Why Gypsy-Rose Blanchard says she had no option but to murder her mother. *Why I Killed My Mother (2025)* ▻ Subscribe: …
dunno why yas are giving her this much attention she still caused the death of someone she should still be looked up and it's all a bloody act mate
The hospital bis complicit in the harm done. The disappearing act would have been alarming enough! They do take children off parents for less
60 min aussie got played by the murderer
❤2:36 is that her mother?
Poor choice for a story
Wait Ken is only 31 😮😮😮
Did you also pay for her shopping?
Jeez. She had a choice to run away with her boyfriend but she chose to kill her mother.
She had her say, we all know the story and there is no need for this interview anymore, other than push her agenda that she was just a victim and is now a social media star, who is desperate for attention and validation.
We need to start some kind of platform to run this thing off the Internet. She doesn't deserve to have the fame all she does is lie.
Can someone explain with points WHY you don’t believe in her story and blame the channel?
She basically admitted it was her idea she should still be in prison or at least let Nick out and put them in a crazy hospital at least she shouldn't be out
60 minutes isn’t aging well.
When this case first hit, I was where a lot of people here are. I felt this way for several years. I couldn’t believe she faced ANY jail time instead of just getting help. Then, after digging and digging, I started to see the truth of it.
When a person has been trained to lie since birth and evoke sympathy, it’s easy to believe them in interviews, and hard to see it any other way.
why do i have the feeling that she will find herself in trouble again
i think it's absolutely disguting that she's been given a platform, she murdered her mother for god sakes.
She is in the cycle….I don’t buy in to her. Zero.
Wait so doctors just administer treatment without test that actually confirm a diagnosis?
Baffled the comments are still on… 👀
Gypsy you can be a good parent but its going to be harder for you due to your upbringing and subsequent actions. Please get ongoing support for yourself and ask for help all the way through your childs life. Ensure you break the cycle of abuse
lol you guys are 🤡 how is this woman dangerous?
Poor kid and innocent kid who a grown women was doing that to that’s messed up I’m glad she’s free now
She had a literal feeding tube a hole cut in her to eat when she didn’t need it!!! Her mom was drugging her her mom did not love her. Her mom is a monster and I’m glad she is not here anymore!!!!
She had a literal feeding tube a hole cut in her to eat when she didn’t need it!!! Her mom was drugging her her mom did not love her. Her mom is a monster and I’m glad she is not here anymore!!!!
I’m glad she’s free finally hope she can live a FREE LIFE NOW WOTHOUT HER MOM
Honestly ppl thought she was underage and sick they would not listen to her do u guys not get that??????????
I mean could you blame her she felt like she didn't have a choice karma comes for people one way or another karmas hit's like a truck when it wants to
I reached to the comments and I was not dissapointed
I can’t believe you propped this murderer up as a victim. Do some real investigative journalism. Content creators on YouTube are showing yall up
I find it interesting how people respond to Gypsy's story vs the recent interest in the Hernendez brothers. Both cases involved serious and prolonged abuse from the parent where both were technically able to "just leave" but felt unable to. I don't understand why the concept of battered-woman syndrome is so difficult to understand when it applies to adult children.
The beginning quote is terrible “you’re unlikely to meet anyone sweeter than Gypsy” lol that’s absurd.
Keep believing in Gypsy Rose if you like, but she will end up using her daughter for money (which she is already) or related to another murder soon. Just watch.
60 Minutes Australia. I have loved and subscribed to your channel years ago.
This is the 1st time I am disappointed of a video of yours SMH
Gypsy was abused by her mother her whole life!! Do these comments not understand that??!