Is This The Most DIVISIVE Issue In American Politics?


Americans are split on whether DEI should be nixed or continued. Ana Kasparian and Wosny Lambre discuss on The Young …


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@97140604 March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

Mitt is a loser

@Campus_Maximus0 March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

Diversity works so as long as everyone is a liberal version of whatever. Liberalism = opposition to Racism, Bigotry & Xenophobia

Diversity does not work, if everyone is a conservative version of whatever. Conservatism = Racism, Bigotry & Xenophobia

Diversity of thought could manifest in the form of: The use of torture, or physically suppressing your political opponents, or sending people to the gas chambers. There are some things in this world that should NOT be tolerated. Better be careful what you ask for in terms of diversity of thought… because you could get what you asked for. :*(

@KCBrink-x1f March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

Thank you Cenk & Ana for daring to share your caring for all of us~

Please refer to your Rumble and Spotify channels for our phyto~nutritional self~health healing reading recommendations for our immune, endo~cannabinoid & central nervous systems as your YouTube channel's algorithms censored my attempted self~health healing reading recommendations upload to your comments section ~ Mahalo 🙏🏼🕉️🖖🏼🪴💪🏼😇♾️

@nikkihc52 March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

Best DEI rant I've heard. And, you made me laugh while discussing this moments political climate. Not an easy thing to do. So, thanks for lightening up the air a bit.

@michaelshitakhamurenyi7756 March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

Ana‘s boy…

@christopherwilliams8734 March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

Funny how the largest recipients of DEI and affirmative action are white women 😅

@superjew2 March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

Hispanic people, especially young people in Los Angeles HATE the word latinx. They didn't come up with it. It's not a Spanish word. It doesn't help low income people of color in the area, so I get Woz's argument.

@scottlowe5961 March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

You two arguing against DEI is hilarious, look at you two… you two!!! Wos, you might want to check out where the gay and trans employees at TYT went. If you don’t think you’re a DEI hire, try not criticizing Joe Biden for a second. Ana will be laughing at another black guy’s jokes, while you’re standing on the unemployment line.

@Ikissedarose March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

Omg I haven’t agreed with Wuz so much in regard to DEI Turing into a checklist.

@CorporalSteiner1945 March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

DEI is antiwhite.

@REPUBLICANvoter March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race and gender is to stop discriminating on the basis of race and gender.

DEI is the most unAmerican way forward.… because it’s going backward.

@TC-uj6jc March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

Wos is buck dancing and raccoonig with this bad take. Educate yourself brother and stop falling for the right wing talking points about DEI.

@MERA1439 March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

No wonder many people think that TYT are drifters. You guys look pretty privileged on your chair talking about stuff. Just by saying, "I don't know people", it doesn't mean something doesn't exist. That means that your social circle is very limited and needs to expand.
I'm brown, in my 40s and most immigrant people I know have experienced or are experiencing impostor syndrome. Boomers I know, most of them experience it.
DEI, when done right is wonderful. I understand groups of power use it for quota or actually mask their racism. But, when done well, it makes great impact. Like most things in life, when done wrong, they are useless or create the opposite impact.

@Theheadgiver March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

Wow shocker, TYT going further to the grift the right

@itsbeyondme5560 March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

Roland > Wos

@mmeis2389 March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

Distractions people – EQuality is the driver here. All of our "rights" from the 60's were justified by the 14th Amendment. Are Americans treated Equally as the constitution must demand.

@Femmagorgon March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

I don’t really agree that DEIA is all bad. When executed poorly, it definitely tokenizes people but when done properly, it just opens up jobs to a wider range of qualified applicants who have historically been passed over/excluded based on their identity alone. I do agree that unfortunately DEIA has not always been done properly.

However, it is frustrating when people decide to be mad about DEIA supposedly not being a meritocracy and then those same people turn a blind eye to nepotism. If you want to talk about people being handed undeserved opportunities, the biggest benefactors have been wealthy elites.

Jared Kushner’s father had to give a large sum of money to Harvard just to get him in and once there, he had to be put into a special program because he was not at the same calibre as other Harvard students. No one can convince me that his admission to Harvard was fine and more deserving than a POC kid from a poor neighbourhood with good grades gets an opportunity to go to Harvard because some systemic barriers have been removed.

The comparison Wos made about trickle down economics was very interesting though. It’s true that adding two black people to a Board of Directors or having more black billionaires does not help more black people. Their successes do not trickle down to poorer and more disadvantaged people. Honestly, the best way to help everyone is to fix wealth inequality.

@Femmagorgon March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

I don’t really agree that DEIA is all bad. When executed poorly, it definitely tokenizes people but when done properly, it just opens up jobs to a wider range of qualified applicants who have historically been passed over/excluded based on their identity alone. I do agree that unfortunately DEIA has not always been done properly.

However, it is frustrating when people decide to be mad about DEIA supposedly not being a meritocracy and then those same people turn a blind eye to nepotism. If you want to talk about people being handed undeserved opportunities, the biggest benefactors have been wealthy elites.

Jared Kushner’s father had to give a large sum of money to Harvard just to get him in and once there, he had to be put into a special program because he was not at the same calibre as other Harvard students. No one can convince me that his admission to Harvard was fine and more deserving than a POC kid from a poor neighbourhood with good grades gets an opportunity to go to Harvard because some systemic barriers have been removed.

The comparison Wos made about trickle down economics was very interesting though. It’s true that adding two black people to a Board of Directors or having more black billionaires does not help more black people. Their successes do not trickle down to poorer and more disadvantaged people. Honestly, the best way to help everyone is to fix wealth inequality.

@jimmyyoung9850 March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

DEI is a racist platform.

