Tadataka Unno’s earliest memories of his father playing Jazz records sparked his desire to pursue a career as a Jazz musician in …
I recently discovered Tada and man do I love the way he plays. I'm shocked to hear this happened to him and I'm happy he was able to recover.
Totally his fault for living in a liberal city where criminals have more rights than the working man.
It’s so ironic that during the height of the pandemic, especially in Ny, all of the racist attacks on Asians were committed by BLK people
this is wonderful and inspiring. I hope those teens were punished.
What happened to him is absolutely disgusting. Good for him for coming back and going back to doing what he loves. I’m glad he’s okay today.
The little chair lift apparatus in his childhood photo at 2:45 is adorable. Glad he's still getting to live his dream and share his talents with us!
I feel bad for him but that’s what happens when you Live in a democrat state crime is outrageous in a democrat state homelessness it’s a rages in a democrat state they only care about making themselves richer and they don’t care about the people and it’s true and it’s facts I’ve been living for 20 years in this country born and raise in this country and every time there is a Democrat in any state they ruin it they killed it they don’t care about it it’s sad shame on all y’all Democrats
The fact nobody helped him is sickening.
The police wouldn’t do anything.
nothing can stop a man doing what he loves
So no arrest yet? How slow! 🙄
This story clearly shows no matter what bad happens to you in this world you can come back for me if you just give it a try🤔
New York police jack ass dept there sorry.
love jazz 😄 glad he’s playing again
No details on these teens…. hmmm. Police provide no details if the perps were arrested? Probably not even pursued the investigation.
So glad he proved his doctor wrong in his recovery. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
So, glad he didn’t give up his jazz career 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
がんばって下さい 😊
This hits close to home for me because I am a piano player and I'm also Asian. My heart goes out to this individual and I hope he heals physically and mentally from this trauma that no one should have to go through. I'm even more disgusted at the fact that no one was arrested in this case and there were no hate crime charges.. It doesn't matter what the police report says, this is clearly an example of anti-Asian and physical racism. These cowards have no respect for dignity and humanity and respect. I hope at some point Karma will hit them because this is not right
He should've used some Karate.
Good for you! I love a happy ending
Never support BLM ! They did this !
I hope he is healing mentally too, I’m saddened at what happened to him. What those monsters did was a hate crime.
Those pesky white supremacist. 🤦🏼♂️
You can truly see the joy as he plays each note. So happy for his recovery 😃