Professor and author Hans Kundnani on the political trajectory of Germany’s far right party, now the second largest in the …
AfD just seems a little less whacko lefty party to me, a far right American .
Remember the German CDU/CSU always had a nationalistic faction from the time of Adenauer to Kohl. The problem is Merkel totally alienated that wing of the party, causing them to create the AfD, Alexander Gauland is a perfect example of this. So blame Merkel basically is what I’m saying.
What is their agenda/ideology why you call them "extreme'?
No! You should be looking at the other parties that pretend to be far right, but actually they are now the far left, because the way they have shut there ears to the people of Germany. Because there is a voice challenging that order, you and others, now described them as extreme. This is a party telling all Germans that , the issue of the people of Germans has to be taking into consideration first, not that of other countries. One can not described this party with this ideology as extreme and in this elections, Germans has come to realize the truth they stand for and that's why a lot of voters , voted for them , to become the 2nd largest party in Germany from obscurity. So, those who are extreme now, are those who are there now.
Apparently there are no longer any moderate Right Wing parties left. Any party that wants to control immigration and secure their borders is now labelled as “Far” or “Extreme” Right. These are pretty middle of the road measures. They just look far from where the leftists have drifted off to.
As a MAGA voter I don't think the AfD is far right, I think they're just right.
Women seem to have common sense in Europe
Within the next 4 years, the AfD will be forbidden or they be more moderate due to court investigations.
If not, fascists will take over once again.
Their not as radical as Starmar
Extreme ? 😀 you should say arguments firstly. If you call AfD far right party it is just telling about you how extremely far left your view is.
Macha…. germany woru democracy. Democracy lle yellaa parties iyum allow pannannom, despite their political ideology. They can only be banned if they do fraud or some other criminal or civil breach of law.
The person in this video is a far left loon
Every time Andrew Marr opens his mouth and the new Statesman Reform increase their vote share
People are sick of the mainstream though. The main stream just rob us
people are clearly sick of "moderate"
AfD are being propelled to popularity by the deteriorating domestic security situation in Germany. Until that is stabilised AfD will continue to get more popular at each election.
Germany fascist? Well, I would never have thought.
Afd is far right
U have to be radical to save your nation!
I keep hearing about the AfD and how they are extreme right, but I keep looking up videos about the AfD to see why they are the extreme right, and only find videos calling them extreme right, never any explanation.