When Ann King, 88, faced worsening dementia, her children considered a dozen care homes and carefully picked Reigate …
To do that as a grown up to an elder thats messed up
AND THIS is why I have my father is living with me, in my care. I refuse for any stranger to "care" for him.
wow! Judgement day wont come soon enough for those cowards.
It is very rude to do this u am 9 i am turning 10 on May 26 on konday and don't even behave like this to my grandparernts because one day that would be you when you're OLD
It's really tiring to watch over someone with dementia. Not only is it tiring, it also drains your patience and makes you angry because of the stress of taking care of someone like that. One of the worst things you will ever watch over and care for is people with that disease. bat you should know how to care properly cuz there is really certain care for that certain people.
Why do l job you clearly hate. Find something else instead of taking it out on defenseless and frail people
That’s awful
what happened with these people are they in Jail?
😢😢😢😢 it broke my heart 😢😢😢
The fact that she once was a nurse is heart breaking😢
I'm on the floor is crazy .. ain't no way she thought that was the floor but I'm glad they put that hidden camera i would be furious if someone was treating my sweet mama this way
Zeg verzorgers waar zijn jullie mee bezig ??!! Deze vrouw zo behandelen ..waar zit jullie verstand …stelletje gekken !! Jullie zijn geen knip voor jullie neus waard !!! Hoop dat jullie hier goed voor gestraft worden …!! Schaam jullie !!!
Ja zo gaan ze tegenwoordig met ouderen om !! Totaal geen respect voor mensen die altijd hard gewerkt hebben !! Wacht maar …deze daders worden ook oud …en de verzorgers zijn dan nog wreder !! Boontje komt dan om zijn loontje !! 😢😢
More and more care homes are being purchased by people who I'm afraid to say are only interested in how much money they can make without making sure the patients get the due care and compassion they deserve in their later years, well done for exposing this horrendous behavior.
They should be in prison for 20 years or more. But we have such leaniant laws. 😮
I hope they all feel shame. This breaks my heart! 😢
This is disgusting I hope they all get jailed they are all getting paid to take care of the elderly absolutely disgraceful
This is how little kids act
Just because you're earning minimum wage doesn't mean you give minimum care
Humans need more humanity
as a aide in a dementia community, nursing homes need reformed. I am very fortunate the facility i work at is AMAZING for the residents.
Quelle horreur
Discusting……no Respekt for older Generations…….who worked hard for the Future…..and treaten like this…….i hope that Ann now is treaten much better …….BLESS HER AND HER FAMILY
OMG!!!! GO TO JAILL!!!!😦🤬🤬🤬🤬
Awfully sad💔😭😡😡😡
It’s the one that stayed to care after this with retraining 😮 you can’t train kindness it’s either in you or it’s not. My mums in a care home and completely bed bound needs help with meals. And I’ve been in doing 12 hour shifts watching. Until I could no longer. Time sensitive tablets being given all at once by night staff. When I questioned it I was told it’s to help the day staff out because they were not coping. Leaving her lying down to eat . Saying they have just changed her for me to find her wet through, bed and everything. Then saying she’s had a long wee. Leaving bright lights shining above her head. Leaving her either extremely hot or not warm enough. Saying she refused showers every week. Dying lady with no family syringe driver in I found her in a state needing changed. She has no family. I get the nurse who covers her up leaving her in the mess and walks off. I wait to see if she calls a carer…..she doesn’t. On and on I could go. I finally blew. Manager now on sick actively looking for work elsewhere. Nurse hasn’t been seen since. Temp manager was unsuccessful and inappropriate with people so she’s gone. Staff ringing in sick and the hard faced ones are trying to make it uncomfortable for me. Operations manager now in charge and council have been called. But I’ve moved mam before due to this kind of thing and other families in their have done the same. This is something going on everywhere. I’m close to putting a secret camera in. It’s horrific to think it’s over 4 grand a month for this level of care. It consumes you and I’m knackered as I want to be there all the time. A camera is the last thing I wanted but what else. I move her again and the same happens. Care homes in crisis is so true..
I am absolutely disgusted and not even half way into the video yet. My grandma is 84 years old and it makes my heart break to imagine her in this situation poor lady I didn’t know grown adults would act so revolting and immature 🥺🥺
Absolutely outrageous!
Absolutely disgusting! NEVER put your loved ones in a carehome.
The government should be spending money for the elderly care instead of sending aid to foreign countries. How sickening this video is.
When care homes get inspected they should speak to the family whose parent is in care They put on a front and what goes on is not what they try to sell you when you go to enquire. It’s shocking. There was no care and these carers are not trained
How cruel and sickening,!!!!
If I were her family someone would be going to dentist to get their teeth replaced
I dread being in need of care in my old age. These people are evil. I've told my children to never put me in a 'care' home, I would rather die.