James O’Brien has excoriated the state of British politics, following Elon Musk’s inflammatory attacks on Labour ministers …
Didn’t labour send party members to America to assist the Democrats
The far right tag is not working, as more and more people are voting for these so-called far right. Lenin allegedly called some on the liberal left useful idiots.
Elon Musk is absolutely far right and he recognizes that in that type of system he can be a leader and have unlimited power unlike you can get a democracy. That’s part of why he’s trying to change these Democratic nations into authoritarian nations, because as we see from Russia and Hungary, you can have an alleged democracythat is still run by dictators. And there’s many more examples of that.
Mump getting away with all they have has incited others inclined that way.
One kid in the classroom gets away with calling the teacher a name or two, before you know it, the teacher is completely ineffectual and maybe even experiencing physical assault. It takes a strong leader to walk in and regain control of the Classroom, but nobody seems to be stepping up…
If that happened, Mump and his friends would be banned from social media 😂😂
They don't care about victims, just about undermining women and promoting their own interests
They don't believe facts 😂😂
Come on!! This is war 101 – divide your allies so they can't rally against you. He's a liar, Mump are liars and let's not let America take the rest of the world down with it
Whatever they accuse others of, is what they are doing
Any person even mildly responsible for hurting British politics must be an angel …seeing how corrupt and immoral it has been for a long long time.
I think the UK US relationship has declined substantially despite the new US Ambassador being said to be a media guru. It doesn't help the American is funding our newly elected Government's political opposition either, and utilising those likely benefactors and shareholders in his conquest endeavours amidst the transition to Sharia Law BitCoin is Governed with. Interesting thing is the sudden interest by non Christians in some groups of Christians being led into opposing the Bitcoin the very same people intend to impose to personally gain the equivalent to commission. One way of getting investitures in the next phase of transitioning to a Social Credit Score system and become a Republic I suppose like some sort of breakaway society, or failsafe plan.
Musk is 100%correct. And the Gov knows it. Protected and promoted by gov and Toried
Whats Obrien done to protect children at least Musk has highlighted this when james Obrien wants to cover it up with his far left disgusting hypocrite
They were on board well before Musk. Don’t see a full blow cult in your government but plenty of white supremacists yelling about immigrants. Matthew 25:40. Learn from our mistakes.
The Elon Musks and Rupert Murdochs of this world NEED to be held accountable. Their far-reaching influence has gone unchecked for far too long.
Well said, James. More people should hear you.
Unfortunately, Musk paid a $5M fine & is now back in Brazil. He was kicked out of Brazil for spreading misinformation. Brazil will regret letting him back in. Why isn’t Britain kicking him out for the same reason. US won’t be able to rid itself of trump’s comrade.
Add None Of The Above Button to voting board, for leaders and another box to specify leaders, voters think are better.
Fully ban musk from entering all UK, regions for next 3.5 or 4 years. Ban political funding from musk and other US tech CEOs especially to political parties effective immediately. Issue an arrest warrant on arrival for Musk, as soon as or just in case, he arrives after his ban ends, for his salute and other degotary behaiour to many others. Change the laws for pardon, to limit pardon to 10 pardons in first years, and 50 pardons in 2nd and 100 pardons only in 3rd year. Make first year pardon to be only available, after 6 months of term completion by PM and make a test for PM of ethics and social conduct before he does each pardon,to sucessfully validate his morality and ethics. In addition, second term pardons should be having court assisted permission as well, to validate the pardons of 50 or more, in second term onwards where the court checks each pardon cases individually, before they ae allowed by court. Also, add in a law,to limit pardons in exit term last 2 weeks to 4 pardons only. In addition, add in a clause for history of cases check and another check of active cases check, for the PM, before each pardon is allowed to occur.
No James the country is being torn apart by radical Marxists like you and most of the hard left Labour Party
Election now, LABOUR OUT!!!
If tha matter wasn't true whe would have a case!
My BF son was murdered by a Turkish gang in Sweden. There is a video of them together 4 hours before the guy's death. They had even a name off the man but the Swedish police didn't investigate because "it wasn't related" . No one was ever charged.
I dont think it is ok for labour to sacrifice British women to get muslim votes.
Women will never vote Labour again for sure. And that is without mentioning the waspi scandal.
What a useless plant !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today is January 20th. Trump has taken office. He has also pushed his own crypto, then dumped it, causing (non-billionaire) investors to lose everything.
He continues to spread lies about the California wildfires, threatening to withhold funding.
Elon Musk got him elected.
It's probably too late for the U.S. Learn from our massive mistake before you let him destroy the U.K.
Don't you guys have agent 007
Irrelevant moment, much the same as your politically biased attempt at a radio show
LBC, so far left they're in danger of falling from their own platform
Our politics has not kept up with technology. I'm not sure we can put the genie back in the bottle. We need protections for our political systems
Scandal on the way.
On the nail J. O'B. Dangerous times. 😢
Starter and labour want to be globalists
Well get used to global opinions
Two sides to every coin
These crimes are still going on and relevant. Fact.
How many more Corp officers will we have to lose before we fix this broken health care system?
James..let’s see, I wonder what could it be…oh wait maybe $$$$$$$$$
The fact he's running the exact same playbook in the US and UK when there's dozens of other countries that need way more help that could benefit immensely from his money/input of infrastructure is the giant elephant in the room and we should all be very worried why he's trying so hard and whom hos influence really benefits (Russia)
If Stamer had dragged this into the light likr you spout IT WOULD NOT STILL BE HAPPENING WOULD IT and ALL those involved woukd be locked up.
O'Baldings' combover is going great guns😂😂
Elon is basically our Dictator – American Citizens
Musk is dangerous . He has bought trump. America 's democracy is dead. Please don't let it happen to the UK 😢
So let's get this clear…
They don't like immigrants but they're happy for a South African immigrant (illegal immigrant) to the us, to tell us what to do about things he knows nothing about, on his now worthless toy, twitter, which by all accounts, is being flooded with 'dodgy images'?
And now he and the giant Oompah Loompa, who is a convicted criminal and great friends with people who have demonstrably committed or been convicted of those crimes, want to make the UK and our Canadian siblings, american and some annoyingly loud and allegedly 'pay-triotic' British people who undoubtedly voted for Brexit, now want to cede full ownership and control of this country to a country on a completely different continent because drumpf and mush are going to be president for four years?
Yes. It's definitely the immigrants making this country worse.
All major media is capitulating to the fascists. This is crisis.
ultimately, James, there should've been strong and unequivocal condemnation against Musk's interference from the man who spear-heads British politics i.e. Starmer, but, he's too indifferent and far too passive to carry out such a bold task for fear of further damaging his already weakened relationship with the upcoming POTUS.
Sometimes the truth hurts. Starmer is guilty of covering up mass rapes and jailing people for free speach.
These are facts. He whipped his MP's to vote against a public enquiry to keep the truth covered up and there are numerous people in jail.
I'm not sure where you get your "facts" from. You are delusional.
Once you let Musk in you won't get rid of him till he collapses your country