After a teenager is strangled and buried alive, her family takes on the fight to keep her convicted killers behind bars. “We’re her …
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He came from a broken home. That should've been the red flag right there to brake it off ASAP.
I can’t imagine your precious daughter’s live shinning and turning into a beautiful creation just for two monsters to take it all away..
I can never understand why people do such things.
why anyone lives in California is beyond me….these two should never see the light of day again.
Both of those fools are killers, both need to spend the rest of their worthless lives in jail!
Gotta love California for doing what they can to help murderers.
Don't let them out. He wil do it again. But more wiser ,🙏💚 amen she woz purity an not far
I need a warning when u do that flashing stuff 48 hours. Jesus.
Oh wow Christine looks just like her mom
They both planned and carried it out together period!!! They are both evil 😈
One day they will get out. Parents mistake was letting him have a key to their home i would imagine they allowed him to stay the night as well. She was seventeen. Sad story. Sounds like she had to much freedom. I'm sure the dark headed girl add to the story.
“I’ll be there with my cane” 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
his fake crying that he was scared but no tears n immediately talking normal….just a simple sociopath
CA law changes – what that state puts victims through – it's horrible!
48 Hours should have more graphics than the same old pictures, featured 10 or 20 times in the same episode.
Parents should never be too trusting of a partner of their 15 year old daughter. I'm sure their kindness and close knit family unit embracing him, and allowing him unlimited access to their lives, added a sense of entitlement to his already twisted and dysfunctional character.
He became obsessed and clearly desperate to conceal his abandonment issues too, and his brain went into overdrive.
He and Brandon both had a toxic chemistry that was fuelled by jealousy and hatred, and Justine seemingly naively left that evening, for whatever reason, trusting them not to harm her… Little did she know.
The relationship between Danny and Justine appeared a much more mature one than that of regular teens, perhaps she was more adult in her bahaviour than most, and was given a lot of free reign to explore relationships. Danny clearly felt he had a ownership of her in some way, and controlled that unity. It's always interesting to understand the triggers, dynamics and variables of these crimes, and how these young women are so coerced into maintaining friendshios/ relationships with dark characters.
Her parents were very naive allowing him to sleep over and have such access to their daughter.
I'm glad she got justice, and they are behind bars.
If the family persisted on trial, both would have gotten life in prison without parole easily
Unless you're just stepping out of a shower, you're probably going to have trace elements of DNA under your fingernails. There would be many innocent reasons for this- the defendant would have to explain what his innocent contact was though. As far as the autism defence goes, both of my children have autism and they HATE when it's brought up in defence cases. They know right from wrong, in fact they have a very strong moral compass. And incidentally, defendants are asked to remain passive during their trial.
I agree they don't seem to be claiming innocence and if the DP was off the table, they'd plea. But he deserves to get it if proven guilty.
I’m sorry. ❤
She was just beautiful
Just a reminder to step in when we see these red flags
So many women of all ages are going through this.
She was so young to be in a serious relationship.
If anyone really loves anyone how can they hurt them &/or not want the best for them. Also if you really love someone you have to be willing to let that person go if they don't feel the same
All murdering your bf/gf shows is your a selfish self centered psychotic person.
They do not deserve parole ever😊
Very audacious for a teenage girl to give her boyfriend an ultimatum over a friend that was there before she entered the picture.
Did these kids not have parents? Why would you talk to the police???
I remember seeing her face all over the news my heart broke I live about 30 minutes from where this happened still do and just came upon this video in my heart still hurts for her family she was only a few years younger than I am and I'm a mother now I can't imagine what her parents have gone through being so close to home just goes to show red flags mean lives my thoughts and prayers for her family still to this day after so long