A CHILD is feared to be the fifth migrant who died yesterday when a boat capsized in the Channel moments after a blood-curdling …
Safe and legal routes are the answer
May the child rest in peace
May the child rest in peace
On the bright side, at least we'll have more money to fund projects for British citizens.
The government should put bigger safer boats to help them get here the lifeboat society ask for donations, that's why now most people don't give,
"tragedy" ? Lol
The British taxpayer just saved £100,000 + a year!….
This isn't news! Just a waste of money!
The reason they are dying is because this government isn’t doing enough to stop it. Sort it out you fools!
How many more wasted lives all because England and France won't put a stop to it. Such a shame.
They had a home and they still wanted to get refuge in what is now a dump?
The migrants are being promised a better life by people smugglers they have to pay , the migrants need to tell police everything they can to get these people stopped , and social media should be doing something to stop people smugglers operating . Social media needs to clamp down on people operating over their platforms and the government should use social media to educate people to the reality of traveling so far and the risk involved .
France is not an unsafe country not is it poor. Absolutely no need for someone to leave France to the U.K. to claim so called asylum.
If dieing children (rip) won't stop idiots coming across then anyone else who tries deserves to die play stupid games win stupid prizes
Stop them coming in altogether
They were trying to reach paradise , rip
The left should hang there heads in shame because you are the ones who are encouraging these people to make these dangerous journeys. The deaths of these people are on your hands
The parents murdered their own children.
Stop paying the French there boats are escorting them over
Are we as a nation losing our humanity in their shoes I would do the same to find some sort of security and life for my Family retired lifeboatman 🇬🇧
I guarantee if the UK said no free welfare & housing for anyone crossing illegally, them landing on the beaches would stop.
But the lefties in this country will never do it. So it continues.
Yesterdays news. The news channels have already forgotten about it l.
The government has turned its back on veterans in this country. A prisoner gets better treatment. Take your fight to 10 downing street, not to some refugee camp.
if they know that they cant get in, they wont try, close the borders protect the country
The more the merrier
Disliked the moment it was suggested that our government are to blame and need to do something about it. What a moron. Blame is entirely on those who make the choice to try and come here illegally.
were they social distancing?
Wherever these economic or otherwise migrants have come from, they have passed an X amount of safe countries to get to France before they intend to illegally cross into the UK …. Yes?
1. Why does our government seem so hell bent on making us so attractive … Stop it!
Stop it, stop making the UK so attractive to them. Stop all the benefits, free hotel accomodation etc
2. What decent parents would put their children at risk when they have passed an X amount of safe countries already?
It's nothing to do with living in fear etc, It's all about having a easy life living on benefits in the UK
I dont want to appear harsh or cruel etc but I have no sympathy for them, their reasons are by far not what it seems or they try to make us believe. It's high time our government started doing something about it instead of being spineless
If Brexit is bad and europe is good…why are migrants running away from europe and even risking their lives to get away
Well then her parents shouldn’t have put her in danger should they. The navy should be taking me and putting them back in France where they come from.
Don't come!
Who would put your 'children in a that much darger
Is bloody dangerous people in france need to realize that it gets up to force gale 11 in the English channel i crossed 4 times on ferries in my life working in channel isles and it nearly sank one time the captain warned us it was a force gale 11'' before that i crossed two times in force 10 it was Hell'' i think they should just forget it there lives are worth more in france unless you are used to it like me old dad who was a merchant navy engineer and prepared for the worst also got his sea legs it was a experience ill never forget seeing 150 foot dirty waves for 16 hours because we could not dock if you went out on deck you would have just been blown away terrible '' the captain locked us on board no one was to go on deck ''i cant imagine being on a small craft in those conditions
The parents must be distraught at the loss of benefit income.
So out of all the boats illegally crossing from France to the UK, the one that sinks has children on it? Because 99% of the ones shown on TV being "escorted" in are full of men!
How to sum up the media in this country in one word. Go!
These are grown people putting their kids in boats they know the risk.
The UK government encourages them you don't see people flocking to Pakistan do you ? They wont stop in France they want more than France offers not safety but money.
when Mateo Salvini banned the illegal crossings it was the year with the least amount of deaths. Tough love saves live
I hope their parents feels terrible for putting their children through this and essentially killing their own kids to come all the way to the UK to live off the state. If they were really fleeing tyranny they would have settled somewhere along the way. The only reason to continue the journey to Britain is greed
Amazing how you can identify these missing people but can't identify those that make it
The kids dying is a tragedy but is Britain to blame no the parents are to blame they were in a safe country and those kids were safe and they must of had money as they paid smugglers yet they risked the lives of those children for what a free money and a house. Your job is to protect your children not to be the ones putting them in danger.
Media lies
well done lefties you wanted this! you wanted these boats now hang your head in shame!
Are the french border patrol NOW going to be prosecuted. They are being paid to prevent this … Are they not accessory to murder or manslaughter ..
Lmfao where's all the coverage for our own missing and dead?