LBC caller believes Donald Trump’s Gaza takeover might be a veiled attempt to take control of Gaza’s huge offshore natural gas …
Not just the access to potential resources are relevant, but also as a military hub. Especially now that further cooperation between the EU member states and the US is at least questionable.
The gas isn't worth that much overall. $5 to $10 billion. Now that Gaza needs hundreds of billions to rebuild it is hard to imagine this is much of a reason. But then, he isn't very bright and wants to sell off resources as much as he can.
He wants to expand israhell and force us to bow down to putin and Netanyahu, colonizers
I bet he wants the Suez canal
The US national debt is $36T. How's he going to 'buy' Gaza?
They don’t want the palastines to become rich like the Saudis if they found oil/gas
He doesn't want it, nobody wants it. We just have to do something…
Ukraine exports 70% of the worlds wheat and grain. Any similarity?
If every American asked themselves is Trump a conartist if they were honest to themselves they would say yes yet they still voted for him because the alternative was even worse
America doesn't own anything Trump is a liar America doesn't own anything
People should be asking why Trump is sending a real estate person over to do some dealings with peace or whatever, more like to figure out what land Trump wants in exchange for helping Putin annihilate Ukraine. Most likely Trump still wants to do his Trump Tower near the golden domes he loves so much, and loves Putin also
Minerals for batteries?
Bang on!
Same for Canada. He wants our resources, water and especially northern shipping lanes
Just like Vietnam 🇻🇳
Makes sense
what do you mean Trump ? the land would go to israel, not Trump
Civilization 101.
He needs to take his dog home, it’s getting a bit rowdy.
Duh. The Romans said it well – "Cui bono?"
This lady speaks common sense. Alas, it isn't all that common anymore.
Probably wants it to spike attacks on us soil forcing us to be dependent on our government and the military
Trump don't want the land.
In Ukraine was found a lot of oil that potentially could have made Ukraine the biggest provider for EU countries.
That's why Putin have started this war.
And the deal of Trump is that he gets that land in exchange of peace.
It's just imperialism and colonialism once again.
We are living in a movie. And there’s only two distinct groups of people in it. Those who think they know it all, and know nothing; and those who know nothing and know it.
Dump the Trump, the guy is a political gangster, and we won't take it.
Look, any politician or world leader always has an angle. Simple as that, regardless of political beliefs. What's in for us, that's it.
Apart from the fact that everything she said is spot on, gas is measure in cubic metres, not tons.
Well why has the war been going for centuries? For LNP which was not used thousand of years ago. Try better to get a conspiracy theory, this was used for Iraq, Iran, Saudia Arabia, and others.