President Donald Trump imposed a blanket 25% tariff on Canadian imports, with some exceptions such as energy, sparking a …
Oh my god this P.O.S. chump I mean trump will bring the end of USA wake up you maggots I mean maga.forget about you're his disciples fight for your country not for a one guy who will bring that disaster to your great nation wake up.
Export Tariffs!
The Mad King and his mad supporters don’t understand that US imports mostly raw material from
Canada which help US job creation but Canada imports finished goods and services which can be substituted.
All of a sudden Tariffs are bad. Then why has Canada been charging these tariffs for decades??? Trump is right what he’s doing, don’t believe this propaganda.
These absolutely left biased reporters are just following orders with their assumptive reporting. Why are they still quoting Justin Trudeau who was just turfed as Prime Minister because of his terrible record of wokeness and concerns of wide spread corruption within his Government? Canada has a long record of not paying its share, while charging tariffs on US goods for decades. CNBC has become the CNN of business….😂
America has never been great
In a way, the effect of the US Tariffs on Canada is partly our fault by depending on the US as one of our major (80%) markets. Now, Canada has to start becoming independent of the US as fast as possible by looking for new markets in Europe and Asia (that includes China), removing corporate tax on new businesses for 10 years, in order to increase external investment, stopping sales of oil to the US at a discount and building the infrastructure from east to west to market oil and gas to Europe and Asia, removing all interprovincial trade barriers and lowering the tax on Canadian food producers in order to make food more affordable to all. Long live Canada, strong and free!
Cnbc and it's affiliates along with Robet De Niro support domestic terrorism.
By not paying for European and Canadian defense for starts
Once markets really grasp that Trump is serious about tariffs, it’s going to hit hard. If the US cuts itself off from global trade, that isolationism is going to send shockwaves
Canadian should invite China 🇨🇳
Fake news.
Sad that the USA's word is not worth the paper that its signature is on.
Let's all support Israel! 😂
Trump sees Mexicans as enemies
Life is already getting better in America. Canada really needs to up their game.
How about all of the above. Canada needs to play as a friend, not take advantage of usa and pretend to be "friends"
Tariff is one thing not many.
buy only from Canada China and Mexico.
How can you Tax, someone that you are already in Debt with.🧐🧐??
Canada, She is easy on the eye's, but Mr Trump were like a nice girl we don't give out our number to just anyone. We haven't even dated and already you want to make us your 51st state. Seems like in your mind we already had a change room encounter and are expecting to have a Green Land together. Maybe you could solve your boarder problem and ask Mexico, who we think are very nice and worm. Hay just a thought you could end a war an maybe try Ukraine hay you like that type we know you do, and who could blame you. So it just docent feel right at this time a little creepy but good luck and all our best.
Lol😂😂😅😅😅 Canada agrees to pay surcharge. Now go look at all the other sheeple comments below.
미국은 나를 위해 전쟁도 마다하지 않는데 tv조선은 오히려 나를 못마땅히 여기니
Stop buying things. Buy only what you need.
what friends? master and dog relationship is more like it. being a lap dog is fatal to not just your dignity😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉
The Problem with tariff is, when the product from the other country is still cheaper with tariff increase than the product we made in our own country, we witness a homemade inflation because the people still buy the cheaper one and the product is artifictially more expensive as it should. This is economy without the patriotic glasses. And you know what? Tariffs goes to the goverment – a hidden tax increase so to speak.
Let see what happens in the economy
But… and it is a HUGE but:
1.) Tariffs don't necessarily cause inflation and neither are they always passed through to consumers; If a product is subsidized to outcompete fair trade then the subsidy becomes impotent as that product is targeted by tariffs.
2.) Tariffs change investment priorities both domestically and foreign; A multi-national conglomerate like Blackrock is forced to realign their investments to meet a changed landscape as suddenly undervalued domestic manufacturing spaces become more valuable, thus reducing the pressure on residential property and the amount of leverage which Blackrock applies to CDO's and their residential asset portfolio.
3.) Canada and Mexico are two of China's biggest trade partners, so it is necessary to place Tariff pressures on both of them in order to realign China's strategy of borrowing on American debt to subsidize their manufacturing base globally; this also forces central banks to raise rates as the debt purchases cool down and subsequently treasuries involved are encouraged to actually spend within alloted budgets.
4.) Productivity has been increasing for years and yet wages have barely budged because cost of living has been offset by import substitution.
5.) Growth of the financial sector through GLBA and NAFTA has been offsetting/hiding the loss of jobs in every other sector except tech and services. This has been a massive factor in the wealth disparity America faces today.
6.) China is turning the corner from an emerging market economy to a developed economy and no longer has the demographics to maintain current wage suppression. They are already raising wages as the largest cohort of workers ages out in the next few years. The more we lean into dependency on PRC products the more the price of those goods will go up and eventually there will be supply chain issues as production slows down exponentially.
7.) The US isn't the only country on the tail end of their economic cycle: Thanks to the globalism push economic cycles are slowing down almost in unison across the world, this will leave asset prices high and force equity premiums down as risks to growth become more visible.
In other words, the paradigm which took off in the Clinton era has finally reach its destination and capital will have to come home, purchase means of production and transportation, restarting the economic cycle. This will ignite another credit cycle and make borrowing easier and safer for the average person. No matter who was elected, this was an inevitable outcome which if delayed even longer would have deepened the recession even worse.
How will Canada pay
It’s sad I live 36 miles from the Canadian border but I honestly believe the best interest of the United States we should close are borders 100%
CNBC is DNC idiocracy.
TARIFFS seem to be the biggest REGULATION by the Government of the so called " free "markets"
Police your own borders. Prosess your owne natural resources and sell them through your own ports…see where Canada 🇨🇦 stands on the world market s..at that point w any tariffs with the USA
Tariffs is Stupidest thing to do only make things worsen 💩💩