Is a fake Britney Spears using a #filter to look like the real Britney? #NBCDebunks » Subscribe to NBC News: …
It clearly isn't Brittany dude!!!!🙄🤔
who the fk cares this is so insignificant
Just because this channel is the source of this pointed attention, in automatically not going to trust a single word coming from here
Also Britannia can dance!!
That's what I thought when I watched these videos
Thanks. So all of those Britney crazy vids are just to make her look like crazy…
She started talking too much and was fighting so hard for her freedom, and then her handlers (her family) they silenced her. I think they did some type of get out ritual on her or mk Ultra mind control, and she is no longer the one in control. I even think that it's very possible that that's not even the real britney we are seeing in those videos, but some kind of clone. After everything I have read and seen with my own eyes, and using discernment, I think anything is possible at this point.
It's not her. It's just a cover up to distract the media. So she can live her life privately and happily without being harassed.
Leave in a couple hours
get a life.
Why is this on NBC?
She died with Timberlake a few years ago in a car crash
I have to be honest I’m a conservatorship and my mom threatened to take away my phone and I did her dirty. I bought a fake android iPhone SE the iPhone SE is the real version that I have right now so I bought a fake android iPhone SE, and gave it to my mom, so I basically scammed her. She was like give me your phone and then I scammed her with the fake. It was hilarious to see the look on her face.😂 and she asked me where my real one was and I said I broke it😂
Who knows
That's britt
The body doesn't look right
Its b with a filter dang
What you mean it’s “not evidence of a fake Britney”?
Está en un mal estado físico y mental:❌
No es una persona real:✔️
It hasn’t been the real Brittany for a long time. Anyone who has an eye for faces knows that. That person isn’t her at all – it’s most likely a clone
The eyes change in both. 😂
It’s not her,
front camera filter 😂 come on
Yes they are all replaced with actors per the Revised and Released 6 12 2015 Laws Of WAR manual. Clandestine operations in effect now.
Clue' the Diddy crap isn't about sx party's. That only happens after the sacr!f!ce of a little one. All google platforms are censored we have the actual documents on truth. Sooo much is going on that people are missing. All public records open source intel
I Hope she is overcoming all she has went through
The meds could give her the dead eyes & it's called tooth decay. I think Lou Taylor had MK Ultra done on Britney so her & Kim K could steal her $. Diddy sabotaged her as well.
Omg! Get a life and leave the woman alone. After what she went through!
What sad individual you are… 🙄
It's not Britney!
Good grief she's been switched for a couple of years now…i have an eye for these things