America is so partisan now that even when there’s a disaster – of any kind – many people choose to defend their own team even …
7:42 👏
Why was the mayor of Los Angeles in Africa?
One way to get China to stop burning coal is to stop shipping it to them. Leave it in the ground where it belongs.
Its a sad day when a comedian makes so much more sense than the leaders of our local, state and federal government. We laugh at both for two very different reasons.
Maher you are still an atheistic leftwing nut job. This sudden criticism of your party is some sort of plan to worm your way back towards normalcy to convince the right you can be trusted. I dont know what your plan is, but it's a plan. Im not buying it.
Love, love, Bill Mahar.
Bill, living in LA is willful stupidity.
Good to see a Democrat making intelligent and commonsense comments, very rare indeed! By the way very funny as well!🙏😂👏
I can't counterpoint a dam thing. Bill drilled it out of the park!
Mr. Maher: Just saw and listened to you for the first time. You have my attention. I really appreciate your message.
I mourn the loss of pre-MAGA Maher. It's hard to believe now that he fooled so many people for so long but … enjoy your new audience, Bill. (And please, keep up the rants about how young people are so much stupider and lazier than you…)
Maher is simply brilliant!!! Could listen to him anytime!!
So a 13% tax rate is considered high?
Driving early Prius models is ok since a car isn't a reflection of your ego. Or is it?
Is that woman made of wax??
All the taxes in California go towards keeping the bureaucracy alive, not roads, fire prevention, schools, etc., etc.
It's funny how much this highlight just how racist and pro-discrimination the woke ideology is. It's no longer about seeing each others as human beings, even if someone is pulling you out of a fire you must first check their skin color to make sure it's the "right" one. Disgusting.
Chiefs priorities are skewed. The Deputy is racist.
Californians acting like they pay exorbitant taxes. Only in 'Murica!
Bill? I think it’s time you take a really hard look at your past political views and join the rest of ‘red’ CA. You’re commentary was excellent. You sounded like a common sense conservative!
Great work Bill! The reasons you highlighted are the same reasons why the Democrats lost the executive and legislative branches in 2025.
What a breath of fresh air, one of their own realizing how insane the far left nonsense really is.
The funds priorities. ? No the wages and benefits of politicians comes first. They must’ve around 700000 usd that 150000 more than the President of the USA.
Who is the smoke show in blue?
Bill!! Run Fer President Bill!!…
The whole city burned down because the houses are built with thin, cheap wood. I've seen a brick house literally untouched in this same fire.
What about the mayor of Altadena?
California is a gross place to live
And the fools of california, had a chance to get rid of that fool newsome
Great channel for classic liberals like myself, people like Bill Maher & Piers Morgan are why I still have that last of the hopes hanging by a thread for liberalism & the democratic party, a democratic party I am starting not to recognize anymore.
My left ear really enjoyed this video
Don’t forget about the guys from the prisons in California too.
Dang. Maher rips Karen Bass and Gavin Newscum a new one! For once we can't blame Trump or Republicans for electing incompetent democrats, just because they happen to be democrats, and republicans are considered the spawn of evil!
Time for the broken clock to tell the right time again.
Why do you want a first responder to look like you??? This is so ridiculous. It's like diversity in actors as well. I heard often Latinos saying they want actors that look like them in film. Isn't that racist??? Yes it is.
Re: Cali is the state where you pay for more & get nothing…have you been to my home state of NY lately?
As a Bay Area resident I can confirm that the state’s moto is “high taxes that get you nothing.”
Reason for The fires and the refusal of putting the fires out by governor Newscum is that Diddy specified from jail to get rid of “All The Pizza Boxes “ and his mansion which is under investigation was one of the pizza boxes that just burned out. It is also interesting how some homes burned down and others right next to the burned ones escaped untouched by the fire
You have to understand the political party that runs California and sympathetically understand the Gavin short cummings. Then realize they are only are able to fail during times of trouble as they expose themselves.
According to Bill‘s logic here, only white straight men can put out fires… he has no right to call them Heroes, if the only hero he sees look like him. The implication of anti DEI is standards were lowered to hire more minorities. That’s simply not true, and is code for them being inferior. I’m done w this maga apologist clown.
It couldn't happen to a better city and state
Maybe Bill should take his new found common sense and run for mayor
Wow! he may be liberal, but he's not stupid!
The California wild fires were a perfect intro into Trumps psychotic presidency! Time for the strait jacket!