Interview with producer Alex Gibney and director Alexis Bloom.
Interview with producer Alex Gibney and director Alexis Bloom.
this criminal will bring about the end of israel. its inevitable with someone like that at the helm
Zionist vermin
Ahab ( Benjamin ) gets hot by an unaimed arrow fired from Syria.
Jezebel ( Sara ) is thrown out of an upper story window and ripped apart by dogs. Great story.
( I’ll probably get told off for that again. )
What do you do when you wake at 3.00am on the Sabbath ? I upset the Rabbi and write a poem about Benjamin Netanyahu sacrificing Gaza children to Baal on Mount Hermon. I probably plagiarised myself..
A Ravens’ Cry to Elijah
Run now while the fires are burning
And the river runs dry on the Earth
Watch as they are never learning
As they slaughter their children their birth
Call to the King that they elected
As he climbs the Mountain with his Army
To the temple of Baal old now erected
Condemn him his evil and infamy
Watch as the mountains burn on the ridges
The river splits open and burns
See all the souls cross those bridges
While the King and his soldiers never learn
All the sky will be black with their poison
The air unbreathable each breath
The water will be their lost prison
As they take their own children to death
Watch them climb high to Mount Hermon
And summon their gods on their wire
Transmitting their prayers for their weapons
To burn all of their children in fire
Ahab will wail at his own treason
His Jezebel scream for more blood
Both devoid of sanity love and reason
As they force their victims to drink mud
Cry as the wheels keep on turning
Within the wheels of their machines of death
Opening all wounds to eternal burning
And a lie heard with each soldiers breath
Rise now Elijah and flee
To the cave and feast there with me
Rise and dine with the Morrighan free
And hope that they all finally see
Come now our saviour and take them to Hell
With you and leave them all broken all fell.
Copyright, Gregory John O’Flaherty
AEST 3.22am Saturday 31st August 2024
Benjamin Netanyahu is Ahab and Sara is Jezebel..
Someone is upset with me for writing a poem about Benjamin Netanyahu – בנימין נתניהו
A poem for Reich Fuhrer, Olaf Scholz and his Mischling Stormtrooper, Benjamin Netanyahu :-
The Gaza Poet and the Mischling Stormtrooper
The Gaza poet lay thinking
How could politicians be so cruel
Ever feeding the Stormtrooper Mischling
Gaza Gas and Oil like a fool
Angry at parents for even voting
Zealots again getting to dictate to them
Aggression and a military machine toting
Politics of War to their eternal Amen
Occultists spilling blood of sister and brother
Eternal conflict and violence to divide
Trapping all their fathers and mothers
Armies of Satan all on either side
Never again tears of joy to smile
Damp checks pressed close to their love
The only sound the screams of the vile
Hate screaming from trumpets above
Everyone now eternally fighting
Murders voted for to all Overlord
In every land from Eden to Uniting
Strangling all with an Assassins’ cord
Caught in an ancient claim and vengeance
Hate for no reason other than it was taught
Love and brotherhood a long lost remembrance
Indoctrination brothers of old had fought
Never again the poet will word to write
Gone the thought of how to express
Strength in hope for all in the plight
Torn apart by thieves killing to impress
Open wounds now drain the life of the poet
Recumbent beneath the fallen rubble
Mangled flesh peeling words of a sonnet
Trampled by politicians ever so humble
Remember to voice of the Gaza poets
Oration of all the words never read
Offer a thought for all the Children Poets
Palestinian Israeli Jew Christian Muslim now dead
Ever dead unheard Gaza Poets forgotten
Reaped for vengeance and Wholly Oil for a glutton.
2.41am 2nd March 2024 Australian Eastern Summer Time
Gregory John O’Flaherty
Israel is the only place that can stop CNN from showing corruption footage on TV. even American politicians don't have this much pull. and they want us all to believe their Israel news is unbiased and truthful LOL ya right CNN.
King David or King Ahab and Jezzabel???
Israel is an evil cult.
Propaganda piece
Democracy Now CAN!
Bibi Files:
We should all share the documentary, it really shows how much of a narcissist this war criminal really is.
It’s funny that Bibi uses the same ‘defence’ as Israel itself does. It’s not fair, everyone is out to get me, my enemies want to take me down…waa waa..
The corrupt Media CNN protect
coruptor. Because of that they don't show the vidio.
Why can't CNN show the footage. Keeps saying they are not allowed to? How are they censored?
The Bibi Files. Shocking
King bibi king of all Jews and messiah