Every 40 seconds a child goes missing in the United States, and a family’s life is changed forever.
Thank you Trump for saving the children.
Start investigating the cops and all their equipment and undercovers especially. Look into local government and medical research clinics and centers.
Crystal haag returned in 2018 she is alive..
Cloaking technology is perfected and used domestically for black ops. What is the likelihood of rogue agents in federal or military cults (such as Aquino's Temple of Set) having access to classified technology and using it to 'practice' their 'religion'?
This 🌐full of hate I'm praying for them all
*It should be mandatory that local media cover missing children. For no less then one week straight.*
*No matter what the circumstances are surrounding the disappearance!!*
*Only then, will we start finding these missing babies & bring them home.*
Since Shawn Hornbeck, Elizabeth Smart, Jaycee Duguard, Amanda Berry, Gina Dejesus, and Michelle Knight were found alive, maybe it'll be this girl's (or should I say young woman by now) to be found alive and reunited with her family.
slenderman… why do you make this?
Morgan nick at 2:22 ):
Madeline mc cann
The missing will one day be found and the guilty held accountable.
Please,find everyone!
If Elizabeth Smart, Shawn Hornbeck, Ben Ownby, Carlina White, and Jaycee Dugard was found alive, Maybe It'll Be All The Missing Girls (Including the McCaan Girl, Morgan Nick, and Lindsey Baum) and Boys will be found Alive and reunited with their Familes.
Never lose hope ever
The Government has been tracking these mysterious dissapearances from homes without signs of theft or B&E. They keep these facts hidden. The truth about this was exposed during the interrigation of the occupants from the Roswell Incident. There are many that happen as you say but the facts I know about will probably never be released to the public. You have to have clearence and work in the right pace to know about this.
I got here from a Slenderman video… Wow… That's disturbing and terrible… :/
this is very related to slenderman
The White House recieve a report each year that shows that 2.5 million children dissapear from the US alone each year and are never found. Many dissapear from their homes with no sign of breaking and entering nor signs that they left the house. These are Abductions and the Government knows who is doing it. Check out Phil Schneiders Lectures for more info on who is stealing these children. A ship with thousands of childrens body parts was found and they don't want people to know..
How frightening to know that every 40secs…a child goes missing..worse still absolutely NO closure for the familys when they are not found… heart breaking.
Crystal Hag= would today be 28 years old.