Amy McGrath, Retired US Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel and Basil Smikle, Columbia University Professor join Nicolle Wallace …
Here we go again, wake up America this is literally how WWII started shame on you all
You can take the drunk Yahtzee out of the trailer park…
Okay, message understand. If you are not a white male . . . DO NOT join the military. Just let the old white men fight. Good luck with your abysmal recruitment members. As a veteran from a family of veterans, this is beyond disgraceful. I'm telling my sons, not to join a military that doesn't respect your fellow soldiers. To quote RDC, "I don't care if you're black, red, yellow, or even blue . . . If you got my back in the foxhole, then I got yours."
RACISM at work in T rump administration. Also corruption, fear, unbridled greed. T rump is destroying our country. He is UNFIT
ONCE the U.S. government compensates those of us who had our families enslaved, should they be able to declare equality and then meritocracy.
This from the people who protested the removal of confederate statues based on the idea that it was removing history. What a bunch of disgusting hypocrites.
Well, the first group to get rights stripped away were women’s rights to have bodily autonomy and even women didn’t care, so why should anyone be shocked when the next group gets thrust back in time?
They are engaged in the “White ‘trashing’ of America!” Those goons KNOW that those great Americans they are feebly trying to erase and silence are an affront to THEIR won shortcomings, ignorance, insecurities and utter mediocrity. Hegseth and others of his type are DEPLORABLE(S)
Ok how does this make America great , the hiding of non white, women who has served?
OMG!!! Pulling the RACE CARD?!!!! You people have some serious issues!
There's not a single thing that Trump has taken away in which black people were benefiting from. Mind games.
The truth is the truth, it cannot be erased, they might do it for a while but they/trump admin will not win this battle. Lies have no foundation. Truth has its own power. Commenting from the UK
Man….im republican but this government is an absolute sht show. Doing everything but fixing the economy.
No one is erasing black history, just recognizing it as minor in American history.
The government only wants the whitest and dumbest to serve their country, its a good thing the MAGA-cult isn’t short on idiots
Let me get this straight. Trump wants remove all non whites from the military. So if a war happens, Trump's elitists friends family members will draft dodge while poor white people be forced being cannon fodder and become losers and suckers as Trump calls the Veterans who gave up their lives to protect us. Once they run out, I guess they would have to rethink and draft non whites back into the military.
But Great for whom?
Because you took some pages away does not erase history as much as these white supremacists would like
Many minorities and women died serving our country. Many African Americans fought for rights and freedoms for others that they didn’t have as US citizens. This is shameful and embarrassing.
Hegseth Breath smell like trump Cheeks from kissing them all the time HE CLAIM HE A CHRISTIAN you are not a Christian you a coward who doesn't serve Christ you only speak of Christ This should be a lesson for the African Americans USA erased you history just like they are trying to do now wake up black Americans this country leaders doesn't like you stop making them rich invest in Africa and show them What real power looks like
We want answer the call when it's time for China to spank the US
There need to be a recount of the election votes , this explains trump and the republicans members behaviour they are not concern about being fairly elected again it’s rigged by Elon and Putin . Stand up for Americans democracy history will thank you MSNBC
I feel sorry for the linguists who are going to have to distinguish Trumpian language from Orwellian.
How about celebrate the military every month and not specific races and groups? Its divisive and ridiculous. Woke is dead so you all better buckle and get tissues ready 😂
Just take your shirt off like Putin already
Hegseth was in the National Guard. Enough said.
You guys are going full out on a civil war aren't you. Shame on you
Good. Foundational Black Americans need to preserve our own history. We can't trust government or our fake 'friends' in the liberal White media. If that sounds harsh keep in mind that the Jews preserve there own history, teach it to their children to ensure the intended message is unadulterated. BTW, we (FBA)still aren't voting for you "nothing for Black people" Democrats. See you in 2026
We live in an idiocracy now.
America is gonna look like Medieval Europe.
America is just a lie in history. Never severed justice, equality, and consideration of the environment.
What they want to do is DEI that says we should discriminate against only one group.
This discrimination is based on Collective thinking, the very definition of racism. That would be like saying all Blacks are criminals, because they are Black and throw them in prison. Democrats like to pull that one too. Kamala Harris liked to do that when she was a DA.
I understand that if I as a White male claim to be a homosexual I can get affirmative action too.
We have to move on folks.
This sleepy drunkard is going to ruin this country ….
And when he does ……who gonna fix it
This is nothing new. He has always stood on the Black Man's shoulder. That's the only way he can be seen and heard.The white man has always erased the BLACK Man's history and then turned around and claim it as his own, then tell the world that the BLACK Man contributed nothing. Jokers! The Black Man has already been validated by the Universe.
Never fight to be some whwre you are not welcomed
What I want to know is when can we get rid of fricking christianity and christmas in the workplace? If we are going to hate and erase something…that would be it.
Neither myself nor any of my white ancestors who honorably served in every American war since Valley Forge are on the Pentagon website which belongs to all Americans. It is racist to include only politically correct DEI beneficiaries because this transforms DEI into DEE, diversity, equity and exclusion. References to Jackie Robinson or the Tuskekegee airmen should be replaced by links to the baseball Hall of Fame website or the websites of the many existing military museums that have collections related to these subjects that are adequate for serious research.
I can’t wait for trump and his racist following are out of the White House. Their comments are expected yet still unbelievably crazy. Pure evil and hateful behavior since he was elected.
They are trying to erase all achievements of women and minorities allowing only white males to have credit for all accomplishments. We are back to the 1940s and beyond again. How long before this administration says it’s ok to sell human beings again? They are moving back decades of progress everyday. We have to stop this before it is too late.
Mmmm. I heard the first part and made my decision. Yes. Sounds great bro. But 1994 and under doesn't do well in boot camp as black men because white men yelling at us in 2025 doesn't work well or make sense. So i get it. Black men should have the option. Count it as reparation
Racist!!! Kick him out!!!! You are not a leader!
Everything that comes out the mouths from the left is diarrhea
I would like to pay tribute to the people that first colonized this country, won the revolutionary war, drafted a constitution, explored and conquered the west, ended slavery and passed the Civil Rights Act. They were white BTW.
This wasn't malicious. It was a mistake. The US Department of Defense is actively working to restore the pages.
How much longer will you wait to impeach Trump.
I have lived on bases and live next door to Fort Cavazos and there are people of every race, women, and all religions. It's always been this way so weird how just now during a hostile white "christo" fascist takeover of our government it's a problem.
Wow. Our country is really ending. Democracy is totally dead, and Satan's children play in Washington.
Talk about government waste. The people taking the time to do this are not needed…at all.
China is loving this, the Republican Party is just a White Nationalist party!