US President Donald Trump has slammed Malcolm Turnbull on social media, calling the former Australian prime minister “a weak …
Trump The Toxic monumentally incompetent monumentally corrupt treasonous buffoon is an embarrassment to intelligence and descency. He's an idiot who is crashing the US economy as his cabal of complicit opportunistic equally treasonous trumpian Brown Shirt operatives dismantle the mechanisms of governance and reap chaos. America is going down the toilet courtesy of a poisonous egotistical narcissistic vulgarian
President Trump, please ignore this fool… The Australian people support you.
Trump ❤ ❤
Trump may have his faults, but he is upfront, transparent, and a born leader… Turnbull, on the other hand, is a misleading disappointment.
Australia is desperate need of a strong leader like Trump.
Malcom Turnbull had to give money to the Liberal party so they made him leader, thankyou Trump!!! 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺
Turdball went to war with everyone around him when he was prime minister, eventually being sacked by his own party for his bullying fascist style
As a Politician,Turnbull was hated by conservatives, we always thought he was in the wrong Party. His views do not reflect the majority of Australians and often undermines conservatives at every instance. Stick it to him President Trump. Turnbull deserves every criticism coming his way. He was nothing but a snake in the grass.
This creature thinks he's rules the world little news he don't
This is about Albo 😂
😂Turdbull. The bloke who spent billions on the NBN which is slower than some third world countries. 😂
Whatever our feelings about our own prime ministers, it's way out of line for him to be throwing shade like that.
Turncoat just needs to shut up and disappear into obscurity
Trump can't read….
Ha ha true and correct President Trump, Australia has only ever had lefty losers through out the years , actually really pathetic leaders
President Trump is right again. Worst Australian Prime Ministers were Whitlam, Keating, Turnbull, Rudd, Albo and Gillard. Nearly all of them are still causing Australia a lot of damage every time they open their mouths.
As an Australian I support his criticsm.
yes correct Donald
He got that right! Turnbull was/is a wolf in sheeps clothing. He's a failed socialist wannabe, tried twice to join Labor, but because he had no dealings with unions, they rejected him. He's a traitor
Much Respect for Mr. Trump👍🇦🇺
Australia are not exempt from the Usa tarrifs, America has a trading surpluss with Australia, Australia was first country in in any wars America stated and Trump still fu.ks us over .
Speaks truth. For a long time now, governments in Australia have only funded their own pockets. Each day that goes by, were being sold to elites and marxist government ideologies.
Turbull lost
Turnbull just a leftie crazy,bring us diwn should of kept his mouth shut.
Turbull anti American anti Queen,climate crazy.
Time to give pauline a run already. Only Aussie politician with a backbone.
Turnbull is a sore looser
We Aussies don't give a rats about what Donald thinks. He's a crook
Fkd the country from behind
All our boomer leaders since Rudd have been idiots..
Australia here 🇦🇺 The majority of us Aussies find Turncoat Turnbull insufferable- A complete flog – THUMBS UP 👍 Mr President ❤❤❤❤
Didn't Trumble make a similar mistake, prior to the first Trump Presidential win?
Much to the detriment of Australia?
Does he hate us?
I'm surprised how many of you guys are forgetting who the clown is here
Trump's comment is in retaliation to Turnbull's
Trump could've just ignored the comments of a previous PM and got back to 'running' his country, but his ego was too tickled to skip Tweeting back
Turnbull is right, Trump is an egocentric mouth with a god-complex
We love ya down under trump 💪👍🇦🇺🇺🇲
Its always been weak men running our beautiful country especially over the past 20 years
Old news…on yesterday's man…move on
Bullies only respect strength. Good on you Turnbull.
Actually Malcolm is one of the last few gentlemen left in that generation of leaders.
Malcolm turnbull did some poor things to our Country
Turnbull is a sleazy two faced second hand car salesman.
Donald knows from even as far away as the USA that Turnbull is a backsliding Weasley slime, it seems.
Question is ….. would Trump be stupid enough to sign on for “Snowy 2” ?
No chance
Australia is turning woke.
Badge of honour for Malcolm Turnbull, and I have no time for the Liberal Party generally.