BBCAfricaEye presents an intimate portrait of a deeply religious couple silently living with AIDS while striving for acceptance …
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What an inspiring story. Thank you to the production team. This couple is amazing. Please do a part 2 of this story. I feel so encouraged after watching this story.
This is too heavy a cross to bear.
Praying for the Couple and their children, especially.
such is life
Oh this documentary was so hard to watch
The question is how can we get intouch with this family and help? They need financial help. God ask us to help the need.
Its amazing how people put faith in a GOD, Man go to the hospital. HIV is livable.. AIDs is a different story. BBC.. why yall didnt follow up at the end and how can we support themm.. I hope yall paid them for their story
@BBCAfrica, did you offer any help? The challenges this couple faced were majorly economic-related despite the virus. A good hospital or specialist consultation would have helped that man.
Now this is an example of Agape Love. I am inspired by this couple and their commitment to Jehovah God, and one another. All Praises To The Most High!
True epitome of a godly wife. A real helper. God bles and keep your family
I am so touched by the love of Christ this family has for the Lord. They are my sister and brother in the Lord. How can I get in touch with them please?
May the Lord Jesus bless the family and all those who are suffering. What a brave family ❤
What part of Africa is the doc from?
My heart goes to the poor mother and wife.
This documentary is truly sad.
These people deserve better than me. May God bless them more.
If you want to educate yourself on how religion is used to scam people, especially in Africa.
Bookmark this documentry.
They talk about hell? There is special place in hell for clergy!! All holy books mentions it.
What a beautiful documentary on great self sacrificial love amidst immense suffering.
Christianity is a Western concept . . That works only for westerners.
Oh Africans, what have they done to you 😭❤️🩹
I am not going to lie but i could never be her..she herself is God sent. It shows her character as in how strong of a human being she is. Some of us can help financially even if its not much but please share how we as humanity can help them and their future generation. May the Almighty bless her strong soul Insha Allah ❤
This is the reality in so many households..
Misleading religious beliefs and practice are the reasons why Africans are still poor
Reine is such an empress, despite having no money she takes care of her children and shows them love amidst imense hardship, struggles to fend for them with very little income, she stands by her husband despite him infecting her with HIV and is a woman of great faith. This man is very lucky to have her, .their apostle is quite misleading though. May they find peace and Providence wherever they go.❤
This woman is a wife.
Peaceful African hope in religion is better than the western philosophies of starting useless wars all over the world…May BBC News also make a documentary based on that perspective…Thank you
Off all the terrorism and exploitations that are taking place on the continent of Africa, is this the only thing your camera could capture. Shame on you BBC. African should be ashamed of themselves to worship their ancestors enemies so-called Gods. Teacher the young gods and goddesses their ancestors history and stop the Colonization mr preacher
How did Rodriguez get AIDS
This wife is one in a million God bless you mum she's really dedicated in whatever situation they were passing through. Hands up 🙌
Me hearing that the church doesn't allow women to preach God's work is insane i wonder were its written in the Bible that women doesn't have to peach God's word such false pastor
I have had mixed reactions while watching this 😬😬😬😬
I felt sorry for the people with AIDS, find the cure safe lifes ❤🙏