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I'm very sadden about this little Boy's Death …I took another look at the Park where Maddox and his Father and who else was with them.That so called Park was dangerous with a big Lake and Rivers and nothing ,but Wilderness to take a Specail need Child who hade Autism and let him run ahead 30 to 40 feet ?! What was the Father thinking ?! If this Child would of been on a School Trip and that would hade happen ….somebody would of been now in Jail …Accident or not ! People who have Daycares and they neglect the Attention to the Child and something bad happen …they get prosecuted and go to Jail ! SO ,WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO THAT FATHER NOW ..don't tell me nothing !? RIP little Maddox,your Soul is Free and Safe to run around in the Kingdom of Haven !
Have mercy LORD😢😥
I just seen this in facebook just now and soon as I seen it I said this has the father written all over it
I felt the Pastor's frustration…..Glad she came forward. Praying for this child to be found safe
You have to keep both Eyes on your Kids ,especially when you outside like a Park in this Case ,but to have a 6 year old with special needs like Autism ….what was the Parents thinking.?…..there is no Way my 6 year old would out ran me …..I raised 2 Girls and 2 Boys and I'm a Woman !! …No ,Way !
I think it would be helpful to the public if they knew what the father and the father's friend looked like since they were the ones last seen with Maddox in the park.
I just watched the press conference. The mother couldnt even manage to let 1 tear drop. Them parents did something to that baby!
This story doesn't sound right. They need to look into that father further. A special needs child went missing while he was with TWO adults???? Wtf was they doing? Smoking crack?? How both of them lose sight of him? How fast was he running? He must be part road runner. This story stinks of BS!
I hope they find him asap i just hope it's nothing fishy about these ppl my opinion
I hope and pray his found safe and soon !!!🙏🏼 i remember when my daughter was small we were at a small mall that was close by navy pier ! And we were going get lunch for kids and all suddenly i look to ask my daughter something she was 3 1/2 years and i didnt see her i promise for the next like 10 minutes or less my mind was blown away i thought i never see her again we call security etc ! I keeped thinking maybe she walked out what if she fell in water ! Got taken by sicko or kidnapped it was horrible the feeling my whole world had just fallen apart then i seen my older daughter with my mom they went looking for her she was with security ! Thank god i was able to breath again ! The mall was so packed she been walking next to me and all suddenly she lost me ! So my point of saying this i can imagine the horrible feeling this lil boys parents family are feeling !!!
I think the parents set that baby up for money. Whyyyyyyy would they LET that non verbal baby just Run in an area around Water that is Known for having sink holes and such……I just don't understand! Irresponsible!!!!! Period!!!
they need to check that water..they are crazy about water… ponds, lakes, anything with water…..
this hit a major nerve… my six year old son is autistic and non verbal as well….. they are drawn to water….. it's something about water they love… praying he's found safe……😢
This is so sad my son is autistic and never became verbal until he was 7 years old it must be so hard for his parents 💔💔
This dear sweet baby boy I'm praying they find him!! 🙏💙🙏💙👟🙏🙌💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙please lord lead the police in the direction of this baby
What a cute little guy. I hope they find him but I have a very bad feeling about the whole thing:((
Beach beauty you're the real MVP because you always stay on top of the missing persons cases.. getting the information out… whether they're kids or adults
Prayers for Maddox
This is suspect. …i hope he is okey …
I think it's weird that his parents haven't publicly said anything… but I respect that they want privacy… The news hasn't mentioned his mom either, they only talk about the dad… I am from Charlotte and Gastonia isn't far from me
I am Praying with you Beach Beauty for them to find Maddox.