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Allegedly a Dutch politician admitted the lockdown was a NATO psychological operation.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_ZzCuO0CBU Here are some sikh grooming gang members from Brampton, Canada. No one knows the full extent until people rationalize that often the ones who seek your friendship are often the biggest vile monsters you never heard of
Whatâs up with that thumbnail lmao
What the police could do is swallow their pride get their tounge out of the islamic gangs arses contact Tommy robinson and ask him for all the evidence he has collected over the last few years,after all he has been offering the evidence since his first video came out.
Its to late now for saying this Council here in Telford need to get there act together and no defened the crimnals with the police have to cuts come forward.
Iâm always amazed at the lack of anger and retribution from Englishmen. Are they soft or apathetic?
You've known about it for years and are only addressing it now after Tommy Robinson has put you in a position where you have no option !!
You've demonised the Man who's been screaming it down your ears for years and years !!
Doesn't matter if you hate him or jail him again now, his work is done on this one because he's forced you to acknowledge and address it !!
The police had all this information years and years ago and done nothing whatsoever !!
Those girls have spoken on film saying how the police treated them after reporting the incidents, not one girl, countless girls !
Sickening !!
You're all responsible for the mass rape of a generation of young girls !!
Stick your sorry !!
Do something about it and prove you're sorry
Rochdale, Rotherham, Telford, Derby… Just how many grooming gangs were allowed to rape thousands of english children because of the incompetence and cowardice of the police? How is it in multiple police forces, not a single officer did their job?
Can you make a list of places where this isn't happening? That would probably be quicker.
When are we going to hold the police fully accountable?
Not one Tory leader candidate has highlighted the shocking report into child grooming in Telford by mainly Pakistani heritage men and what they intend doing about it now and in the future! Seems their priorities are self promotion and not issues affecting every day people.
There needs to be a Westminster enquiry into where else this has been going on a country wide basis as it is clearly a nationwide problem now.
"The Rape of Britain – Tommy Robinson On Gettr or Urban Scoop."
Anyone going to apologise for demonising Tommy ?