A new law requires social media companies to report crimes involving child sex trafficking, grooming or enticement to the National …
don't just blame social media. Parent's need to educate their kids at an early age about mental health and the real world
Laws aren't a good fix for good parenting. (A new law requires parents to show their children love.)
No thanks. More government surveillance is not ok
The ones they catch are hard to get police to prosecute..They dont give a f***..You can see the shocking issues police give predator catchers right on YT..You dont care about our massive child trafficking rings and you dont care about individuals..YOU'VE DONE NOTHING BUT WATCH THE EVIL ELITE PREY..I got zero answers on Epstein and even less on diddy and never will i get any..Thats for our intel agencies with the tapes to blackmail our politicians and other powerful people.
So just becase you cant see Jeffery Epstine on TV doesent mean he is not still CIA or has been replaced. You have always been fine with Twitter full of pee dough files and pic's
So sad.. we definitely need new laws for this day and age.
i was 24 ad the same thing happened to me blackmaiil is wrong
Export the tech, or we'll still import new problems.
yes Instagram is one❤ protect are children
Ty it's bipartisan easily
Ty esp dating sites do the most predation n extortion