Wyoming Rep. Harriet Hageman faced a hostile crowd at a town hall in Laramie, Wyoming, The Republican lawmaker was …
People want their leaders to do something instead of doing something themselves? The fuck does that mean?
They should have listened to Liz Cheney. She warned them.
when you ask political party dems why they are angry they cant tell u. cnn just says get angry and they do.
even when there is positive going on . and they love blue hair for some reason. always saying we wont ever have another election always saying that . odd.
Fake news ! Cencor alert! These people are being paid to show up and create havoc at thede town halls
The Kool-Aid is wearing off….
Bullshit…wyoming loves hageman…more liberal lies!
It’s because jobless democrats being paid by Soros go in early and take up all the seats so republicans can’t get in and speak their minds. This happens in every single liberal city. Disgusting. TRUMP100%!!!
The democrats had 10 YEARS to plan for this and they’ve done fuk all!!
I wonder what beach Kamala is on right now
Nice rental crowd. They probably bused them in from Comarado.
How much did it cost your party DONORS to bus in these paid protesters?
The gaslighting from this man is blood boiling. You can’t even defend your guy’s bullshit, sir.
Who could’ve foreseen this 🤔
So, Sen. Chuck Schumer let it out of the bag! He admitted on PBS – GET THIS – that Democrat activists are infiltrating Republican town halls to make noise and we can only guess cause trouble! This is what Democrats do best. They never offer solutions!
Those crowds are paid actors the majority of Americans like what D.O.G.E. is doing🫶🏽
Did she think she was on Twitter arguing with some random person instead of, you know, doing her job?
That‘s like you know your opinion, man. Genius.
It's funny I've been dreaming about this same thought. Also pass legislation to cap their terms, and age stops at 65. If you will be 65 within your term, you cannot run. If you will turn 65 your last year, that''s fine but like get them outta there.
It’s Aunt Elizabeth from The Handmaids Tales 😮
That Pro Palestinian guy needs to go to Gaza and join the fight, if he really cares about his people. Rather he's sitting here in the U.S getting fat and shit then talking shit about this country
Paid agitators sent there by Soros. But please, CNN, tell us about how this is a 'grassroots movement' against Trump. You have SO MUCH credibility these days.
1:08 I got an idea and I like the idea how about you go there and do something about it If you really want change go there and stop it yourself
Trump is just the useful fool the billionaires have put in place for us to blame as they steal our dignity, our education, our rights, and wealth. Look at the orange blob while they pick your pockets.
😂How obsessed we are with federal government….stupidity! We are obsessed with removing you from any public position going forward. Your on our radar….remember that!! Your an embarrassment
Rep Hagerman ( looks like caveman) better wake up and remember who you work for & represent 🙌 THE PEOPLE!! YOU HATEFUL BITOCH
Idk about you, but im enjoying this.
DemoRAT paid protesters. WAKE UP people! We are WINNING!!!! MAGA
Republican Party has got to go
Man… Soros must be paying out HUGE amounts of money for all these Demoncratic Operatives
👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍
Vote these pieces of crap out of office!
I am no expert, but democrats need new blood and energy to fight trump and mega agenda cause the very future of american government and services are at stake
It's a relief to see constituents are fighting back against
Trump and elan Musk wrecking the government in town halls
Ironic because Wyoming has the nation's highest percent of Federal Employment; the land of the "rugged individual" is actually the most "socialist" in America. They're mad, but Trump got 70+% in WY. These people dumped Liz Cheney for this chick. Well done (sarcastic)!
These people were fine when they thought it was going to happen to other people & not them.
Everyone knows these town halls are rigged by Democrat activists, it’s not working losers.
These idiots are probably being paid by the Democrats we know for a fact, Hillary Clinton violent protesters at Trump rallies to start fights. We know that because O’Keefe video the people that were paying them the Democrats are anti-democracy everybody that voted for Trump knew Elon Musk was gonna do this. That’s what we voted for, but the Democrats didn’t get their way. Another pitch like two year-old Democrats are trying to start a civil war. They’ve been trying to start a civil war for the last six years.😊
These idiots are probably being paid by the Democrats we know for a fact, Hillary Clinton violent protesters at Trump rallies to start fights. We know that because O’Keefe video the people that were paying them the Democrats are anti-democracy everybody that voted for Trump knew Elon Musk was gonna do this. That’s what we voted for, but the Democrats didn’t get their way. Another pitch like two year-old Democrats are trying to start a civil war. They’ve been trying to start a civil war for the last six years.
This is how you know it’s democrats in the audience, the only use the democrat platform statements. Report how Trump and republicans are getting good poll numbers. Democrats are below 29 percent. I’m not saying this because I support one side over the other, but this is not how real people feel.
When the retrumplicans say they have a mandate, the people say different. The American people might have wanted change, but I really doubt they meant a change for the worse.
FAFO is delicious
At last Americans seem to wake up. Good for you. Trump is a fascist.
Can't afford eggs? Buy a Tesla. Wow, why are people upset? F*cking idiots, what did they expect?
God, Americans are so gullible it's frightening. It's like they await the next snake oil salesmen with glee. 70 (+ / -) million of them clapped and cheered themselves into nonsensical political oblivion . When I was at school we were taught about the rise of the Nazis in 1930s Germany and I can remember thinking how stupid could you be as a population to allow such an obvious clown like Hitler and his cronies take power. Now in my late 60s I'm actually seeing it happen in of all places the USA. All those brave GIs that fought in Europe during the 2nd World War must be turning in their graves …did they die for nothing ?
Trump is not the only republican on the Musk payroll.
It’s so cool watching the downfall of America in real time.
I honestly can't believe she had the audacity to tell her voters to go f themselves, that ought to tell you where we are at 🤔