the bed. We're not out of the game, indeed, it's only been made it simpler to play. We're still there, down a few players, sure, but Trump and Putin are going to keep working away to our political benefit, 24/7. The strongmen will eternally be doing half our job for us, what remains is to recognize it and place the levers smartly.
Why don't you say anything about the barbaric killing of 1000s of Syrians recently? Highly disappointing
Get Tim Waltz on please guys!
when you getting gary stevenson on?
The EU has 250 million dollars in frozen Russian assets, why don’t they use that to buy military weapons for Ukraine???
Lots of wonderful points in this episode. Trump wants to be the most famous person in the world, his name in every headline. It is working (Farage is similar). Politicians are exploiting the short attention span and lack of accountability (Grenfell, Horizon, Gosport War Memorial, Water Companies etc).There is a saying that a castle can only be destroyed from within, a lion destroyed by parasites within. I suspect the Democrats (who need to change their symbol from an ass!) hope that the US will get so bad, they will win by default as being less bad. They do need to animate the 36% who didn't vote. Look at this period as another phase, like prohibition, McCarthyism, Vietnam, Watergate, and maybe issues thàt fuelled the civil war and segregation not being over.
Can you explain what 'The Mar-a-Largo Accord' is? Whereas, I understand, correct me if I’m wrong, it had partner agreements, the G7 of then..etc in 1985 can it be done by the mercurial Trump beating up on his friends, neighbours and allies? It all sounds like another Trump Heritage shakedown to me.
In physics, in mechanics, gosh in all industries there is always inefficiency. It is unavoidable. Not a single system an Earth we have ever invented is 100% efficient. The proposal of DOGE is simply impossible. Not because of politics but because in our long history on this planet we haven't been able to achieve such target. Right now Musk is working on to turn off the generator because it is only 60% efficient meanwhile he has no replacement. Is it called clever? He is simply a conman pretending to be smart.
Labour won’t be getting my vote again unless they lay off the disabled (who have suffered enough) and start taxing the rich more, I’m a life long labour voter but they’ve gone way to far to the right for my liking.
Rory and Alastair are the real buffoons. Farave vs Lowe is the real left vs right now.
i quite and wholly agree with your comments that you should only engage with the real issues caused by donald trump. so say, the economic consequences, the human rights consequences, the legal consequences. the rest of his stuff is as you say, chaff. it's just "the news of the week". so we could take as an example the "build a block of flats on gaza"; no one believes that, it's surreal, but his crowd believe it and it causes every serious commenter on the planet to go, "WTF?"
oh if i could just give a big shout out to musk disembowelling the administration: if there's one sure way to kill every single little thing youre trying to do in government, it's piss off the public service
Hi, as a German I listened the first time to you. It's a good podcast and I put it on my list. And Mr Campbell, I listened to you Dlf interview. It's verry good
What are your thoughts about what @garyseconomics has to say about inequality and how that is helping to drive far right politics.
There is no world in which I believe that Rory Stewart puts out a plate of fresh fruit
I don’t mind you but the only one is evil. 🌍
Gents have you heard Gary Stevenson's view about economics. Considering a previous comment by Rory suggesting the current form of politics is no longer fit for purpose, I would be interested in hearing your views on his suggestions for economic policy.
Scouting the Flumps of Wokeness for a Laugh
Bring the Real World
Vladimir Milov just did an amazing video in Russian on his channel, drowning parallels between what was happening in RF in early 2000 and how it resembles the processes in US now. It would be very interesting to see him on your show. He speaks excellent English and I think English speaking people in democratic countries need to hear what he has to say. Please consider him as a guest, would love to see your discussion with him. Thank you
Rory and Alistair just talk about how they wish the world is. Most of the time they are wrong.
Starmer, of all the non-Trumpian world leaders through the WH in recent weeks, showed the smartest navigational skills. His 'thank you Mr Trump for changing the conversation about the war in Ukraine' was masterly. Trump only wants to be admired; it is the best way, as it were, of picking his pocket while changing the conversation. Trump's Republicans (there is no Republican Party left, in the usual sense of the word) have embarked on an all-or-nothing bid to neuter the bureaucracy, gag Congress, close down the national policy conversation and further enrich the rich, all on the basis of paper-thin majorities. He is acting like a tycoon, but politically the Orange Man is one step away from bankrupcy. America and the world seem mesmerised by his bluster. Trump's 'you will only have to vote once, and never again' last year was the clearest possible warning, not appreciated by enough moderate American voters, that the true objective of this presidency is to make the ballot box irrelevant. Smother debate with social media gabble and suck all the oxygen from the room. The 21st century equivalent of 'let them eat cake'. Zigzag all over the place on policy, so critics have no clear target. Show to television/internet audiences power emerging daily from the end of a Sharpie, rather than through measured, informed debate and compromise. Use the 'look over here, look over here' trick of the grifter (as Rory alludes to). Visit any circus and you'll see these age-old methods on display. The Democrats would be crazy to wander into Penny Arcade. That's Trump's milieu, his territory. They should remember, instead, that all politics is retail. Stick to the bread-and-butter issues, while repeating the question to the electorate: Are you actually better off now? It's early days. The midterms in two years time can bring Congress out of its coma. Meanwhile, the Democrats should absolutely avoid a simplistic 'nay-saying' posture. Trump won the presidency by exploiting genuine feelings of grievance in the country; only a bold and imaginative program of reform that addresses these concerns–– one expressed in humane, coherent and optimistic terms –– is capable of turning the tide.
They're both traitors (err not the hosts).
I think the time is now for democratic Europe, democratic Commonwealth countries and the coalition of the willing (an international democratic alliance), to forge ahead as if the USA didn't exist at all. Developing and implementing new policies with new and adequate spending to counter fascism, dictatorships, and human rights violators. This will mean ditching NATO, the UNSC, and even the UN, because their rules are no longer workable in the face of fundamental violations from within. The EU may also have to be examined for the same reasons. Bottom line: a new democratic block. Fundamental for this new international democratic alliance is not to repeat the errors of the preceding organisations eg vetoes and inability to expel members who violate the charter.