A left-leaning politician in France told an audience over the weekend that the United States should return the Statue of Liberty …
If they want it back,melt it down and send it back
Dude Hello from Europe Paris
I didn’t vote, but this hurts my soul and heart, and I hope that everything goes back to normal when trump leave office
France? Or rather a politician who has old family connections with the soviets? Btw haterade towards entire nation or group of people for some acts of certain individuals is chauvinism… The soviets – Hitler's collaborators still proud of the WW2 crimes spreading chauvinism… How uncanny?
After Canada joins the EU, will they have the EURO currency, or will they keep the dollar?
They are right!😂😅🤣😂
We call make our own statue of liberty then come and take it we will make new one then by making one from our great bird of america the eagle
For shure Trump don not deserve the statue, but ! Trump is not all the republican, and republicans are not all the US cityzen. I met many americans people, and I would say I still love this country and his inhabitants. Greetings from France. Bien amicalement François.
Exactly the world will go on around us
The brainless announcers still flourish on YouTube.
Return it, it is no longer a symbol. Is there any country that would take trump?
This French politician launched this tirade as a provocation, simply to make people think. Because what's happening in the USA is worrying. I'm glad to see that someone understands. I would say that as a Frenchwoman, no, I don't want the statue to return to France. I just want the American people to wake up, before it's too late. Trumpism is doing everything it can to take root and never leave. The flame of the Statue of Liberty is going out. It's up to the American people to relight it. The statue is there to guide us to Liberty; it has never been more useful to the USA. Revolt!
Come and get it. France doesn't have enough money to bring it back.
France always makes me laugh! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA 😂😂😂😅😅😊!
Where are the Broken chains in her left hand…true freedom of liberty. Americans Unchained…Not Immigrants.
Little overboard as you only have three years and eight months left of the Clown King. By the way, France shouldn't be talking about Democracy when they want to remove parties from the ballot, have no Freedom of Speech, or any freedoms really, and had the help of Merkal putting Macroon in charge of the country who has nearly crippled them.
Why didn't the reporter ask a follow-up question? What language does Trump and the US want Ukrainians to speak in the future? Ukrainian or Russian?
Don't give Trump any ideas! He would love to see his own Statue instead of the Statue of Liberty.
Get rid of chump tyrant A..!!!miserable bastard!!
Right! America is no longer a Democracy! USA= Dictatorship
Why don’t you push tho have “the people” and truth social boycot x that would reduce the power of musk and D pres
Rick and Morty predicted the future.
We want Manhattan (formerly known as New Amsterdam) back!
We offer a 1:10 scale model of a wind mill, a bunch of tulips and €1,000,000 cash.
Greetings from the Netherlands 🇳🇱.
Take it. But you french need to learn to speak german too.
You never did deserve this statue…
This cant happen honestly i love the statue bro like I LIVE IN NY THATS ONE OF OUR MAIN THINGS
France wasn't deserted because of Vichy!
"He has never seen the movie." Signs and chants would drive him crazy(er).
One guy
hello , i am french…
we love americans , not what trumps is doing ….
The Statue of Liberty was given to America as a gift commemorating the abolishment of slavery of the American Negro people, which is why she has chains at her feet. It's a feature that points to why Lady Liberty was created and gifted to us in the first place. At her feet, where her robe drapes the ground, lay a broken shackle and chains—a symbol of the abolishment of slavery. That statue has nothing to do with immigration other than those who have abused it and the 14th Amendment known as "her descendants" of chattel property aka the land of the only true Birth Right Citizens of America in which that statue is meant for as a symbol of Freedom of America known as the Mercy of GOD. Once again that statute was never meant for immigrants but rather as a gift from France to commemorate the emancipation of American slaves. Before you lift your eyes to her torch of enlightenment, first pass them over the broken shackle and chains at her feet.” BTW Blacks nor Black Freemen are the American Negro lineages in America but rather our constant adversary and reminder of our bondage of slavery!
Come back home to eurepe
Well I have to agree even I'm from United States.
D'ordinaire on reprend pas les cadeaux mais c'est elle qui veut je la cite : " Se casser de ce pays de merde" Elle garde la table des lois , vous laisse le socle et vous propose sa torche bien enfoncer là où elle pense . Si vous nous croyait pas c'est ce qu'elle a dit aux guignols il y a huit ans . Vous avez internet , vous savez lire alors bougez vous le cul !
Idem la maison blanche qui est une copie d'un chateau français…..
The hatred of Europe for America… No, I wouldn't use such a strong term. Most people are disappointed at the US at the moment and, more importantly, we are a bit scared because the US has always protected us but now, apparently, it does not care about us anymore. Yet, we still watch a lot of American films, listen to American music, buy American products… We do not hate America and I daresay that most people would be extremely glad to return to the same situation we enjoyed for decades. Trump will not last forever, and I do hope that our mutual relations can be restored, somehow, in a few years
Don't let Trump dismantle it. He has a record with statues, like the historic Bonwit Teller friezes he promised to preserve for the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Yeah, in Germany we just need some innovative people! We just have place for Ingenieurs, Doctors etc. Think of it! Free school, no guns everywhere, Democracy, Liberty, and you can help us fight the right wingers. For now, Europe seems for better than the US!