The DC Police Department is using social media to get the word out about their missing young girls – posting profiles of missing …
Muriel Bowser. Monkey of Washington DC.
If you just put it on mute , pop some popcorn and watch the monkey try to track down other monkeys. LOL its comedy! Look how cute that stupid monkey is.
Most of these children were either stolen or sold by their parents
I hate when they say when black young ladies Go Missing they always try to say it's because they ran away from home. so you're telling me that all these girls come from a broken back ground😏 why because there all black? so we automatically come from disfunction right😏 and it's been like 3 or 4 years since that white girl Sierra Lamar went missing and they still talking about her and looking for her😏 so its no way she could've ran away from home,😏 ok I guess..
somebody said on instagram they can go out and find Tom Brady's football Jersey but can't find all those missing girls.
this major is playing her part so she can keep her job and she say people can prey on them i still don't think they are looking for these kids they know where they are hoping that they can shut up the blacks people for asking
now these perverts want to make us believe they all ran away. foh
My people understand that little gets done in this country unless it affects, infects or prospers the white community. Just take the heroin, meth and pill addiction problems that they are facing today. Did we as melanin people have this outreach and prevention methods enacted when drug abuse ravaged our family structure? NO! We were criminalized and demonized.
all these black politicians,have a low key disdain for the black community.
she sucks
She talk like all those Kids had a meeting and decided to run away. She full of shit. How in hell she going to say they all ran away. That's some weak shit if tgey were at some family home that family member will call their home to let them know where they are. Home are not safe where the fuck she get that from.
I didn't notice any since of urgency in the mayor's voice at all. She's very matter of fact the kids haven't been kidnapped. How does she know this? She doesn't!!
I don't trust Mayor Bowser, her staff, or the DC Police Chief – who has dubious ties to James Alefantis. Read below:
How does she know that all of these kids ran away? This makes no sense, those babies need to be looked for and treated with urgency, this is so very sad, their families love them and want them back.
The CBC is asking Sessions to find the missing children. 😕 I don't think that will be fruitful at all. Sessions only seems to care about empowering the police and chasing marijuana users.
Listening to that worthless azz mayor is INFURIATING. There was NO urgency in her voice at all. Why do I get amber alert texts for three weeks straight for ONE white girl and ZERO for the missing black girls?
Regardless if they are run aways or not, they are minors and so an Amber alert should be activated. These streets aren't safe for anyone let alone a child!!! #finddckids
Thank you for covering reports that no other News Station should address, YOU ROCK! Roland
Thank God for Black social media!! It is the posting, reposting on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr that any attention is being brought to the forefront about these precious Black children.
So amber alerts don't work in these cases, because there is no foul play? my question is, how does she know it isn't foul play? Even if a kid runs away, each hour is vital and their lives are constantly in danger if they are not in the arms of loving parents or other family. When I was a teenage girl, I was a runaway, i know the dangers out there.
this woman is in on the what is going on. she is protecting someone. don't need you to believe anything. they need to do their job and search for these kids. now they are runaways. they are runways because they are black. how do you know they are runaways. did these missing youth call in and let you know they are about to run away. i am sickened by this womans report.
all have been found but 13. so r they runaways or being snatched? its not sounding right.
What about the missing white kids? Asian kids? Etc? Why do black people only CARE about ANYTHING when it's black? If you're gonna be companionate about things…it should apply to everyone. Does God see color???
25 missing in 1month but their runaways smh the lies they tell I doubt they're all runaways
this mayor is sorry as hell! she sounds programmed!
Sooooo since amber alerts are suppose to be done if there's foul play involved. So you mean to tell me these missing black girls doesn't have foul play? Roland Martin is right they don't look at black women like that!