Francis Rossi admits he’s not shed any tears for his Status Quo partner Rick Parfitt who died on Christmas Eve. But in an exclusive …
Francis Rossi admits he’s not shed any tears for his Status Quo partner Rick Parfitt who died on Christmas Eve. But in an exclusive …
Don't blame him I'm the same
I don’t expect him to burst into tears but show a little bit of respect….. it’s not rocket science
Sadly, the wrong Quo man passed first.
The fun they had is stronger than the tear that wasn't shed.
I shed a tear every time I see this clown. Black trousers, white socks and black shoes! What’s that all about?.
Stan Laurel never went to Oliver Hardy's funeral, he said Ollie would understand. Grief is personal
I think I respect Francis for his honesty with this one. It's just business and I think Rick Parfit probably knew that. I hadn't realised how unhealthy he was either which is why it's believable that Francis wouldn't have resusitated Rick. It sounds brutal and hard hearted but at least there's no pretence there. I appreciate that honesty.
He didn't cry when his parents died very strange indeed odd.
I fully understand Francis’ position. He has to get on with life, the best he can. Let him do it his way.
Fact: Rossi' s honest statement
That is bullshit! I saw him crying on camera!
Francis was jealous of Rick. Rick was so much more popular.
Legends guys and good songs thanks so much for the fans

Cheap and Cheerful Music. Don't be a Bummer. We knows best.
for me a guitarist can be see troughed what kind of men he is by looking at how he handles his guitar.
look how rossi put the guitar on the wall at the end… for me that says absolute everything. I do not wanna make someone angry or hurt somebody. justmy way to see things
That came across very fair he’s just a guy who doesn’t show his inner emotions which is fine with me .
3 settembre ROMA

GoOd boyy ,oh dear………….
Those guys rode dragons together. They have happy memories and that's why he doesn't cry.
I saw them what must have been in the beginning of the 2ooos in South-Germany, maybe around 2oo6. Rick was playing and literally falling over onwards, propped up on both of his hands with the guitar damgling in the air and got back in rocking position.
So Francis could have been right with his thesis of a little bit booze here and there.
Francis was a little bit steadier after all even declining Lemmys chrystal meth offerings. 
Every body has their own way of dealing with life and it's no one's business
15 giugno ROMA


13 febbraio Roma

12 febbraio Roma
6 febbraio Roma

abbraccio tutti squisiti dalla musica
27 Gennaio Roma
I admire him for standing by his principles.
Just to put what Rossi said into context, CPR, paramedics trying to get a heart restarted, can look like a pretty violent process. Ending up with broken ribs is not unheard of.
Long live status quo
please come more to the north west uk
The media desperately want hypocrisy. Francis wasn’t having any..
no questions about grief or missing him i think it's because he did not…Rick was a better man than him
Men don,t cry.
Traduction du titre en français svp.
Nothing like an honest asshole!
Good to hear someone being strong getting on with it and not be overly publicly emotional as is the modern way. Good on him