In this harrowing film Sky’s Mark Stone witnesses the extraordinary rescue of hundreds of migrants off Libya’s coast. Shows …
God bless does who save lives
Africa should be under military leadership 😢
The poverty in Africa deserves such a risk
Then again every single person on that boat making that migration is stupid
Why are they all male?
One love❤
When rescue them need to send them back to Libya than there they can claim assilum! And they should get fine to pay because of illegal attempt of crossing border
very upsetting 💔💔
i dont want these people here but i dont like c ing this ..god bless them and keep them as save as u can.. amen
They breed fast and become problems in Europe
Shame to Africa president
This needs to stop😮
Less for the hotels
Who cares
Shouting to them will magically make them understand English 😂😂
Malettetti pollici siete responsabili delle vite umane malettetti. L'ira Dio. Sarà grande verso. Di. Tutti. Voi uomini all. Potere!!!!!
If those countries leading to libya would patrol their borders this wouldnt happen…
no one cares
Thats why they get fuckt up in the head and can not be a normal person when they come to Europe.. why do they have to come to Europe? There are surely other countries near their own that have better conditions than their home country.
Imagine the number of people living Africa to die. God have mercy.
That's so sad my heart goes out to these people
Regina Thomas president Ugandan Nigerians UN❤😂🎉😢😮😅😊
Heartbreaking 💔 to see all migrants escaping poverty and suffering from hunger 😢shame on their leaders not fair no human being should suffer from poverty and hunger
Ha hahaha ha
Их всех надо проверить на наличие заболеваний. Этим повезло ,что добрые люди спасли их детей и и жизни. Многие другие уходят на дно. Хотя-бы эти были благодарны. Но увы?
В исламе все другие люди неверные кафиры и многобожники.
Вот почему мусульмане все стремятся в чужие страны ? Потому что велит Аллах: "Не они к вам ,а вы идите к ним ,Аллах обещает вам обильную добычу ,которую вы захватите у неверных ".
They are not crossing to European, they are trying to get to America
If this is allowed to continue Europe is ruined
God bless the Life savers😢😢😢😢.
So young and beautiful😢😢😢.those pople.
What are babies doing here😢😢😢😢😢.
So sad thou😢😢😢😢.
As much sympathy I have for their horrendous conditions they are fleeing from what do they think they will achieve by going to Europe – a continent that frankly speaking does not want them or have any room for them – let alone any obligation to provide them with anything. Do they really just think that by putting their fit on European soil all their problems will disappear and that Europeans must sustain them. I think they are very naive and I wish somebody would do some campaing to deter them from trying.