100 years after the birth of William F. Buckley Jr., “American Impresario” author Lawrence Perelman discusses their friendship, …
Rush Limbaugh had tremendous respect for Mr. Buckley. Good program.
I'm not a subscriber to the publication that Buckley founded "The National Review" but that magazine feels like it's more interested in staying in business than standing on principle. It regularly goes back in forth between lauding Trump and only meekly complaining about his policies, actions and personal behavior. The bulk of the magazine's subscribers( they're the only ones permitted to comment on features that appear online) are obviously Trump supporters. So many of its regular contributors from Kevin Williamson to Jonah Goldberg to David French to Mona Charen have either stopped contributing on their own or have been discouraged from contributing. Buckley could be pretty wishy washy and I have a feeling the magazine under his leadership would be as disappointing as it is under Rich Lowry's. Bill Kristol's "Weekly Standard" took a hard line against Donald Trump and lost so many subscribers that it went out of business. NR editors and writers faces a dilemma; do they sell out to the MAGA crowd or do they stand on principal and quickly disappear from public view.
No truer statement ever made about Macalester College in Minnesota. Bluest of the Blue state of MN.
(suggestion: search for a longer (audio only) version of the interview in this video (specifically one named "Author Lawrence Perelman looks back on his friendship with William F. Buckley Jr."))
So at what point will friendships end? At what point did friendships end in 1861 in our country or 1938 in Germany? We are not living in 2008 anymore. We are on the brink of going the way of Hungary when Victor Orban came to power. The handwriting is on the wall. Reagan isn't president nor is George W Bush. We're way past that.
Thank you, Margaret.
Women need return to more modest dress. Sitting across from a man like that is unprofessional and inappropriate.
Buckley lead directly to Reagan, Bush, and Trump – he and his ilk ruined this country by demonizing liberalism – conservatives think they are so smart, and it sucks for the rest of us
"Politics is my vocation, not my avocation." -William Buckley Jr.
That was great. I so enjoyed the discussion of having friends with different opinions. Its just an opinion. It doesn't define the person.
Buckley is a true legend of public television. #FiringLineShow
Hot & Sexy Margaret
There goes my quest to give up buying books for Lent 🙂
Smart people. Need all we can get.
When did stay at home mom's get replaced by working from home government moms?
And how will anyone know when they've lost their jobs?