USA TODAY Investigative Reporter Gina Barton and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel explore how the media and police handle …
Was the crossing guard ever interrogated ?
The teacher defending the mom says a lot, teachers see the parents and children day in and day out, if the mother had ill intent in any way or was mistreating the child the teacher most definitely wouldn’t have spoke up for her so yall gotta stop, in this case I don’t think the mom knows anything. Now that Bradley sisters case, that mother knows more, nothing makes sense.
It’s so funny they did all this for Elizabeth when Alexis was just as important tf outta here they always seem black kids as runaways that’s a fact
So, if the school is so close to your home, why didn't you go and collect your 7 year old baby from school? What were you doing that was more important? My sympathy lies with your baby. God alone knows what she was subjected to whilst you were at home doing what?
I guess the reporter meant that blonde is perceived as beauty in the eyes of SOME people because let’s be clear it’s NOT for everyone. I agree that this prejudice is a hindrance in order of importance and exposure to missing BLK people. The media is trash and so are prejudice people.
what happened
@MakeyoutubeGreatagain1 I'm not surprised I always thought So …
Modlitwa. Święty Antoni dopomóż tym służbom odnaleźć dzieci zaginione. Mi gestapo nazistowska grupa handlarzy dziećmi wpadli do mieszkania. A jak dziecko zaginie to nie ma mądrego. Satelity, komórki, kamery. Nie chce się. wola siedziec w Dunkin donuts i przychodzić do domciu kraść dzieci.
SOMEONE SAW what happened to Alexa
Blacks are most wanted and desired people
You can't trust police's
Don't trust that DNA test
Government is controlled by devils evil power
The systems is beyond repair
Hoping your beautiful daughter come home soon🙏🖤🖤🖤
I just watched a 12 yr old local video about this. Mom looks guilty af. Im sorry for the bias and Im sure its true but there was something bunk with that lady.
I'll never understand why parents don't walk there children to school or drive her to school. I blame the mom. She was very lazy not to make sure her child got to school safely. 🤐
Beautiful is used loosely 🙏🏾💕
We d sack gif missing know body knew the police never advertised her sad
The stepdad walked her to school. I doubt it they had something to do with it.
America is evil 😢
they weird !!!!!!
Why did the lady decline, if she wanted to solve the case?
Ayanna isn't telling the truth 😔🤦🏼♀️
Y'all can be stupid if you want her Mother had everything to do with this
So has Ayana changed her mind about being convinced that “Lisa miller” is her daughter?
The city of Milwaukee FAILED Alexis first and foremost, then her mother and the rest of the family. Had they not been putting all their attention and manpower on the mother and the stepfather, perhaps she would've been found. I dont know a 7 year old who is mature enough to decide to run away from home. It's so sad that race plays a role in the way missing people are covered in this country. Prayers for this mother and ao many other parents and families of missing people who were and still are being denied justice.
Mi remember this story the stepfather didn't walk her to school why wasnt he a suspect at first he was the last one with this child.she was fell in so many way.they why he overdose guilt was eating his sorry ass up.
Who was the crossing guard that the step father handed her to? That could of been an easy verification to confirm he did hand her off. Also, what time did he drop off her brother to the school? No one at the brother school could verify that he was dropped off at this time to confirm he dropped his step daughter off? Alexis was also confirmed to be talking to a stranger women at the school on multiple occasions and that last has never been confirmed. A man was reported weeks before to the police of trying to kidnap a kid from the same school. The police dropped the ball on this one early on in the investigation. Im not sure why people continue to accuse the mom with no proof and with her full cooperation
They found Alexis. Now time to do DNA.
Not folks in the comments section blaming the mom
The husband
So black girls or strong the white Girls
Alexis is beautiful and her smile lit up the room and the school should have called the Mom when she did not arrive at school. Back then there were no ring cameras either. Angel Baby.
This was sad 😢😢😢😢
The mom did it
Lord be with the mom. There should be movie. What is the update.
Smart case got a movie
Beautiful child ❤.
I honestly think the only way the truth will ever be known, is if the Mom decides to tell the truth finally.
The mom knows more than she is telling and the stepfather was the major key to Alexis but he is dead.
I think the step father whose now dead of an overdose had something to do with it
This lady is absolutely right!! They don't care about black woman. So we gotta be our own you know what……
Why is the teacher crying , and the mother isn’t 😳
Meanwhile the step sister said the mom was very abusive to Ayanna.
It very sad that when African Americans kids goes missing we did not see Alexis Patterson on CNN or other news stations. When a caucasians goes missing everyone is talking about it. A 7yrs old DO NOT runs away. They cannot even take care of them self. People so dumb. They fail this baby in all ways.
There’s a video surfacing around of a young lady saying she’s Alexis patterson
So sad 😢
I Swear I seen this Girl in the Nortend of Sarasota Yesterday evening at about 7pm
❤Black & Missing
Our family truly miss us
Fore them it’s to much to truly bare
We just need your help
It will show you really care
Fore It’s so many of us missing
It seems some don’t really care
To them we’re not important
For others to see or be aware
Please 🙏🏾 open up your mind
To this mess that’s all around
It more people of color missing then you think
We all just want to be found.
May God be with all those that our still missing.
May they be found and brought home safely…..🙏🏾🥰🙏🏾