Fox News host Greg Gutfeld and the panel highlight a New York Magazine article being criticized for allegedly cropping out Black …
Emily is hot
NICE smile kate I missed your humor i haven't seen you for a while.
Could you imagine Don Lemon doordash he probably moves real fast and wears a hoodie and mask to try to avoid the camera😂😂 while he is cursing Gutfeld to himself😂😂
Holy s*** Don Lemon is working doordash
Artillerary, really? No Emily. It's artillery.
Just to let everyone know, speaking of Governor Pritzker, most of our state cannot stand him. We just can’t get rid of him because of Chicago.
this person is a liar, she is getting to be paid to scam you elderly/
medicare says it is a scam, to call them,immediatly
I dont know how anyone finds this guy funny
Thank you, Emily!💓💛
Whats crazy, the Dem party has so many excellent points. They could really do a great many things. There are views everybody could learn from the left, but the way they have gone about putting certain people in the positions they have has been such an insult for those who are deserving and those who have earned it, that it has allowed circuses like this to become all too common. America at its best is when people are working together. Left strengthening right and vice-versa. Today's Dem party has become so extreme in identity politics and "participation trophies", that if its not what they want, right when they want it, they come back with claims of racisim and misogyny. The day will come when someone with those traits actually is in office, but when called out on it, nobody will believe it because those words have become, "boy cried wolf" level.
Tyrus is spot on 💯😎 just like the medias hysreria in the tulsa killings of the 20's now it's happening again on the new media elites. 😢
Its DIE or diversity inclusion equity comprende
Medium · Kristen Walters
450+ likes · 3 years ago
How the Scam Works. Any book listed on Amazon can be “claimed” on ACX and turned into an audiobook that is then sold on Audible. Since anyone .
The DEMS are going to have to find a New AGENDA!? They are LOST and Wandering in the Wilderness ⁉️🤔😁😁🤣
All Americans had better stay united from now own Because Thanks to Trump We the Citizens now have more power than we have ever had and we can now see how long and how much Corrupt politicians have lied to us from insider trading to money laundering, dirty deals, kick backs and highly extreme corruption. If you’re sick and tired of these filthy politicians stealing OUR MONEY, you had better not ever vote for a Democrat ever again, because the DNC IS CORRUPT and THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT ANY OF US!
shutting down USAID turned off their mockingbird media pipeline, I always wondered how they ALL said the same things. I guess that 'subscription' to politico etal, for 100,000 a month ws totally worth it, if you are a corrupt democrat.
4:30 Actually, i see 3 black guys. On the left side in a blue suit is one, at blue suit's 11 o'clock is another, and at blue suit's 7 o'clock is the third.
Edit – and if you go straight across to the right from blue suit, there is a guy that is looking down, like he is looking at his glass in his hand. He may be black too.
Emily beautiful and intelligent, what's not to like?
White Rose Resistance.
I certainly hope that the Dems double down on the woke agenda!
Great show guys, question for you! If there’s no tariffs, how do our income taxes get paid again?
Can we have less hardon commercials?
Emily got married? Its ok, ill still wait 😂❤😅 Good for her!! Congrats Emily. Wish u 100% Happiness 😊
I have said this before the dems use a Jackass as a symbol go figure folks😅😅😅😅
n April 2023, on the eve of a trial in Delaware in which Fox founder Rupert Murdoch was set to testify, the network and its parent corporation agreed to pay $787.5 million to settle a defamation suit filed by Dominion Voting Systems.