At Wednesday’s House Judiciary Committee hearing, lawmakers marked up the Ending Political Prosecutions and Executive …
The argument is just DemocRATs and I Repub fighting back what the ??!! Repubs have no time to squash all the crazy bogus corrupt mouths of the DemocRATs I don’t understand how the Dems are all blah blah blah and Repubs do not defend our President 😤 bye
Why was Biden not indicted? Why was Hillary not indicted.? Democrats should shut up. Tell us the names of politicians who spent 17 million of tax payer dollars on hush money payment? You keep showing justice is not equal. So shut up. Democrats have no credibility.
As a female independent voter, I followed these cases. I was appalled and this is what made me decide to vote for Trump.
How about removal and dismissal of Jamie Raskin? That would be great!!!
i truely believe that raskin and coleman are determined to prosecute trump 10 years after he is dead and burried after he serves his 4 years plus when his time is up here on earth and the 10 years after . they just wont let it go.
someone please get rasking out of congress and behind bars
"Corn Pop was a bad dude." – joe biden
Why has not the White House counsel, who evidently were involved in the influence four cases, being questioned by Congress?
We all know that Biden cheated on the election and you still haven't told me how he got more votes then the amount of voters in some states.
I heard Trump say be peaceful, by the way,why did the cops let those people break the window???
Does this guy really believe what he is saying, let's not bring up the Russian collusion that they actually tried to impeach him on!
COSTS to public
I think this law sounds better than what's been going on,at least he would get a fair hearing. Not a prejudice one!
By the way, keep stilling from Americans and take care of every other country but our own!
O, it's OK to take Trump to court but Hilary gets a free run and hide hunters laptop!
What is Jamie on?
No one should be able to grant immunity other than the court of law no matter what other titles or so called powers are granted to anyone else.. all corruption is what is going.. in god we trust.. not these people i hope
Trump has been a criminal and conman his entire life.
The president gave his power to an South African DEI hire
If i am not mistaken the president is the law in a fair democratic election?
Only Congress can act on d ANY act
"Any" Act
D questioning of d rigged votes,is an official act.
It was a pre-meditation INTENT n oushed thru w it.
That is what you r doing, saying multiple times to make it sound TRUE
What is wrong in looking for d 11,+ votes.
Did Trump say, cheat for me n, create a false 11,+vptes.
D hush money case is way beyond its statute or prescribed period.
What happened to "states rights" ? It seems like still another example inconsistency of both parties but especially the former republic party. He led the cases against Citizen Trump. Once again anyone going against Trump is BAD, anyone like the unqualified and crooked judge in the Maralargo who belatedly delayed the trial so that Citizen Trump could become President of the US is good.
ONE ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW except Donald Trump. Mr Fry please get your facts straight. Cry me a river, Donald Trump, a convicted felon who could not even get an interview at most companies was so poorly treated. Even if he was not guilty of anything, his behavior in the courts would have resulted in jail time! Lies, lies, no proof just opinions. The US does not want a KING! Who said or believes the federal court is less political is either uninformed or lying. Given the behavior of members of the former republic party I cannot help but lean toward lying!
The democrats have lost there minds and they deed to read to the constitution cause they know nothing about it
Democrats should be told to explain what the “34 felonies” Trump was convicted of actually were! Those 34 ‘felonies’, which for anyone else would have been one misdemeanor charge, if even that, was created by dividing his repayment to his lawyer up into 11 felonies because Trump received 11 monthly bills from his lawyer, then 11 felonies because Trump’s Secretary listed those 11 bills from his lawyer on Trumps private books as legal fees, the last 11 felonies were due to his secretary paying 5hose monthly bills! The last felony was a drop down menu of federal felonies, added by the judge during jury instructions, allowing each juror to pick whichever final felony they chose! No need for an unanimous decision by the jury! Trump was given zero ability to defend himself against this final charge! So what would have been at most a misdemeanor for anyone else became 34 felonies! On top of all that nonsense, the judges daughter, a Democrat fund raiser, using the case her father was involved in, raised almost 100 million dollars for Democrats!
The 3 elections before Joe Biden averaged a total of 128 million votes. The 2020 election had 158 million votes. 3 million more than the 2024 election. JOE Biden got the most votes of any President in History. And he's the WORST President in History. The people have every RIGHT to assume the 2020 election was RIGGED. Especially when you consider all the mail-in ballots due to Covid. 😮
"How many of you think Mike Pence should NOT be prosecuted for denying a President's order?" ONLY 1 person. THAT tells you all you need to know about the hatred that is shared among government officials.😮No county can function this way.
You can't say Donald Trump inflated the value of his property to get a Bank Loan if the Bank approved the Loan and isn't contesting the value of his property. Cased Closed. JERRY NATLIER LOSES.😮
Democrats jury
We didnt vote him in, he cheated to win the election
Ruskin and Goldman are both so crooked that they should be kicked out of congress! They are sickening.
They should add future presidents because they could pull this to prevent a candidate from running or getting voted in.
Those convictions were bogus and they know it😂😂😂
Hey because he committed crimes in New York and look how early he announced his presidency they couldn't prosecute him while he was president you people are out of touch with reality.
When will be they sued ????
When will they facing jaill time ???
😡😡😡😡😡🤡🤡🤡🤡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡🤡😡😡😡😡😡 1:32
Look at these criminals these are the people that are stealing your tax dollars through fraud an inside trading not to mention all the kickbacks, look at their faces they even look guilty. People can’t even look into the camera. And then trying to solve a problem they created kind of ironic.
The corruption the fraud goes so deep, the whole system is corrupt and fraudulent down to the spoons and the forks..
Even though Donald Trump did an insurrection but he still got through which makes no sense because that makes him not be able to be president again because of the interaction which baffles me how did you get past that It’s in the 14th amendment