Amid accusations that the German far-right party the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland) has provoked violence, which it denies, …
Wow surprise surprise, Germans are dabbling with far right politicians after having a government strictly enforcing draconian far left policies
That’s right….anything that threatens the power of left wing elites is extremism. Got it….
You see that is the Biggest fallacy of the so-called "democratic institution" imported from Greece, copied by Western Civilization.
Used by Western Colonialists to colonize and spread their "false" sense of "development and progress" with proxy war leading to the influx of refugees and multiculturalism as a consequence of the stupid "democratic thinking."
Democrazy means more poverty for the people of the World. That shattered the very "concept of democracy".
A New Kind of Racial Nationalism is Emerging in the whole of Europe. NATO and the CIA are Trying to Turn the Tide (Karma) Against Them.
Democracy and Multiculturalism are the Consequences of Proxy War Promoted by the Imperialist Country within the so-called "United Nations."
The UN is also a Front for the US to check in Line with those Countries that Oppose its hegemonic Grip. Now the Great Tide is In full Swing turning Against them as a Rolling Stone of Ice Ball…
Defund this crap. Tax payer paid propaganda. Europe is dying, the people have rejected 70 years of leftist failure. Thats not far right anything.
What's scary and sad is that a significant, and not insignificant portion of the German population new and knows exactly who the AFD party is and what they represent. Not just from this documentary, but from many other exposes. And yet, millions of Germans came out and voted for them.
Much like in America, where the ignorant, racist, and nationalist movement is proud and growing, much of which is well known by the voting population. And yet, they still decided to vote for Trump and Project 2025.
What if Germany doesn’t want to be taken over by immigrants 🤷🏼♂️
This is an interesting topic.. too badl this liberal mouthpiece is telling the story.
Your so pathetic Germany
PBS is far left, facist and should be defunded.
The most left wing people want total government control , the most right wing want barely any .
Thanks for reminding every single American that you are still providing cover for communist Pravda-style news. I will make sure to send the message, PBS. You were talked about during your attempt to help Subversion in America.
If a crazy man kills two citizens, it's an AfD problem but, if an immigrant kills several citizens, it isn’t the current governments problem for allowing them in!?!
Has Germany ever considered why the recent rise in "far-right" enthusiasm? What is it that they are doing wrong?
The difference between the far-right and the far-left? The far-left do their damage in private covered by propagandists in the media!
You rip what you sow.
Well when your as far left as Germany and PBS have become then anything to the right of the far left has become "far right", the "center-right conservative" party is actually center-left and the ADF is just a typical right wing party, theres nothing "far right" about wanting freedom and controlled borders, the nationalist populust movement that started in El Salvador has now spread to Argentina, the US, Canada, Poland and Hungary and will continue to spread across Europe, ppl are getting a taste of nationalism, freedom and reigning in the deep state and they want more, and i can't blame them, getting fines and your phones and computers confiscated because you re posted a meme on social media is going too far, Germany is abandoning it's values over political disagreements, its authoritarian and fascist, and to happen in all places of Germany does not look good, Hitler created a governmental monopoly with the Nazi Party but today's German left wing is creating an ideologic monopoly, the German left uses censorship and creates laws to subdue the right in Germany, this is anti democratic and is authoritarian
Having been to Austria and Germany in December. I can say they absolutely need to embrace nationalism. Before their country and way of life is taken away.
Being extreme in any direction is mentally, physically, socially, and especially spiritually destructive. One extreme always creates an equally opposite extreme. Extremism is a cancer to humanity. Look at what it does over and over and over again. Two generations after every genocide, the youth know nothing and begin creating the cycle once more. Humans are a very toxic and destructive species full of hatred. Without God, we are utterly vile.
So the German police will crack down German gangs but not countless of migrant gangs
Deutschland is up to it's old tricks. Last German escapade ending up a bit problematic for a lot of people who ended up as smoke in the air. Nihilism Uber Alles!
The stupidity of the left in Germany allowing for Islamists to spread vile anti Semitic propaganda old outright hatred for Jews, and the series of deadly jihadist attacks and assaults against German citizens , these have definitely contributed to the rise of anti Muslim sentiment as well as the desire to curb the influx of migrants from predominantly Muslim countries, it has fueled the rise of the extreme right and has galvanized the voting population to support the ADF, it is the failed policies of the German government that has led to this situation .
this is terrifying…. and not bc of the “far right”
This is an ok doc but it is clear that it is driven not by the suspicion that afd is dangerous but by a firm belief in the idea that afd is dangerous. Also public support for afd is largely caricaturized as people saw refugees, freaked out and became racists. This is easier to see when you read about victims stories, crime stats and events with historical turning point value like the Cologne mass r@pe scandal.
You've lied about so many things so many times the people no longer believe a word you say. Bigots all
Germany is doing the same type of tactics that are being used against Trump and 77,000,000 million American voter's today. PBS is a channel for hateful lies. American voter's no longer believes them any longer. Endless biased twisted wokist leftist hate-mongers is all they have left.
Immigration is the death of a nation. If immigrants do not take on the social and societal norms of the nation they move to they need to be expelled. You cannot have counter societies living together….or you get Africa or the Middle East
Feb 14, 2025 : Vp Vance speech in Munich blasted the EU for not listening to its people and instead censoring free speech! calling the EU "kommissars" …
Far Right? Muslims are destroying Europe sad killing women and children.
Heavenly method, our creator, make us as great as you spiritually, mentally, physically, hygienically, gastronomically, aesthetically, socially, emotionally, professionally, and financially for eternity!
Radical Islam, Muslim Extremists. Germany's real problem. Germany has been invaded and occupied like ALL western European countries.
And who is responsible for all the misery in Germany – the USA and its government and some special people who are responsible for the WW1, the WW2 and all the other things what happens in Germany all the time before and after the WW2 until today! They always wanted to destroy Germany, the German economy and the German people! That's it! Period, end of story! – And this comment here is in full accordance with the Human Rights Charta of the United Nations written down in the Article 19 which gives me the human right of free speech and to publish it in words, written texts and shown in pictures in all public medias like – for example – YouTube!
The enemy within is the millions of Afghans and Africans that are assaulting women every day in the country. The left is a cancer to the western world
Germany has an enemy within but if you name them you are antisemitism or racist.
This completely ignores violence committed by non Germans. The attacks on Christmas mart. Gang rapes, stabbings ect.
The jews are the ones killing the Muslims in Palestine right now! How fo they blame it on Christians ready to die defending their own future and community's from the people who are trying to make Germany and the world kill Christians for the diversity loving people who use their own hatred for families and men to influence and dismantle the world for Satan and the anti christ movement
The Jews are awful people and have lost the right to argue that they were targeted for who they are. Their quote “ unquote “ antisemitism is surely well deserved and have no one to blame but themselves 🤷🏽♂️
When They say they are anti fascist what they really are saying is im a communist