The long-awaited Jeffrey Epstein Files are set for release today, and they could shake the global elite. With names of former US …
The long-awaited Jeffrey Epstein Files are set for release today, and they could shake the global elite. With names of former US …
Dont hear anything about the Biden Crime Family…I demand an investigation!!!!!
Donald j Trump in list too? Omg shocked
MOSSAD. Epstein was an asset to blackmail those corrupt government officials who had the power to destroy Israel's neighbors in the Mideast and funnel uranium, plutonium, the most advanced US military weapons, and trillions in cash to Israel. The lure of sexual intercourse with teenage girls was irresistible to corrupt high ranking bureaucrats such as Bill Clinton and his successors who always did as Israel directed. Most likely the girls chosen to lure the highest ranking targets did not survive their exploitation. Most likely the most powerful officials left no record on any flight manifest and did not fly on Epstein's infamous 727.
Pam Bondi is a
What's with that strange music????
Trump was right there with Epstein I believe trump staged Epstein death and sent him to Russia or some other countries
It is pretty sick to see Trump with Epstein. Hillary wanted Trump like Epstein
Who actually believes Epstein died of suicide??? This is Gary
Judgement day for the Epstein gang! This is Gary
Thumbnail makes the creator of this video a complete clown
27th February came and went- where are the files?
Epstein gave good exposure for proper growth of sense, sensation and respected sensibilities of girls. Showed then tricks of the trade.
There is no difference all have sinned & short glory of God. The wages of sin are sickness, death, judgement & eternal punishment in hell forever. No one goes to heaven or hell by accident, it is a choice taken before death. We all need a SAVIOR to rescue us from the power of sin, curse, sickness, demonic possession, spiritual death, judgement, seperation from God & going to hell forever. Only Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah) can set you free from slavery of devil & restore HEAVEN to you. Simply believe Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah) who is second person of the Triune God, came from heaven, became lamb of God, died for our sins, rose from the dead third day & ascended to right hand of God the Father (The LORD God Almighty, YAHWEH The Great I AM, JEHOVAH ELOHIM, The Holy One of Israel, The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) according to scriptures. Accept Jesus Christ is your Lord & Savior today. Surrender your life to Christ & follow him alone.
get ready,,it's coming,oh the diddlers,get ready, here it comes,it's coming,not today,maybe tomorrow,
Without video tape an information of witnesses they're just names on a piece of paper nothing more
EXPOSE ALL OF THEM! They are not mosters! They are bizzare wortless monsters! Plenty of them arw involved in children sex trafficking. money laundering and dtug traffickimg and art trafficking! It doesnt matter who they are becuse iom this case they are criminals and not recomended to be free arround normal society
Although many affiliated with Epstein are guilty of being involved in this crime, I don't think everyone around him is guilty. Same as is true of people affiliated with diddy.
Trump kicked Epstein out of Mar. Lago-we patriots (78 million) resent your implication by showing this wins old photo. Shame on you!!

Couldn't have too exciting a list. I haven't heard a single name named. And it's the end of the 28th now.
And hey, shouldn't the Left be celebrating the first person of color being appointed FBI director?
So, where are ALL the documents, videos & photographs????????????
Are the complicit FBI & DOJ still hiding the FULL lists & evidence ??????????
It was staged, she lied
Whos on the list
We want the names
More important than this information (which is very important) is which particular FBI persons are hiding, withholding , shielding etc information from congress and others authorized people all of theses many months and even at this very time. They need to be indicted and Cash needs to be on top of this deception.
And? You redacted a lot of it and at this rate, you won't prosecute anyone for another 10 years. Chumps