@JohnDilivio March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

Fat bob said no women tell him what to do

@onewithshadow March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

Get’em Ana lol

@JohnDilivio March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

Give the best man the a job

@JohnDilivio March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

Democratic Party going down the toilets

@CareaboutYou-u9k March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

You can say that DEI is like giving some one from a group a chance. Like the rednecks in the mountains who also suffer from high unemployment and low education. What if Harward opened up som places (with scholarships) for them? These are extra seats so they are not in competition for others.They will likely struggle and not all have the qualification to finish. (for whatever reasons). Is it still a bad thing to try to lift this group? Skin color doesn't matter but you can see that some groups have a harder time in society. What is the goal and does it matter if the goal is not 100%? Trying is the keyword.

@scottcoon232 March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

I've experienced none of this. My DEI experience is a 30 minute PowerPoint training on how not to be rude at work.

@bl7240 March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

Waz's classism is showing. His self admitted social circle of corporate elites is clearly why he thinks nobody in an impoverished situation would be upset by the end of dei initiatives. It's so disgusting that he's throwing his own people under the bus because he's so blinded by his own prosperity. I've never been a huge fan of him, but now I am truly disgusted with him his policy and his politics, not to mention his rhetoric. Too bad they can't do to him what they did to Francesca. But I guess since he's not actually going after Ana, he's not a threat.

@NRB10ful March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

DEIA in the Federal Goverment was purely meant to try to make sure The people of different backgrounds had the ability and knowledge of the existence of the position to apply.

DEI as we mostly talk about it, especially in the news relates to how private corporations have handled it, which has been disastrous and idiotic.

@peachmelba-b5n March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

There are no quotas in Affirmative Action. In the landmark case Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978), the Supreme Court struck down the use of strict racial quotas in college admissions, saying it violated the Equal Protection Clause.

Also Tim Waltz was DEI when Kamala chose him for vp because she had to pick a white male running mate.

I listened to the first three minutes and I had to tune out because it was just so wrong.

@arthurgreene8799 March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

When I heard Trump say that he was ending DEI, my first thought was, well there’s gonna be a lot of white men who are not the best candidates who will not keep their jobs. What has perplexed me in this argument is the assumption that every white person who holds a position, got it through Merritt. Some did some did not. Some were simply offered a chance although they weren’t fully qualified. America was founded on unspoken policies of racism. Racism against the indigenous people racism against enslaved Africans and against the people of Mexico. Let us keep in mind that large portions of the United States were actually under Mexican rule originally. One of my friends once told me that his family had been in California longer than California had actually been a state. People don’t have to necessarily like people of other groups. Every group has its own stereotype, including white stereotypes. The problem arises when people are treated differently based on these stereotypes. There are plenty of white people who have never done anything against a minority in any way. Yet to ignore a key part of the history of this country, is a disservice to all Americans.

@27retrodaze March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

Please show me one time anywhere where someone complained about DEI before DJT brought it up… He invents issues to distract you, then because youre such mindless minions, you just go "uh… yeah… DEI… yeah thats what we dont like… yeah down with DEI!!" Get a brain of your own and use it…

@tomshady3530 March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

Dei is right up there with trans rights: no one cares. Affirmative action is hated even in CA. LGB never asked for T to join them.

@eric7939 March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

Has Woz ever said anything of value?????? Please get rid of this fool. Disgusting. Blacks score 30 to 40 percent lower on intelligence tests in every state. Wake up.

@jawant6039 March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

I'm starting to think Ana and Wos have fantasy role play sessions where she is the KKK mistress and he plays the part of a slave. He's trying so hard to cater to her Right Wing tendencies.

@go4broke407 March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

Lets be honest shall we? Trump won not because of Trump or Gop. Itwas democrats who didnt vote (8 million less for harris that 2020) or switched sides. Youth vote is gone, they like trump over the incoherent mr magoo and ms potato head. People hate waste mismanagement and corruption, dnc supports millions for a dude in the Congo handing out condoms . You seriously want mothers to ok men in their daughter’s showers? Using our tax dollars for illegals snd wars , leaving little money for homeless us veterans. Wanting overseas criminals to stay here when we have too many us criminals already? Hard sell guys especially in non blue cities.
If the Dnc keeps pandering to the woke left it will die…see tulsi gabbert, rfk, maher, musk, trump even Newsome, fetterman, tyt and schummer. Little YouTubers have more views than msnbc and cnn. Dnc needs to care about the us public ( this is a democracy after all) not just fringe woke ideologies that ate tone deaf toward the American public as a whole. (See cnn polling)

@jawant6039 March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

Wos is a big effin joke. Ana swings Right, he swings Right. Ana wings Left, he swings Left. Dude is Ana's puppet.

@play030 March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

DEI helped people like Ana. White Women.

@satoricrush March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

If I don't hire you based on skin, I'm racist. If I do hire you based on skin, I'm progressive.

@play030 March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

Just like TYT The racist white supremacist liberal never allows Black people to tell their own stories.

@RajaSwamy-i4f March 24, 2025 - 4:44 am

You know that DEI is to attract more applicants. The public loses when All qualified people do not apply. The Hiring is still based upon best qualified applicants.The hiring is supposed to be Merit-based. But its not in Trumpland; it's default to the White Male, sometimes White Female. But for example Hegseth has insulted women, citizens who are other than WASP males. Another exsmple — ALL of my doctors are from India, Southeast Asia, Middle East. Discrimination, prejudice, bias are not logical and omit many potential excellent workers. Give all job candidates the chance to compete for the job, without the Pre-existing presumptions based on racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia, etc. We are All USA citizens, tax-paying employees.

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