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Her deliberate falsehood about her suspension is childish
Restore the YouTube actions
Natasha, why do you have to address a fellow senator as Sir?
What is this man Mr Ken saying? Of course an Image maker what do we expect?
Good of you sir
Apologies to what that she did not mean the harassment ?
Nigeria is an expired country that is why things including human being are acting otherwise, Apabio is nothing than a digraceto nigeria and he's not worthy for that post, he represents himself and his family, he has been saying rubbish ever since he became senate president, this country is going no where for good and better country that we are hopping for, the only solution for this useless country is to divide and let every tribes go on their own way, nigeria can not work as a country
That country is joke. Is these are the shameless people we elected to represent us. People who know nothing than their stupid loyalty to whoever they feel is above them in rank . Infact, they are so disgraceful. All they knows to do best is to gang up against anyone who is ready ti speak up. Honestly, I don’t know what kind of institution are we building? Gullible people.
Kenny is just a drunk servant to Akpabio. His boss was the judge in his own matter. He is bottled and scared of losing his job. Idiot who doesn't know armpit of the law.
Even in a circular office once a grievance is filed again the team leader or manager they cannot preside but both party must be heard.
Kenny is clearly defending his boss. He has no enough fact, Seun.
Apology for what ?
Okolugbo is completely brainless. I can understand him working for his money, but evading all key questions and telling Senator to apologize for being offended means that his mother must be very ashamed.
No appology until the case is investigated
Senators dont need to be in her favour for her to fight for her right. We all know how politics is being played here in Nigeria, God fatherism, so forget no senators on her side, God is on her side
Yes the injustice will not be sustained in Jesus name
In what way did she bring the senate to the public whatever? Dint we watch the way shes been treated on air ? Why the immediate suspension without thorogh investigation. Apologise to who? She is more intelligent than most of the men there
Tell Tinubu that speeches dont develop a country nor does speeches put food on the table of the weak and vulnerable.
I don't believe this man ,Mr East , because he is not there
Nigeria is not a country..God punish Akpabio for doing such injustice to a woman..God punish you!! Many women go through such humiliating harassments from lecturers, bosses and all..God punish Akpabio! Edo people, make sure the chairman of thr committee, Neda Imasuen does not return to the senate..
This Akpabio aide is totally cruel. Kama won't pass you bye!
Other senators didn't respond to the so-called prayers by Apabio because they were afraid. Everyone was trying to protect their heads and protect their salary against Senator Natasha.
The senators should know that they are not gods!!!
Why is your guest defending Apabio at all points you have raised? He is unfair…
Politics is truly a dirty game.
How can you defend your employer when you said you were not there.
What sort of country is this ?
When other Africa nations are representing their countries in the world level fighting hard to protect their future of their country's😭
This old men are here fighting unnecessary fight is a shame
Look at this man, If it was his wife that is been harassed, will he be here saying this rubbish? Mugulity.
The Court Injunction flying on tge social media were fake & not real.
The suspension is well deserved!